Because Your University Should Affect Your Choice of Razor


Right-slap on the back of the current issue of UC Berkeley's California magazine is an ad for an officially licensed Cal Berkeley Gillette Fusion Power Razor. (That's the one with five blades for your most comfortable shave.)

Feeling nostalgic? Pick the right alma mater Gillette for you!

Damn. They're just giving those licenses away.

by Angela Natividad    Jul-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Magazine, Strange

What's That? It's a Phone Charger, Powered By My Mooooves.


European mobile carrier Orange has launched a phone charger powered by dance energy.

"The Orange Dance Charge is the result of months of research into alternate, sustainable energy sources to power mobile phones during summer music festivals," says the pressie with a straight face.

The unit was developed with help from GotWind, whose unfortunate name refers to renewable energy research, not the thing that happens when you pull Uncle's finger. The charger's system of weights and magnets provides an electrical current when a person flails about.

Orange Dance Charge was tested at the Glastonbury Festival last month. A promotional Dance Charging Man helped newbs charge phones in exchange for a dance.

Yeah, I've fallen for that one before. Just one dance, baby ... and I'll give you a charge, all right.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Cause, Events, Good, Mobile/Wireless, Packaging, Promotions, Strange

Philadelphia's 'The Weavers' Painfully Dull


As part of the Philadelphia Tourism campaign, Red Tettemer found (created) a bunch of geeky bike weavers and adopted them for inclusion in the campaign. For an excruciatingly boring experience, check out The Weavers here. Maybe there's some witty twist at the end of the video but after three minutes of outrageously geeky lameness, patience was expended and attention moved elsewhere.

Apparently, there's more to the tourism campaign which will, hopefully, redeem the boredom The Weavers have caused.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange, Worst

Scuba Diving Kitty Explained by HowStuffWorks


Just what is it with those Japanese who use guards to cram people into trains or those people with seemingly endless amounts of time on their hands with nothing better to do than...take their cat scuba diving? While these two new commercials for HowStuffWorks can't promise the site will explain why people do the strange things they do but they can definitely tell you how.

The campaign, created by Preston Kelly Inc. is a first for the site which was recently acquired by Discovery Communications six months ago.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange

2 Clever Ways to Drum Up Empathy for Female Genital Mutilation


- Hit the honeys where it hurts. Effort by the Association of Women Against Genital Mutilation.

- Stitch up a rosebud. Because where our ladyparts are concerned, we just love ourselves a flower pun. Effort by Amnesty International, variant ad at Copyranter.

Now that you've been primed, here's some reading on female circumcision. (Because while the image of a dirty blade in new panties might make my eyelid twitch, it doesn't really tell the whole story.)

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 9-08    
Topic: Cause, Guerilla, Magazine, Strange

Doogie Howser Endorses Old Spice


In the classic style of the make-believe doctor-style ad, former make-believe doctor Doogie Howser a.k.a. Neil Patrick Harris vamps soap opera-style for Old Spice Pro Strength Anti-Perspirant. In the commercial, he plays up the fact he used to be a fake doctor and that, combined with the fact one does not need a prescription for Old Spice, makes it prfectly OK for him to recommend it.

It's one of the better spoof-style commercial that's come along. Created by Wieden + Kennedy, the commercial is accompanied by print.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Commercials, Strange

Mathew McConaughey Intones Creepiness in Beef Spots


Defamer is obsessed with the new Matthew McConaughey-voiced radio spots for the National Cattleman's Beef Association. There certainly is something quirkily-alluring about the way McConaughey intones the spot and in an effort to visualize that, Defamer put together a video to accompany the spot. If you like McConaughey's hotness...and cow meat, you'll love this video. Be sure to appreciate the awkwardly-worded copy "Discover the power of protein in the land of lean beef," which paints a picture far different than what was likely intended.

by Steve Hall    Jul- 8-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Radio, Strange

PFEEZ! Counters Ebay FEES! with Free Promotion


A handy-dandy rule of thumb: avoid using a service whose name sounds exactly like "Fees!" (exclamation included).

PFEEZ! is a site that publishes "creative" photographs of stuff people are selling on Ebay. The lunatic at left, par exemple, is selling a very old Swiss 20-franc piece.

The site positions itself as "a totally bizarre photo/videoblog" that helps sellers "catch people's attention on curent Ebay sales (for FREE)."

If you're a seller on Ebay, you'll need all the help you can get. Guffaw.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 7-08    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Strange

Mad Men Hit Runway on Michael Kors' Dime ... and on Michael Kors' Models


Michael Kors just launched a Mad Men-inspired fashion line. Purchases over $350 come with a DVD of Mad Men season 1. (JWT must be stoked.)

"It's body-consciously sexy without being overtly sexual," said costume designer Janie Bryant. I do love the smell of pomade in the morning. But more importantly, fur is back.

More photos here. It's creative department douchebag meets Daft Punk! -- except without the awesome helmets.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 7-08    
Topic: Sponsorship, Strange

Just Another Orthodontics Ad, Taken for a Pimp


For some odd reason I thought the ad at left, which appeared in my Facebook, was offering me young adults with straight teeth.

The website isn't much clearer. (That is, if you can manage to ignore the glowing "Invisalign" logo at right.) Just spell it out, guys: we've got braces, get 'em while they're hot.

by Angela Natividad    Jul- 5-08    
Topic: Online, Strange