G4TV Pushes Ninja Show with Playground Pastime


G4TV just kicked off a promotional campaign for a show called Ninja Warriors, which is supposed to be really hot in Japan (where it is called Sasuke).

Entitled Rock Paper Scissors, the spot allegedly features actual Shaolin monks. We seriously doubt that because Shaolin monks don't douche around on game show ads; they sit in stone temples and crush bone with their minds. Anyway, the spots are very Kill Bill meets Bud Light.

72andSunny did the work, and there are three more videos to anticipate, slated for April's end - which would be about nowish.

Didn't ninjas go extinct in 2006?

by Angela Natividad    Apr-17-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange, Television

Carnivorous Eyeball Draws Gen Y to High Culture


The under-25 demographic can't be talked into a museum unless they're enticed with weird imagery, like clawed eyeballs that eat things and violently relieve themselves.

Thus advised by agency Bailey Gardiner, the Museum of Contemporary Arts San Diego launches Feed the Greedy Organ, a mishmash exhibit of international artists. There's a nifty film component and a Thursday Night Thing where deejays and eclectics can gather 'round and prep for the pompous cocktail parties of tomorrow.

And because they need still more coaxing to get their asses through the doors, museum entry is free for anybody under 25, courtesy of QUALCOMM.

Thankfully the campaign seems to be working. In its first month the program's redemption rate has already tripled. Not that it quite means anything over the short-term considering admission is free, but maybe today's jeunesse will become tomorrow's nostalgic loyalists: Honey, let's swing by the museum. They used to have this awesome man-eating eye...

by Angela Natividad    Apr-16-07    
Topic: Good, Promotions, Strange

CN Does OJ, Quiznos Spoofed, Burn Back Updates, Salma's Boobs Sell


- If this were done, say, ten years ago, it might have been funny.

- ytmnd has a bit of fun with the Quiznos "real meat" girl.

- There's more to ihaveanidea's Portfolio Night. There's the second single, part two of the documentary and a newish website.

- The fasion industry now has a technology that will allow people to find the perfect brands that fit them by scanning their bodies and creating a holographic image.

- If you market mattresses, you might like this one.

- In its 11th year, the Web Marketing Association has opened its call for entries for its WebAward competition in which entries are judge based on design, innovation, content, use of technology, interactivity, copywriting and ease of use.

- Salma Hayek's breasts sell Campari.

by Steve Hall    Apr-16-07    
Topic: Cable, Commercials, Industry Events, Spoofs, Strange

Dave the Slave Pushes Poet-Penned Pots


If you can find a character and a compelling story to endears your brand to the target audience, more power to you. The soul of Ronald McDonald smiles down.

Apparently Dave the Slave was a slave potter from the 1800s who learned to read and write in secret. You can get some of his signed -- or in some lucky cases, poetry-inscribed -- pottery at Mud Sweat and Tears.

What a way to brand. If he actually existed, he doubtless took up the catchy moniker to make himself more marketable to Web 2.0-savvy internet consumers who flock to cutesy names like Twitter and Joost. Or if we're talking icons, Ronald McDonald and Geico Gecko.

We could use a heart-rending illustration, though. What's a brand representative without a face?

by Angela Natividad    Apr-16-07    
Topic: Packaging, Strange

Philips Bluetooth Headphones Point to Pitfalls of Dancing In Underwear


While it's quite common to see people disappearing into their own world while attached to their mp3 player and busting dance moves they'd never do if they knew people were watching, we're pretty sure most don't strip while doing so. Unless. of course, they're the Sixteen Candles Geekish type like the guy in this video touting the beauty of Philips Bluetooth headphones which simultaneously connect to your mp3 play and your phone. Created by Isobar and Lukien, the video illustrates why it's best to pay at least a tiny bit of attention to your surroundings. It's also a brilliant demonstration of the product's feature.

by Steve Hall    Apr-12-07    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Riffing Snickers Kiss, More Incestuous Thought From MTV Canada


Forget the Snickers Kiss. That's been one upped by a Canadian MTV don't do drugs commercial created by Saatchi & Saatchi Toronto which, yes, has two guys kiss each other. Kinda like the recent Axe backwards commercial, this one delves into the realm of incestual nastiness. Ew. But funny. Really, it is.

by Steve Hall    Apr-11-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Gatorade Gets Into Sidney Crosby, Lets Us Come Too


Gatorade presents us with the What's Inside campaign starring the NHL's Sidney Crosby. The Canada-based run includes video game stylistics and surreal Hollywood visual effects. The object is to go on pushing their longtime "Is it in you?" position which always brought Alien, and not sports drinks, to mind.

We're a little surprised by what the inside of somebody's mind actually looks like. Under the impression it would be murky and labyrinthine, Crosby's head is a lot more like, well, a spaceship.

With decision-making opportunities and the occasional dreamy childhood flashback, the site is trippy and occasionally eerie, but then again we're easily shaken after a Goatse attack. We only wish we had a bit more back-end control over the hockey star, who makes for rather nice eye candy. Credit goes out to Canada's Tribal DDB.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Online, Strange

Breath Freshener Associated With Farting. Yes, We Have No Idea Either


OK, This is guaranteed to make you laugh. Bathroom humors always does. Oh, don't pretend you think fart jokes aren't are funny. We're not believing it for one second. We are biologically programmed to laugh at this stuff. Though each one of us has seen fart jokes delivered in every way imaginable, we still laugh at them no matter how they come. This one, though, is truly a classic. For some reason, Air Vigorsol wants us to associate its Air Action Vigosol breathe freshener with...get ready for it...a farting squirrel chipmunk who saves the forest from fire. Squirrels Chipmunks? Power farts? Breath freshener? Oh how some marketer's minds work. Winter has come.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Axe Gets Creepy With Incestual Thoughts


Now here's an Axe commercial that turns things completely upside down and goes all icky on us. Everyone knows wearing Axe body spray attracts females by the millions. What we didn't know is that huffing the stuff can cause some very odd and awkward behavior. This is one of those situations you hope you're never in. Unless, of course, she's your step sister or something like that. BBH created and HSI produced.

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

ihaveanidea's Portfolio Night Goes on World Tour


Complete with full blown faux rock band returning after a 25 year absence, behind the scenes-style video and a "hit single," the folks over at ihaveanidea are promoting their upcoming Portfolio Night in style. The band, Burn Back, was popular back in the day but disappeared because they "weren't getting enough respect." Now, they're back to help push the organization's annual world-wide portfolio review during which top creative directors the word over will review the portfolios of aspiring creatives eager to get into advertising. It all happens May 3rd in 28 cities across the globe. Get your portfolios ready people!

by Steve Hall    Apr-10-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Online, Promotions, Strange, Video