You know those people with gray hair and wrinkles? Come on, you know who we're talking about! It's not like they're just inconsequential bumps on a log. They're the elderly! They're your grandparents! They've been through a lot of shit and they deserve your respect and attention. Which, apparently, is the goal of this PSA.
But, sadly, all this ad seems to accomplish is to cement the notion that young people, once and for all, are just bothersome idiots.
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My how far we've come since the Million Dollar Homepage. Carl and Amy Martin, along with their two children Layne and Kaitlyn, are selling themselves to advertisers. The family has launched The Billboard Family, an offering that allows advertisers to own the Martin's lives.
For advertisers who buy in, the Martin family will wear a brand's t-shirt "all day long, taking loads of photos and videos. We then promote your company online on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and our Website, as well as to all of the many people who ask us why we are all wearing the same shirts."
And like others of its ilk, the cost for a brand to participate increases as the year goes on. No brand has bought in yet but stranger things have happened.
It's one thing for a guy to sell his wardrobe or his forehead or hot chick to sell her body but for a family to sell themselves...and their kids. We're just not sure about this one.
This is hilarious. Two years ago, we wrote about an ad for New York Fries created by Toronto's Zig which featured a woman with large, fake breasts. The ad, which compared New York Fries to fake breasts, carried the tagline, "Real Fries in A Fake World" and made the argument New York Fires are better because they are real.
The ad has popped up on eBay and is or sale. Yes, someone is actually trying to sell the ad. For $7.99. Plus $3.50 shipping.
Which is really, really funny. Because the ad can be found anywhere online. And right here on Adrants.
Thanks to Copyranter who subjected us to watching a less than tight ass wobble for twenty slow motion...after having been kicked by a Diesel sneaker, we have no choice but to share the jiggle with you. If only to help remove the imagery from our mind.
that said, you've got to love a brand that comes right out and says what it's products are good for. In this case, Deisel's sneakers are no good for running. But they are very good for kicking asses.
For more ass kicking, see Diesel's giant sneaker on wheels kick a giant ass on wheels.
Be Stupid. Be Very, Very Stupid.
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There just really not much to say about this Diesel sneaker commercial which has a giant sneaker chasing a giant ass around until it corners the ass and shoves itself up the ass's crack. But this is how we sell sneakers today. Though in Diesel's case, it's right on brief because, well, the brand just wants you to Be Stupid.
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Ever get up in the middle of the night to have a little snack and end up making so much noise you wake up your partner? Well the guy in this Frosty Jacks Cider commercial makes a lot of noise, wakes up his lady and ends up accidentally sitting down on something not quite designed to say upon.
Of course, it being the middle of the night, the item sat upon might just become a bit of a toy if the couple turn out to be adventuresome.
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As you may have heard, Eric Proulx made a wonderful movie called Lemonade: The Movie. I had the pleasure of being one of 16 people featured in the film which told the stories of people who had been laid off, the trials and tribulations they went through and the new directions and successes they found.
Well, along comes The Apprentice. This year, the show is going back to its roots. Leaving behind the celebrity idiocy, the show will, again, focus on unknowns who were laid off during the recession and are currently trying to make a go of it. The promotional clip for this year's show is eerily similar to Lemonade: The Movie.
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- Philips has released a romantic comedy called Nigel & Victoria. The first three episodes are on YouTube.
- Ladies with iPhones, want bigger boobs? Check out the iAugment app from Dr. Kinsley. Upload your photo and then choose your implant size to see what you'll look like.
- The Lingerie Football League is coming to MTV2.
- Intimate Interactive is now following us on Twitter. Intimate Interactive? Seriously? Is that like an interactive agency for lingerie clients?
- Well here's an interesting way to sell cars.
So Summer's Eve runs an ad in Woman's Day offering women eight steps to take when asking for a raise and all hell breaks loose. Why? Because the first step is to make sure you use Summer's Eve Feminine Wash before you make the request.
Oh yes, people. We can't talk about "down there." On no. That area is strictly taboo. It's OK to tell people to take a shower, use good soap, style your hair properly, wear the right jewelery, be sure your skirt isn't too short, your heels too high, your cleavage overexposed. To be sure your shoes are properly polished, your deodorant appropriately scented, your posture professional, your handshake firm and your breath as fresh as a rose.
But to inform a woman, who may very well need what a feminine wash can provide, she might want to consider making sure THAT area is as fresh as all her others is a travesty. A blight against women. A disgrace. And an objectification of the entire female species as nothing more than a sweet smelling receptacle for the urgency of men.
Hey, did you expect anything other than a contrarian point of view from us?
So Lionel Richie. Remember him? The eighties pop star whose claim to fame was giving birth to Nicole Richie? Oh wait, he did have a few hit songs along the way so we guess he accomplished a thing or two. Anyway, he stars in a new AMV BBDO-created UK commercial for Walkers. Richie croons a hyper-annoying version of his Say You, Say Me eighties hit until he gets thrown out of the grocery store by Walkers pitchman Gary Lineker.
Hey, we could crap on Richie for appearing in such an ad but it's actually done quite well. After all, he does get thrown out the window at the end which is what any self-respecting person would do if accosted by an eighties pop star in the middle of a grocery run.
And seriously, can you really fault a guy for having a bit of fun and making some money along the way?
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