If You Can't Shit Roses, At Least Shit Glitter


Here's a decadent delight. Adrants reader Candace pointed us to this story about the Gold Pill. Created by Tobias Wong and Ju$t Another Rich Kid, the pills increase your self worth and literally make your excrement sparkle -- all for just $425.

If you've got the money to burn and your self-worth to protect (with FLECKS OF GOLD IN PILL FORM!), you may as well wash it down with some Bling H2O. The Tang Dynasty -- or at least P. Diddy -- probably did worse.

by Angela Natividad    Dec-11-07    
Topic: Packaging, Strange

Racy Ads Are Best Viewed Privately


FishNChimps tells the hilarious story of how he dozed off on the train with the pages of his GQ magazine open to an ad for John White footwear which falls squarely into the category of "great to look at but not in a public place." Mid-doze, he awoke with a start that seemingly caught the attention of a woman reading the Evening Standard who did her best to politely conceal her chuckle behind the paper after seeing FishNChimps' embarrassment over having been caught with a lingerie-clad booty and a pendulous set of cleavage resting on his lap.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-11-07    
Topic: Magazine, Racy, Strange

Big Breasted Lingerie-Clad Girl Bounces For Chocolate


This commercial for a Japanese candy is more than a year old but it is so ridiculous we just have to share it with you. It's a pretty well known fact men (well, the straight ones at least) across the globe find it very pleasing to look at a pretty woman with big breasts wearing nothing but sexy underwear and a tiny bra. Even more so if the lady decides to jump up and down while bouncing uncontrollably in that tiny bra. Some countries are just more open than others when it comes to allowing that activity to be publicly displayed.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 6-07    
Topic: Commercials, Racy, Strange

Giant Ass Pisses in Beijing to Create Environmental Awareness


This campaign for the Chinese Greenfamily Youth Association of Environment Protection brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "squat and squirt." Created by Beijing-based Guangdong Advertising, this campaign calls attention to the plight of our polluted planet. Or, alternatively, Chinese people piss in public and they should stop that nasty habit. Whatever. Ass always gets noticed. Even if it is a completely un-bootyliciois, asexual one such as the one in this ad.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 5-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Racy, Strange

Kentucky Offers Jelly-Free, Unbridled Adventure


Perhaps pushing the interpretation a bit too far or perhaps not, Steve Wright, on the Brand Canada Blog, thinks Kentucky's adventure version of its new "Unbridled Spirit" logo connotes a certain type of adventure likely far from what was originally intended. Though it's safe to say a state whose abbreviation is KY has become quite used to this sort of analysis or is so oblivious to it it doesn't care.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 5-07    
Topic: Strange

Hasidic Jews Sing Village People's YMCA For HDTV Service


Here's something you don't see everyday. To support the launch of its new HDTV service, Israel's YES TV network with help from McCann Digital gathered together an army of Hasidic Jews to perfom the Village People's YMCA in the street. Perhaps it's just it's weirdness but we like it a lot.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Washington Monument Sports A Condom. Just Wait. It'll Happen


Just when you think every last bit of space has been commandeered by ads, another pops up. We know someday someone's going to offer to paint our house for free in exchange for placing a giant logo on the front of our house. And Kevin Dugan, in an article on his blog posits we may soon see the Washington Monument sheathed in a Durex condom, ads embedded in one's bodies so they appear on x-rays, ads painted in the bowl of a toilet (this one's a no brainer), ads on baby scales and ads on headstones in graveyards.

Think it won't happen? Did you ever think you'd see ads on the paper that covers the exam table in a doctor's office or on the front of snow plows?

by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-07    
Topic: Guerilla, Strange, Trends and Culture

Serial Killer Threats Win Best Viral at BIMA


Remember that one time we thought a serial killer was out to get us, but the threat turned out to be a customizable online promotion for Showtime's Dexter?

That promotion just won Best use of Viral Marketing at the BIMAs this year. Put together by Ralph & Co., London, it generated 300,000 unique Dexter emails and over 750,000 pageviews.

See the UK campaign, Ice Truck, or the US campaign, Slice of Life TV.

Gotta love a viral campaign that makes your friends feel like they're the targets of an unhinged, virtually un-catchable sociopath. We know it gave us a happy rise.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 3-07    
Topic: Industry Events, Online, Promotions, Strange, Viral

Is It Really That Hard to Take A Shit?


Apparently, the world is awash with people who can't pinch a good loaf. It seems there's a cork stuck in the asses of a lot of people out there which has made laxatives almost as commonplace as aspirin on drug store shelves.

We even have studies on the matter which claim, "Many people underestimated how often they strained. Overall, 32% of defecations in women and 22% of defecations in men were associated with straining to start and 15% and 9%, respectively, with straining to finish."

And analysis such as this: "Straining was to some extent related to stool type: the lumpier a stool, the more often it elicited straining. However, it seems likely that straining in some people is just a habit."

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 3-07    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Strange

Bank of America Goofs, Looks For New Media Shop



Bank of America promises it will show local commitment to Chicago...by bringing back the Sun-Times building.

- Trade magazine Restaurants & Institutions has created a list of the top ten best recalled restaurant ads.

- If you want ad banners, AdFresh has them. I thought we already had BannerBlog?

- Bank of America is on the hunt for a new media shop. Ad consultant Select Resources International will handle the review.

- Scotland actually paid money for it's new tourism tagline: Welcome to Scotland.

by Steve Hall    Nov-30-07    
Topic: Strange