- I thought this Meth Minute video would be a wacky cartoon about abusing methamphetamines. But it was just a reel of complaint calls.
- Oprah's Angel Network and Free the Children have formed the O Ambassadors project, which "encourages young leaders to dream."
- MoveOn wages war against Pastor John Hagee, who said Adolf Hitler was a God-sent hunter of Jews. Hagee is one of McCain's "key backers," and McCain is currently MoveOn's pet project.
- Chevy considers how impractical a dancing car would be.
- Yahoo offers an under-the-table paid program where you provide the description ad copy for the ORGANIC RESULTS of your website. And it'll only cost you TWENTY CENTS per click. This is because Yahoo's spiders might fail to properly process your SEO efforts. Little wonder Jolie O'Dell calls it "frikkin criminal." (We second the motion.)
- Seattle agency Wexley School for Girls gets some nice press in Business Week from Jon Fine who visited the agency and shared his thoughts about its work and approach to marketing.
- Apparently, Donnie Deutsch is pulling a Tom Cruise. In an interview with The Observer, Donnie strips off his shirt and announces he may someday run for Mayor.
- Headvertising, Boobvertising and other forms of human advertising are passe. Now, it's all about prosthetics.
- Gawker provides five reasons why Donny Deutsch should win the Douchebag of the Year Award.
- Ad Age: "William Morris, Media Execs Create 'Agency 3.0'" Oh please.
The Community Design Center of Pittsburgh, a "non-profit organization that improves the quality of life by encouraging good design of the built environment," ran an ad for last weekend's Pedal Pittsburgh fundraising event. The ad places Pittsburgh's four most noticeable buildings, USX Tower, One Mellon Place, PPG Place and One Oxford Center, atop a bicycle tire.
The juxtaposition of the skyline and the bicycle tire makes sense but one really has to wonder how, throughout the entire campaign development process, no one raised the possibility someone might look at this ad and ask, "Why are the placing Pittsburgh on a tire where it will be destroyed as soon as the tire turns?"
Back in January, after viewing a crop of really weird McDonald's commercial from DDB Stockholm, I wrote, "OMFG! WTF? We don't know what drugs they use over in Sweden but, damn, we want some now! Or at least we want to know what goes on inside the minds of DDB Stockholm Copywriter Magnus Jacobsson and Art Director Frederik Simonsson who created these three off-the-charts whacked ads for McDonald's."
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My pal Ariel Waldman over at Shake Well Before Use found this ad for Travel Alberta in San Francisco's MUNI (subway) stations which ask the question, "Who knew blogging was so popular 3,000 years ago?" to which Ariel posits, "Apparently, Canadians believe blogging stands for stone-logging." Hmm.
Back in the day, if you wanted a ride home from college for the holidays, you'd slap up your request up on a bulletin board somewhere around campus or check that same billboard for those already heading in your direction. That's "so yesterday" as one Disney pop starlet used to sing. Now, we have Web2.0-friendly PickupPal.
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Somewhere in the bowels of my memory is a man with a 'fro, a soothing voice and a paintbrush. As a kid I watched him on TV, mesmerized as he effortlessly whispered magic onto his canvas.
Right about now, though, I'm wondering whether those gripping pastures and endless telephone lines were not actually thinly-veiled and mildly traumatic messages about ethnic cleansing.
I like how at the end he gets all sinister and hisses, "We're almost done here, aren't we? No. It's never done."
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Hmm. Apparently we don't need awards shows any more. This "spycam" video catches famed UK creatives BBH's Rosie Arnold, TBWA's Steve Henry, BBH's Sir John Hegarty, M&C Saatchi's Tiger Savage and others shopping the Berwick Street Market in Soho, London for their own D&AD Pencils. Ah ha. So that's how so many awards find their way to the shelves of creative's offices the world over.
This Dibs commercial depicts the giant lollipop's fall from grace. It starts out a snack food, becomes a hair remover, and ultimately ends life as blender fodder. Its sad descent is meant to highlight Dibs' desirability.
The ad also includes guest appearances from the "Will It Blend?" guy and some dude from ER.
Steve loves likes this spot (albeit under the gentle influence of vodka and caffeine). I feel sort of nauseous: I'm at a cafe, and there are blenders, and something in the air really does smell like hairy lollipop smoke. But maybe that's just burnt coffee.
Tearing a page out of Dell's playbook, Mazda's latest spot features sinister robotic women with a minimalist sense of style. Watch as they pursue a cherry-red Mazda 3 with hive mind perseverance, then attack it with off-white paint.
The car sits a moment, bathed in the colour of hotel linens, then scrapes to a start and washes the world in red -- including its (possibly Vicodin-dazed) antagonists. The premise is to fight conformity ... but it looks like one monochrome universe just makes way for another.
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