It's About How Things Get Done...Saatchi X-Style!


Well it's not the Subway video, except for the bookends which feature Exaggerated Ad Dude (Charlie Anderson), but it's still filled with enough bravado, though subdued, to cause ugly memories to rear their ugly head. In the video, Saatchi & Saatchi X employees describe a campiagn they did for Wal-Mart and Old Spice and why that project makes them worthy of additional and broader Old Spice work.

The ladies will love cute, unassuming Creative Guy. Until, sadly, he starts spouting blatherific business babble likely written for him by some account guy.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-08    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

Foot-Focused Moving Company Sponsors Severed Feet


When it comes to moving and moving companies, big trucks and cardboard boxes are the sort of imagery that usually come to mind. Severed feet washed ashore on a Canadian island is probably the last bit of imagery to cross one's mind when cogitating that topic. That is, unless you're a moving company called PutYourFeetUp and your ad banner happens, courtesy of oh-so-smart contextual advertising, to appear above a news story about...severed feet washing ashore on a Canadian island.

Thanks to Tom Hespos, who found it on Fark, for sending it in.

by Steve Hall    Jun-19-08    
Topic: Bad, Online, Strange

'Son, I'm Glad You Like Your New Phone, But Let's Discuss Your Window-Wanking.'


To promote the Secret touchscreen and 5-mp camera phone, LG puts it in the hands of a stalker who uses it to "interact" with a sleeping woman in another apartment. Wait for the part where he sighs, and the phone shakes, and the covers come off!

Engadget's take: "early-90s softcore voodoo porn." But it gets better. No promo porn is complete without the cheap comedic ending that makes everything feel safely commercial again. Well, unless you're P. Diddy.

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-19-08    
Topic: Brands, Promotions, Racy, Strange, Video, Worst

So THAT'S Why the Jack Always Feels Sticky.


Forget about cows, celebrities and good health. After watching this video for BC Dairy, you will never see poker the same way again.

"I have longed for your heart."

"I have longed for your spade!"

The online video debuted in tangent with Teen Power Team, a TV spot that parodies Team America: World Police and crime-fighting dolls in general. (I dig how there's a token Spanish-speaker. Those saucy Canadians!)

Expect more where those came from. All ads, however random, conclude with the same tidy moral: must drink more milk. Dot com.

And you probably expect this by now, but I'll say it anyway: the website lets you UPLOAD VIDEOS and WIN STUFF.

Put together by Bent Images Labs for DDB Canada in Vancouver and Tribal DDB Canada (for the digital stuff).

by Angela Natividad    Jun-18-08    
Topic: Commercials, Online, Spoofs, Strange, Television

BuddyFetch: For People that Just Can't Friend Fast Enough


This is sort of weird. Buddy Fetch brings Ask Jeeves to mind, except you're not seeking answers to abstract questions; you're seeking buddies.

The results can be just as amusing, though. We entered "writing, marketing, cats" in the search box. These were our results. But this was probably the top find of the day.

The system scans profiles across social networks, blog sites, Twitter and -- oddly enough -- AIM and Gchat. Results can be skewed by sex, age and webcam/mic access. A short profile of each user is listed, as well as their screen names across different media. (Invasive much?)

At left is a testimonial from the Buddy Fetch homepage that made us burst out laughing. Not sure why. Sometimes soul patches make us do that.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-17-08    
Topic: Online, Strange

Funerals Need Not Be Boring Says MyWonderfulLife


Who said funeral have to be boring, weepy events that continuously follow the same routine? Not MyWonderfulLife, a newish online funeral planning service where people can make their funeral wishes known ahead of time and make it easy for those left planning the funeral with guidance as to what kind of funeral the person prefers.

A new commercial celebrates this so-it-yourself approach making it clear anything can happen at a funeral.

by Steve Hall    Jun-17-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange

Heartburn Drug Sponsors Racing Sweepstakes! And There is Absolutely Nothing Wrong with That!


Prilosec, the "official frequent heartburn remedy of NASCAR," is sponsoring the Winner's Circle Sweepstakes. Entrants could win a free trip to Florida to watch the Ford 400 NASCAR Cup race.

Faint of heart? Hop in anyway, trooper. Hell, maybe Jeff Burton is, too.

by Angela Natividad    Jun-16-08    
Topic: Brands, Events, Promotions, Sponsorship, Strange

Guy Asks Girls to be Careful With His Nuts


Guy wants Drumstick. Girl wants Rolo Chocolate Cone. Other girl wants Arrow Chocolate Cone. Guy still wants Drumstick. Guy becomes drumstick. Girls eat him. Guy says, "easy on the nuts." What's not to love?

by Steve Hall    Jun-16-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Learn to Distinguish Between Storks. One of Them Isn't Carrying Children


Some storks bring you babies. But watch out for the one with the glasses; he's got nothing but pickles.

Publicis & Hal Riney/SF is helping to reposition reinvigorate pickle company Vlasic and its 34-year-old stork icon. The stork's personality was modeled off Groucho Marx and appears in current TV ads* as a quirky friend of the family. Vlasic's tagline was also changed to "That's the tastiest crunch I ever heard."

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by Angela Natividad    Jun-13-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Radio, Strange, Television

Comcast Retires Slowskys In Favor of Turbine Rabbit Thingy


Created by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and directed by Biscuit's Noam Murro, Comcast has ditched the Slowsky turrtles in favor of some hyped up, freaked out, genetically fucked with rabbit with jet turbines strapped on its back driven by an over-caffeinated kook all to,...ya know...illustrate how fast Comcast internet is. I like.

by Steve Hall    Jun-13-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange