Mini-Skirt, Bikini, Rubber Duck, Giant Pencil Sell...Something


Thank God for Flickr because without it, we wouldn't have these WTF-inducing advertising images catching our eye as we scroll hundreds of ad images every day. This one, apparently for some king of orange juice (?), features a kid with a giant pencil, a bikinied woman straddling a rubber duck (read what you will into that) and an impossibly leggy woman with an impossibly short (OK, we've seen shorter) mini-skirt and an impossibly long knife...nest to an orange. Whatever.

And yes, we're sure it all would make perfect sense if we could read the language the ads were written. But, then, what fun would that be?

by Steve Hall    Jan-10-08    
Topic: Strange

HoneyShed Gets Weird Again in New Video Series


HoneyShed, that Droga5-created, brand-as-content site has some new videos out that are floating around YouTube. As whacky as the originals, these videos feature iPod silhouette-like female figures gyrating while HoneyShed voice mails are played, a woman in her underwear frolicking on a carpet with puppies, that weird Filipino martial arts dude Weng Weng and two women doing...well, we have no front of a skyline. Some truly drug-induced creativity we must say.

by Steve Hall    Jan-10-08    
Topic: Good, Strange, Video

Jet's Pizza Lets You Have Your Cake With Just Deserts


Ever had that annoying co-worker or that pompous boss of yours walk into the lunch room and ask you for a slice of your pizza without the smallest hint of thanks or appreciation? You know you have and while you'd love to stand up and punch the crap out of these insensitive losers, you'd also like to keep your job. Thanks to Jet's Bold Fold Pizza, now you can have your cake (pizza) and eat it too. And leave the lunch room knowing these idiots will get their just deserts.

By the way, just what the hell does "you can't have your cake and eat it too" really mean? If you have a cake, of course you're going to eat it. And what the fuck is up with "just deserts" taking on the meaning of getting what one deserves? Just who makes up these wacky phrases?

by Steve Hall    Jan- 9-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Specialty, Strange

Contextual Advertising Adds Color to Matching Smarts


We all know contextual advertising has it's ups and downs. Well, mostly downs. At least here on Adrants. We've had Do we really need killer values from supermarkets offered next to articles about Amish killings. We've had turpentine ads next to bits about a teen drinking turpentine to abort a pregnancy. We've had Anna Nicole Smith's dead son put up for sale. And we've had "card shark" credit card copy next to an article about a woman killed by a shark.

So it's refreshing to see, thanks to Adrants reader Sarah, contextual advertising progress to the point where it can now match not only contextual messaging but, in some sort of new fashion fixation, match colors...and the need for new hair. In this case, we have a story featuring a balding prisoner in orange prison garb and an ad seemingly sympathetic to the prisoner's hair-challenged status. So sympathetic that the model in the ad is also wearing an orange shirt as if to say, "I identify with you man. Don't worry. We have hair for you here on the outside."

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-08    
Topic: Online, Strange

Hair the New Currency for McDonald's NHL Hockey Cards


Ew. I mean really. Hair swapping? That's just gross! But it's funny too. In this quirky McDonald's spot created by Toronto's Cossette and directed by OPC's Brian Lee Hughes, two guys negotiate for an NHL hokey card in s way that isn't normally a McDonald's...or in a sports bar...or anywhere for that matter. Oh what men will do for their sons and for their vanity.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Penn Farm Show Promotes Wares with Butter Bus


Butter is important.

What, you don't believe us? You clearly don't live in Pennsylvania, where it serves as a crucial vehicle for grade school transportation.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 8-08    
Topic: Events, Promotions, Strange

Stripping Knight Promotes Budget Pizza. (Huh?)


This Round Table ad by WONGDOODY has a stripping knight in it. It's not as exciting as it sounds, but it's probably funny as hell when you're high. (Then again, so is this.)

The ad is for Big Vinnie, a New York-style pizza for the budget-conscious. (But who's gonna remember that?!)

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 7-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Promotions, Strange, Television

Uh ... 'Scampi' is a Five-Letter Word, Too


The chief creative officer of Euro RSCG, Chicago gets gushy about five-letter words as part of a promotional campaign for Effen Vodka.

Got a lot of time on your hands? Download the campaign PDF. Never mind the "naughty" aspect; the number of adjectives alone made us blush. (And that's saying a lot.)

As the self-proclaimed experts on reviewing racy advertising, we think the word "Effen" is about as randy as a kid calling his uncle an "a-hole" in an uncontrollable fit of rage.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 7-08    
Topic: Packaging, Poster, Strange

ABC's 'Lost' Launches Yet Another Alternate Reality Game


There is just way too much complexity to ABC's Lost and everything that goes with it to actually attempt to describe and explain everything. However, while trolling Flickr, we found some images of billboards for Oceanic Airlines, the name of the airline that is featured in the series. A new alternate reality game, Find815, has been launched which features videos of a person, Sam Thomas, who is supposed to work for Oceanic and whose girlfriend Sonya was one of the flight attendants.

You have to be really obsessive about the show to like this sort of thing but we spent some time with it and found it to be quite interesting and comprehensive. So that you can all start where we did, here's the link to one of the billboard photos on Flickr. They are actual billboards which appear in seven American cities, Seoul, South Korea and Sydney Australia. Here's a link to a very minimal press release. And here's a link to a blog that appears to be tracking or is part of the campaign itself. Have fun.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 4-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Video

Returning Soldiers Urged to Buy Breast Implants


Before Flickr, we'd actually have to get off our asses and travel the globe in search of interesting advertising. No longer. Now we can just sit on our ass and scroll through hundreds of ad-related images provided by budding photographers who love advertising. Here we have an ad for breast implants which Flickr user poecile05 thought was oddly placed.

He writes, "A billboard seen in the middle of nowhere between Morongo Valley and 29 Palms. I stopped the car, scratched my head, and snapped a photo. We finally decided the target demographic must be soldiers on their way to and from the many military installations in the desert?"

Yes, indeed. After defending your country, don't expect a parade but do be ready to open up your wallet and get your lady a nice set of 34DDD's. Whacked.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 4-08    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange