We love a guy that's man enough to kiss his own ring, shortly before molesting an empty dance floor with the old-school running man.
Except in this 1989 revisionist history piece for Utah Saints' Something Good '08 (produced by Between the Eyes, London and Sleeper, LA), the running man is new-school, and MC Hammer's a gangster on the market for moves. Guess who he steals his trademark shake from? -- a white guy in Cardiff! Of course.
No word from the good reverend on where he managed to score those sassy genie pants, though.
K-What? I'm sorry, I know you want me to look at your logo and go visit your website but I just can't take my eyes of that figure of perfection lying on the tennis court as if she's channeling Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan and wants it...NEEDS it really, really badly!
I've been locked away writing about advertising way too long. Had I known female tennis players dressed like this and teased the spectators between matches I'd have GIVEN Adrants away long ago and signed up to be a ball boy.
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Here's another weird Coke Zero spot that elaborates on Coke's newfound fixation with body parts. (If you're all "huh?", see the Brazilian tongue spot we covered yesterday.) Just so you know -- if Coke Zero collaborates in ANY WAY with The Vagina Monologues, we're going on strike.
It's in English this time, so hurrah. The characters: a statuesque Coke Zero (sort of like a golden calf), an ornery French eyeball, a bull-headed British tongue and a pothead Californian finger.
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We were going to leave this one alone but since it's beginning to appear in a few places, we feel it's necessary to cover (with facts, no less). So, here goes. We received an email earlier this week suggesting a recent Carl's Jr. Chili Cheeseburger commercial which aired during the Oscars was quite similar to a video, Knight School, that "aired" in 2005.
The creators of the Knight School video, TouchBlue, claim the creators of the Carl's Jr. spot, Mendelsohn Zien Advertising, stole their idea. And so the classic copy cat story was born.
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Coke Zero's throwing weight behind tongue-piercing parlors in Brazil. Seriously.
Shops in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre and Salvador are giving free piercings to people that agree to take a picture with a fresh new Coke Zero stud. Coke's calling the concept advertasting. (Not to be confused with this.)
See TV spot with talking tongues that for some reason are bitching out a bewildered-looking eyeball with legs. It (hopefully) helps if you speak Portuguese. The shop responsible: Espalhe Marketing de Guerrilha.
Arg! Get a load of this print ad for the Travel Channel.
And gross! Watch the spot with the cow heart vending machine.
The funny thing is, something about the slogan -- "One man's weird is another man's wonderful" -- makes us hungry.
The spots were composed by the very weird, slightly wonderful Moroch.
What? The guys over at Ripe Digital are fast! No sooner do we share the 'fact' rap is one of the top ten ways to get your online video to go viral do we receive this raptastic expression of love for the almighty monetized content syndication. Entitled Ripe Revolution, this video turns the media negotiation process into what it truly is: a drug deal between buyer and seller.
It's a bit cheesy but if you've ever been to a trade show and heard the actual human beings that do this sort of thing, it's a pretty accurate representation. Don't miss the shout outs to the agencies at the end of the video.
"Watching anything but DIRECTV? Now, that would be painful," croons the Misery antagonist with a trademark psychotic expression.
Brrr. Oddly though, we'd pick an Annie revival over a sad dancing Colonel or a necromanced Orville Redenbacher.
The ad was put together by Deutsch, LA.
Oh. OK. Now we get it. The Renault Espace is soooooooooooooooo spacious it takes 70 years to to climb into it and enjoy all it has to offer before exiting. WTF? So, in 70 years we are to believe the car hasn't changed at all from exposure to the elements? The trees haven't grown at all? The condition of the road hasn't changed?
Please. Tell us we are completely misunderstanding this commercial and there's a joke we aren't getting because if we have it right, it's one of the lamest ads we've ever seen. Unless, of course, it's local Italian (where the ad cam from) humor escapes our admittedly lame, very unworldly American sensibilities.
To a fault, even. More here and here.
We've got no idea what No Nice! is. But based on the occasional martini accompanying the brand, we figure -- hope, at least -- it can get you drunk.
The, uh, campaign went down in Rome, Milan and Turin, Italy. The brand: No Nice. The "branded" vehicles: dirty cars parked on the streets.