Here's yet another entry in the long list of methods used to promote movies. To call attention to the DVD release of Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, Amsterdam agency New Message has placed a bunch of bloody, severed arms in front of movie theaters throughout the Netherlands. We're thinking those arms aren't going to be on the ground very long as people pick them up and take them home to freak their friends out with later.
Tell Reynolds they don't need to pull their print ads after all. A team at the University of Michigan waded through 50 years of research and concluded media violence is as hazardous as smoking.
Violent video games and television shows were targeted, with children more heavily influenced by what they see than adults, although women and men are equally likely to engage in violence they've seen in the media.
Well, hey. After our WoW sessions we've just got to grab a scimitar and kick some burly guy's ass. And don't even get us started on Heroes.
We're not sure this ad actually ran but nonetheless it's good in the way that frat boy pranks are good. Unless, of course, someone gets hurt which we hope no one did in the filming of this Sprite Zero commercial (spoof?) So, what do you get when you mix a peaceful couple sleeping in the back of a car with a few guys who get their hands on a giant snow making machine? A big ass snow storm, lots of screaming and a car that looses its footing.
Sounds like fun. In fact, I wish that's what we did back in the day instead of my friend opening up an air valve on a snow making pipe at Sugarloaf while my ear was next to it making me deaf in that ear until the next day.
This ad is for UbiSoft's RayMan. For reasons we don't understand, a burping bunny invades the real world and gets lazy couch-welded human beings to get off their asses and pour shaken carbonated drinks into their mouths.
It was on the front page of YouTube and we've watched it at least eight times already. This does not bode well for the future of the world.
Only in Singapore might you find a senior management video this square. Meet the heavy-hitters of Singapore's Media Development Authority.
With opening scratches that would make DJ Hi-Tek blush like a prude, the personal embarrassment generated by watching it is probably experienced tenfold by its participants -- in particular, the one dressed like Superman.
Steve's terrifically bewildered response: "Is it funny? Is it sad? Is this the new way to promote a country? Is it just the accents? Is it that Asians look just as out of place as white guys that rap?"
Speaking of Smirnoff's Tea Partay, where my WASPs at?
Japanese bra maker Maruko is getting witty in a new Asatsu-DK-created campaign that fixates on the bronski, the act of getting one's face smooshed between a pair of breasts. While certainly a pleasurable experience, the two guys in these two ads look more like they've endured a Holocaust camp than the pleasures of a big pair of soft, fleshy breasts.
This is certainly a new addition to the long list of quirky approached bra makers have taken to get their product noticed. Wonderbra has proven its ability to confine breasts in motion with a spoof of the Cadbury Gorilla commercial and the fact their push up bras make women's breasts so big they cause problems. Playtex has asked women to submit funny stories about their experiences with their bras. Vanity Fair has playfully used lighting tricks to cover the female nipple. Chantelle Push-Up bras push up more than just beasts.
Sloggi just bares as much ass as it can. Bravissimo gets people past the over D cup stigma with properly fitted F, G and GG bras. Hanes signed Ghost Whisperer star Jennifer Love Hewit, the only woman who is as equally obsessed about breasts as men are. Victoria's Secret has gone the route of glamorizing the bra to the point it deserves its own television spectacle. And U.K. bra company Shock Absorber created a website where people can go watch breasts bounce.
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We used to have a friend who, when trumped by life, would look up at the sky and say, "Sun, stop shining out of my ass; it burns." We thought this expression originated with him, but apparently Greenpeace has heard it too.
The spot promotes energy efficient light bulbs (do they stink like we now imagine them to?) and was put together by Park Village London for Escape Partners. Directed by Sven Harding.
We're not really sure what to say about this movie trailer for Teeth, aside from that it involves a gynecology appointment gone horribly awry and an INSATIABLE VAGINA FULL OF TEETH.
And really grotesque punning involving roses.
Imagination is a seriously fucked-up place. Props out to Candace from DC, who sent it to us.
We weren't really sure what we were expecting when we clicked on this link to check out the new campaign for Led Zeppellin's Mothership. But suddenly we heard some kinky Zep music and saw our personalized Google page get invaded by black and red dildos, which seemed to be growing.
With time we realized they were just Mothership dirigibles, which proceeded to blow holes through our portal. Uh, thanks, Zep. is helping Led Zeppellin fans take over the 'net, one site at a time. According to the pressie, "Over 100,000 sites have been Zeppelised so far." Well, that's only mildly disturbing.
Not cute. You mean we have to go through it twice? And apparently the second time around yields less pleasant fruit than the first time -- which generously bestowed us with about an inch in a half of boobage.
This is part of Philips' ongoing Shave Everywhere campaign.