- Southwest and AirTran continue to taunt each other. This time with cow suits.
- Cramer-Krasselt overshares letting us in on the fact Crocs have a kinky foot fetish.
- And in the over-thinking category, a sweet little Folgers ad is sexist. Shut up. Just shut up.
- For its eightieth birthday, Ad Age asked VCU Brandcenter students to re-imagine its logo.
- SapientNitro is out with a new site for Coca-Cola's Powerade. Using "deep-dive" technology, viewers can interact with the movie and find points where they can see inside the minds and bodies of each character in the story about a football match.
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Yea. Everyone was all over this one yesterday. We were too busy using the product to write about it. Anyway, Publicis India is pimping Adams Extra Long Condoms in some really strange ads that highlight the fact the truly endowed can have sex in public without anyone knowing.
Doesn't everyone randomly get up in the middle of a cafe an break into dance? If you're in a Diesel commercial you do. All hipsteresque and all, this commercial highlights both the supposedly hipsterrific qualities of Diesel as well as its fashions. All we really care about is the curvaceous girl in the yellow bikini/shorts with the killer ass and legs.
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- There's method in the Magner's.
- New York Senator Eric Adams says "Stop the Sag" in hopes youth will collectively pull up their pants.
- Adland says, "Really now, a user generated campaign for a political party? Yeah, that'll end well. Actually, it just might - it's being overseen by Saatchi & Saatchi after all."
- Pepsi has partnered with Eva Longoria Parker to direct and produce a documentary based on the most inspiring stories posted on YO SUMO, a site which will highlight the contributions Latinos have made to the United States.
- Blogging for shrimp lovers. Yes, it's as strange as it sounds. Even stranger knowing Taco Bell is behind it.
Um. Where is the logic in this spot? Guy sits on dock. Guy chants, "Cigarette. Cigarette. Cigarette." While chanting, shark jumps out of water and begins to tear guy's arm off. Guy continues to chant, oblivious to shark tearing his arm off. That is until he pops a Nicorette lozenge which, one assumes, helps him stop obsessing about smoking a cigarette. So he can realize a shark is tearing his arm off.
Of course, by the time this idiot realized he was obsessing about a cigarette while a shark was attacking him, quite a bit more than his arm would have been torn of.
OK, yea, we get the whole cigarette obsession thing. It's over-powering. It distracts. It's a desire that must be met. And Nicorette is supposed to help assuage that desire ostensibly so you can come to the realization your arm is being torn of by a shark.
Of course in a scenario like this, you'd be dead before you came to that realization.
There's nothing super outstanding about this Canadian Doritos Viralocity submission from Aleysa Young in which various people get all hot and sweaty from eating Doritos Hot Stuff. But there's something especially disconcerting about her Facebook profile picture which was sent to us along with her submission.
Personally, we like this one much better. Except for the end. Yea. Just skip over that part.
As if we weren't already lazy enough what with voice activated menus and all manner of click and swipe, we can now sit on our ass even longer and have a radio ad dial our phone for us.
And come on! It takes more energy to get the phone than it does to dial it. This seems like a lot of work: Getting off your ass to get the phone. Pushing the button for a dial tone. Holding the phone up to the radio's speaker. And actually being able to make the decision you want to dial the phone with just thirty to sixty seconds of advance warning.
Oh right. We don't have to write the number down and we don't have to waste any valuable brain power to remember the number so we can then dial it if the radio spot didn't do it for us.
And the march towards Idiocracy continues.
And what's with the strange Barry White-ish voice over on the demo video?
And...just becasue technology makes it possible doesn't mean we should do it.
Overheard on facebook: "MORON OF THE DAY: So this guy emails me saying he wants to 'advertise'. I say we do not sell text links to avoid Google penalties. Here is his response: 'Internet is not based on Google. But rather Google is just a part of it. Good luck.' LOL, idiot you are trying to buy links from me to rank in Google!"
What was it we were saying about Idiocracy?
Hey, the colon is located in the ass region so why not promote the cause by calling attention to the area? Which is exactly what the Canadian Colorectal Cancer Association hopes to do with Get Your Butt Seen, a flashmob-style promotion on March 31 involving, well, a lot of butts.
The promotional sites says, "Users can upload images of different bottoms that appear to have been taken by a photocopier or upload an image of their own backside and then send it to their friends via e-mail or for posting on Facebook."
Um. Seriously? That's just gross. Who really wants to see a picture of a stranger's hairy ass? And you know they're all going to be hairy and ugly. No self-respecting, bootylicios hottie is going to hop on a copy machine for this idiocy.
Ogilvy in Montreal is to blame for the oncoming hairy ass fest.
- Warren Buffet does Axl Rose in Geico annual meeting video.
- Chocolate pudding brand unleashes it's inner David Lynch.
- It's O'Dell vs. Hall on SXSW Suckage.
- YouTube and Viacom: like two nursery school kids fighting in the sandbox.
- More Vulva hotness.
- Purina Bark in the Park work angers Copyranter. And not because the work's not good.
- Near naked hot dudes cursing in their underwear. No, seriously. It's a new Calvin Klein campaign.
- Let's do the SXSW High Five!