Idiot NBC Execs Remove YouTube Content Then Release Themselves


Completely misunderstanding current culture, NBC, after forcing YouTube to remove several Saturday Night Live clips, has re-released on the very same clips it said should not have been freely distributed. Explaining the twisted brilliance of the move, NBC VP of Interactive Stephen Andrade said, "We were concerned about building their corporation instead of ours since it's our video. We would like to make it as easy for people to share as we can, so we're trying to provide as many tools as we can to do that." Gee, if we were, we'd be more than happy for YouTube and everyone else to suffer the bandwidth and infrastructure costs to freely publicize our content.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-10-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Opinion, Strange, Television

Pointlessness Is The Point of Monty Python 'Silly Walk Generator'


This is just weird and pointless. But, then again, that's the whole point when it comes to Mony Python. Oh, the thing is supposed to promote Monty Python's Personal Best DVD release.

by Steve Hall    Mar-10-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

Sex Dolls Used to Stop Mexican Men Treating Women Like Sex Dolls


John Brock points us to a story about a recently launched Mexican television campaign from the National Women's Institute which portrays blow up sex dolls as office workers to somehow get men to stop treating women like sex dolls. Somehow, we just think this reinforces the stereotype.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-06    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Strange

Panda Delivers Party Invite to Toronto Ad Agencies


To promote a Toronto ad industry party hosted by First Light and ihaveanidea, an ad dude dressed up in a panda suit, visited Toronto ad agencies, handed out invites, acted goofy and flirted with ad babes. This is definitely better than the typical 3D mailer. Give the video a look as he visits Toronto's TAXI and Bensimon Byrne. See him tell the graphic artists to "mock that up! Lay that out!" And don't miss Panda's "future wife" who is...well...we've already said "babe" once so I guess we'll have to say hot. Yea hot. That a good descriptor.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Industry Events, Strange

Yes! It's Another Movie Trailer-Style Ad!


We think we like this. The girl's hot. The guy's hot. The ad sounds good follows the movie trailer format! All to promote the new Sony Bravia TV. It's just weird enough to be good. It was created by McKinney. Watch it (slow site) and tell us what you think.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 7-06    
Topic: Commercials, Strange, Television

Coke Viral Says 'I Am The Mouth'


We're told this is a viral effort from Coke. It's a video called The Mouth which shows a bunch of guys (agency creatives goofing off perhaps?) talking into their video camera phones while pointing their phone at another camera to capture it all. The video ends with a product shot of Coke and a guy drinking a bottle of Coke while filming himself doing so. Weird. But weird usually works. Pointless does too. In fact, this could easily be swapped out for a cell phone company promoting its video cam. The video, posted on YouTube March 2, now, as of March 5, has 16,000 views. Hardly network television numbers but we'll watch where it goes.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-06    
Topic: Brands, Good, Mobile/Wireless, Online, Strange, Viral

Agency Exec Does Voiceover Work For Client's Competitor


A tipster tells us Bill Westbrook, who just rejoined Fallon as Vice Chairman does the voiceover work for Wachovia's TV ads. A side job like that is all well and good except, perhaps, when a client at the agency Westbrook just joined is a competitor of Wachovia. Yes, Fallon handles Citibank. As thew tipsters says, it "should make for an interesting first meeting with Citibank."

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

Tutorial Explains How to Create A Viral Campaign


Street art site Wooster Collective is running a weird How To series, a part of which is called Lepos' How To Plan A Viral Marketing Campaign. The section contains a truer than fiction, step by step guide on how to create a viral campaign from using borrowed ideas, other's artwork, cheap labor and street youth. The tutorial then points to the "real" Where's Lepos viral site. Funny stuff.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Spoofs, Strange, Viral

A Fly, A Frog, A Tongue Mysteriously Sell Golf GT


You know, it wasn't until I wrote, "the power of a bug's wings" to describe this new VW Golf GT commercial that I realized what the hell the concept was behind this spot. I haven't heard a VW referred to as a bug for so long, the spot just didn't make sense. Punch buggy, yea. But not bug. Of course, I could be interpreting this completely wrong and the concept's really about the relationship between a tsetse fly and the new Golf's TSI, whatever that is. Give it a watch and tell us what went on in that creative conference room when this thing was dreamed up.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-06    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Girl In Bed Wants Your Business


If you were a guy walking down the street and saw a girl/woman in vertical bed with the a headline over her that read, "Shop at Erawan Bangkok and spend two nights with...," what would you do? What would you think? Would you walk over and ask if you could crawl into the bed for a nooner or would you ask if her boyfriend had just kicked her out? Would you ask her if there was some new public sleeping trend you were missing out on? Girl in Bed Would you wonder why she had that headline over her head and was passing out fliers? Would you ask her how long the crazy ad agency that came up with this asked her to stand there as man-bait? Or, while we seem to doubt it, would you just walk buy and ignore it like you do with all other advertising?

by Steve Hall    Mar- 2-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla, Human, Outdoor, Strange