Laphroaig Scotch Whisky Will Tip Your World Sideways


Here's the weirdest liquor commercial we've ever seen. A weary traveler on a brink winter day stops into a tavern and has a glass of Laphroaig Scotch Whisky. And when he does, an alternate, surreal world reveals itself. A world that's controlled by how much the man tips his glass.

OK, nothing like promoting just how trashed whiskey can get you. That aside, we do like the nod to that momentary sensation and wandering thought which comes over you when you do consumer a glass of fine scotch whiskey.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-15-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Cheerleaders Wears Tampons With German Engineered Trickle-Proof Technology


We've seen this cut-through-the-silliness approach to feminine hygiene before but this one's different. It has a cheerleader! Yes, a cheerleader. A cheerleader whose Tampons hold 97 percent more and have German engineered, trickle-proof technology.

This bit of light-hearted silliness comes to us courtesy of Ogilvy New York.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-11-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

HomeAway Issues Un-Needed Apology For Baby Toss


WTF is wrong with people? Have they nothing better than to complain about innocuous moments in commercial which, if you ask any normal person, are just plain funny? Have we all lost our sense of humor? Our ability to laugh at a joke? Are capability to interpret slapstick humor? Do we need the Three Stooges to come back to life and give our society a collective slap upside the head?

In a move that is absolutely incomprehensible to us, people have actually complained about the FAKE baby DOLL being thrown against the window in the HomeAway commercial causing CEO Brian Sharples to issue - and this is another bone we have to pick - a lame ass apology.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 9-11    
Topic: Opinion, Strange, Super Bowl 2011

Vegetables Fellated, Dreams Interupted, Obama Faked


- Yawn. PETA films hot models fellating vegetables because, well, it's sexy and they're never going to get on the Super Bowl anyway.

- Don't let your partner interrupt your dreams.

- And in more PETA news, the organization wants to put up a Go Vegan billboard in Denver but two outdoor companies have rejected it. Something about cattlemen's inability to come.

- The call for entries is now open for the 2011 international ADC Student Brief competition, part of the ADC 90th Annual Awards. The deadline is March 18.

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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Cause, Industry Events, Racy, Strange, Video

84,000 Hard Ons Raise Money For AIDS


Taking the fight against AIDS literally, German agency Philipp und Keuntje created an online game for AIDS organization Vergiss Aids nicht e.V (Don't Forget AIDS). The game made it possible for players to combat the virus...with their cocks. Literally. Called Cockout, players where asked to don a condom and wave their member around. Penile movement was tracked by webcam which was translated into hits to opponents.

To insure men's members where in the proper state to do battle, the game provided dancing strippers to help players "man up." Once in a state of readiness, players could choose from one of three character; Master of Cock Fu, The Incredible Major Dick and Sir Dick-A-Lot.


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by Steve Hall    Feb- 1-11    
Topic: Racy, Strange

Chinese Dude Grabs Boobs in Weird Ad


America has its fair share of strange commercials but all pale in comparison to Asian commercials. Asia knows how to do weird. Asia just has a weird sense of things when it comes, to, well, a lot of things. Have you seen their game shows?

So take :30 out of your day to watch these two Chinese lovers expressing their undying affection to one another until, well, until it gets weird.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-31-11    
Topic: Strange

Sephora Gives Girl Facial to Sell Cosmetics


One really has to wonder what goes the mind of a creative when the result is a poster like this one for Sephora. And let's not forget the minds of the people who approve the work as well. Either they are oblivious to the "other" meaning of imagery such as this or they can't help but celebrate the dirty little thoughts which float about their mind and wallow in the sadistic pleasure of watching this work make its way through the approval process.

Six years ago, Vodafone ran an ad that, to some, carries the very same connotation as this Sephora poster. As we wrote back then, the the visual in the Vodafone ad was "an expression of joy following receipt of a certain climatically delivered thrust of Christmas excitement."

How would we describe this Sephora poster? We're not sure but it's clear to us this is definitely not a representation of how most women would apply lotion to their face. Especially a quart's worth of gooey white stuff while their mouth is wide open. That is unless they are in a certain line of work which lauds this sort of behavior with praise, fame and money.

by Steve Hall    Jan-25-11    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Opinion, Racy, Strange

Stolen Cleavage Ends up in Online Ad


Now this is funny. Three years ago at ad:tech San Francisco while on our usual mission to properly capture the essence of the trade show floor, we captured this shot of a hot looking woman who, by all accounts, had to have had the highest number of eyeballs view her badge over the course of the conference. In addition, that strategic badge placement was enough to garner her, and the company she represented, GenieKnows, a repeat appearance on Adrants in a story entitled In Defense of Booth Babes and Why They're Here to Stay.

Jump forward three years and the all but forgotten woman has reappeared in an online ad on the Coloradoan website promoting a medical bill and coding degree. Of course, it's clear the woman has no idea she's in this ad and permission was certainly never given by us to use this photo in an online ad but this sort of thing happens all the time.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-25-11    
Topic: Opinion, Policy, Racy, Strange

Diesel Island: The Land of the Stupid and Home of the Brave


Now that we all know wearing Diesel jeans makes you stupid, we can gleefully celebrate the continuation of this worshiping of stupidity with Diesel Island. Launched as a new nation of sorts, it's "a tropical utopia where the principles of the Be Stupid manifesto can thrive and flourish."

Having founded Diesel Island, the place, of course, needs an ad campaign to make the rest of the world aware of it. And that's just what a new print and outdoor campaign will do. The brand has high aspirations for this new nation and has dubbed it "the least fucked up country in the world"

Stupidity aside, we could sure use a bit less fuckery these days. See two other ads here and here.

by Steve Hall    Jan-24-11    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Strange

Disobeying Bruins Rules Will Get You A Swirly


The Bruins Bear is back again. This time he's following guys into the men's room and gicing them swirlies for disobeying the restroom code. Not that there was ever such a thing as a bathroom code to dictate through which you enter the bathroom but every once in a while you wish that bear was around when people in crowds get impatient and do stupid things.

If you're going to be a Bruins fan, you had better obey the rules. This ongoing campaign comes to us from Mullen.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-20-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange