Nebraska Punk'd Into Ugly License Plate Design


So the Nebraska design community is up in arms over the state's new license plate design calling it "boring, uninspired and ugly." A site, Get Ready For Action, has been launched telling "The Story of How Gov. Dave Heineman Got Punk'd and an Entire State Was Shamed."

You see, four submissions were made to the Governor's office. College Humor saw then and told their vast audience to all vote for the ugliest of the four designs. That design won and is now destined to become the state's plate. That is unless this group of disgruntled creatives can mount enough support to get the thing changed.

In addition to the website, there's videos, images and a blog.

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by Steve Hall    May-20-09    
Topic: Opinion, Outdoor, Strange

Icebreakers Turn Dude into Stoner Cartoon


ArnoldNYC partnered with Stardust Studios to develop "A State of Mouth," a bizarre :15 spot in which a friendly-enough-looking guy pops an icebreaker into his mouth and turns into some psychedelic spaghetti-headed Picasso thing.

The last frame is especially WTFtastic -- dude appears to be crying icicles.

We do not understand. It was neat watching the animation eat his face though. That's some seriously magic clown makeup.

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by Angela Natividad    May-20-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

Quizno's Gets It's Carl's Jr. On With 2 Girls 1 Sub


Quiznos hooked (oh no they di'nt!) up with Playboy to riff on the disgusting "2 Girls 1 Cup" thing. While Quiznos has reportedly denied any involvement with this production, we can't help but wonder just how many people over at Quiznos are loving (even hoping) this thing gets as much exposure as it's getting. We still think there's some shenanigans going on here.

In the ad, two women in bikinis sit on a bench. One is enjoying a Quiznos sub as the other looks on. In fact she's enjoying it so much she can't quite contain herself. Happy to share the pleasure, she hands the sub to the other who can't get it into her mouth fast enough.

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by Steve Hall    May-20-09    
Topic: Racy, Strange, Video, Worst

World's Longest Burp An Oxfam Commercial


This is absolutely the most hilarious and disgusting (at the same time) thing we've seen in forever. And it's an ad! For a cause group no less. So remember the guy who used to do huge burps in high school? Of course you do. Every school has one. This guy is that guy.

And as the teacher always used to say to that Olympic High School Burper, so says this ad, "Do something better with your name."

And who said juvenile burping couldn't be put to good use?

by Steve Hall    May-19-09    
Topic: Cause, Good, Strange, Video

Among Women, Fling's Fingers Make a Limp Tease


After 20 years of riding its existing array of brands, Mars introduces a new candy bar: the Fling, a skinny, "shimmering" (wait, what?) 85-calorie chocolate "finger" whose packaging is hot pink and whose creative invites you to "pleasure yourself."

Just not beyond a PG-13 rating. We just watched the first-ever ad, the first 15 seconds of which gave us that embarrassed schoolgirl flush: two pairs of legs in a dressing room, making motions and noises as if they're doing The Do.

The camera pans over the tops of the rooms, revealing the frisky couple is not a couple at all. The man is in a separate room, grunting as he struggles with clothing that's two sizes too small; and the woman, who's finished shimmying into a tiny dress, moans with quiet glee as she collapses into a seat and pleasures herself with one of Fling's, uh, fingers.

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by Angela Natividad    May-19-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Strange, Television

Douchebags All Across the Club Make Me...Puke In My Mouth


Rosie Siman points us to a hilarious sequel to the SNL skit Jizz in my Pants. This one's called Puke in my Mouth and it's from MsTaken which sells fake engagement rings. So what makes the oh so familiar actress (oh, it's Michelle Nunes) in this video puke in her mouth?

Jizz, of course. Inner thigh perms. Facebook wall posts. Tub farts. Jeans. Bananas. Tom Cruise. And more. Give it a watch.

The work was created by comedy video production group, Pantless Knights. About 1.1 million views after a couple of weeks isn't bad but it's no where near the 50 million or so the original got.

by Steve Hall    May-19-09    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Nivea Helps Ladies Lose Undies


This ad will make you laugh. If it doesn't, you are way too uptight and your standards for advertising excellence are too high. Last week, we had sideways beauty bowling used to demonstrate the smoothing qualities of WAM hair removal. This week, the shtick is decidedly more mundane. Yet, it still works. That is if you like watching a woman with long legs wearing a miniskirt and high heels get off an elevator and walk across a marble floor until...well, just watch.

A hint: It's for Nivea Body Smooth Sensation. And no, it's not a real ad. It's from the South Korean Chosun University ad school.

by Steve Hall    May-18-09    
Topic: Racy, Strange

Bikini Bowling. Yes, It's Another Strange Japanese Ad


If there's one thing the Japanese appear to be obsessed with when it comes to game shows and advertising, it's attractive women in bikinis. Doing strange things. Like sliding down a bowling alley sideways while wearing a bikini for a Ladies Beauty Bowling competition. All to promote a hair removal product.

Strange as it is, we like this ad but can someone at Ogilvy Mather Japan, the agency which created this ad, please tell us why, if this ad is running in Japan, all the signage is in English and the the voiceover is accompanied by English subtitles? That is, aside from making it easy for us English-speaking ad critics to understand.

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by Steve Hall    May-17-09    
Topic: Commercials, Racy, Strange

Lady Liberty Gives Birth to...Really Bad Healthcare?


Perhaps we're misinterpreting this ad but it sure looks like Lady Liberty is giving birth to or, worse, defecating a...what..."tired, poor" immigrant? What, exactly, is this ad trying to say? That America keeps pumping out the same shit over and over again? That America isn't into birth control? That it's healthcare system is so bad even Lady Liberty can't afford to have a baby in a hospital?

Please. Do tell. We're going to have nightmares about this for a long time unless someone supplies a more cherry interpretation for us to focus on.

by Steve Hall    May-15-09    
Topic: Cause, Strange, Worst

Lee Clow Battles Gary Vaynerchuk For Future of Advertising


Mullen Chief Creative Officer Edward Boches, with ten round, blow-by-blow coverage, pits two great marketing forces, Lee Clow against Gary Vaynerchuk, against one another in a battle of the past versus the future. Examining each contender's claim to fame, approach to marketing, book publishing efforts, awards, Google juice, Twitter followers and other qualities, the fight ends in a draw.

Regarding Twitter follwers, Boches writes, "Lee Clow: Zero. Lee Clow's Beard, 19. He's a legend; he doesn't need Twitter. Gary Vaynerchuk: 540,000. You can argue who cares, but round nine goes to Gary."

Regarding quotability, Boches writes, "Lee Clow: "We're not in the advertising business, we're in the media arts business. We're using all forms of media to tell a brand story-and the media is everything a brand does." Huh? Gary Vaynerchuk: "People are always talking about what you're doing now... To me, it's not what you're doing now, it's about where you're going." Round ten goes to Gary."

So which will it be? Good old-fashioned, time-tested advertising or this new-fangled social media shit?

by Steve Hall    May-14-09    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Strange, Trends and Culture