Bloggers vs. Bailout, 'Human' Ice Cream, Digital Marketers Wrist-Slapped ... by Eyeblaster?!


- Last night Steve Hall hit Nokia Theater for Adobe's Battle of the Bands (photos here). Later he ran into Barbarian Group, which brought him a-frolicking to a hip hop club. Steve has all the fun.

- Guinness World Records taps greenfield media to manage its 3D book campaign. You'll need 3D specs to get the full experience from the ads, which run from Oct. 6 to Dec. 25 in the United Kingdom and United States.

- Blogging taxpayers aren't keen on this whole "Wall Street bailout" thing: "[We] have yet to see any online evidence of organic support for the Paulson proposal. Instead, what's going on may be the largest flowering of civic dissent since the antiwar protests of 2002-2003, but with a [bipartisan] twist." Our own online digging corroborates that (HuffPo! Michelle Malkin! YouTube junkies!), but Pew says 57 percent of the public favors the bailout. Confusing.

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Saddled with a Chest Mat? Bodygroom Manalogues Channel Angst


Riffing off The Vagina Monologues, Philips launched the Bodygroom Manalogues, a web campaign where a chiseled, slightly scruffy guy performs inconsequential rants -- most related to body hair -- under poor light. Submit your own "manalogue" to see if it's worthy of web staging.

To curb any lingering speculation about what the campaign is for, a Philips razor hovers casually in the lower left-hand corner. Mousing over it makes the razor stand to attention -- decidedly phallic -- and freezes the video.

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by Angela Natividad    Sep-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange

Technicolor Placemats Mark Furniture Store's Foray into Art


Toronto-based furniture shop Simone Interiors now sells art created by the company owner, Lin Gibson. To promote this happy news, Gibson created a bunch of LP album-sized posters with multicolored bars and stuck them in local store windows -- with no accompanying explanation.

Roger Cullman over at BlogTO has more pictures. He also wonders whether passers-by noticed the installations. Commenters say they did, but nobody knew for sure what the promotion was all about.

"We thought it was one of those new gangs declaring their territory. Obviously, it turns out it was only those hipsters doing their hipster things," ruminated a reader called SCREWFACE.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-23-08    
Topic: Guerilla, Outdoor, Promotions, Strange

Pot Noodle the Musical


Here's good use of a minute!

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by Angela Natividad    Sep-23-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange

Twitter for Christ, Facebook Narcissists, Vaseline for Men, McCains on the Grill


- Recap of the McCain/Rachael Ray glee-fest.

- University of Georgia claims narcissists can be pegged by their Facebook photos.

- Save your soul -- and the rotting souls of others -- while microblogging. Way to multi-task!

- AIG yanks all corporate ad campaigns.

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Death by MINI? Sensational.


In an online spot called "Bzzzz. Mini Clubman," a passel of geriatric houseflies gather 'round for the emotional funeral of an ex-buddy, whose death is characterized as one "every fly wishes for," "legendary" and "bigger than life."

What happened to him? He was flattened mid-flight by a Clubman.

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by Angela Natividad    Sep-22-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange, Video, Viral

The Newspaper: Less a Medium than a Feeding Tube


Today I came across a banner ad run by the Newspaper Association of America, which seeks to reposition "the newspaper" -- a rolled-up, grayish mound of reading material that occasionally appears on the threshold of hotel room doors -- as "The Multi-Medium."

"Is newspaper old media or new media?" the ad asks, followed by an enigmatic, all-encompassing response: "Yes." Below the text is a woman whose newspaper appears to be feeding content to other media from a bunch of wires and cords. Cute.

Click-throughs guide the perplexed to Newspaper Media. With pretty imagery, plenty of data -- many of which are broken links -- and sentences that melodramatically start, "In a world where consumers are tuning out advertising...", the NAA hopes we'll start perceiving newspapers as less a stagnating medium than an abstract (but stable!) concept: "newspaper" isn't just where Gram finds the crossword; it is THE legit news source, offline and online (unless you're looking for data on why).

And the NAA can help you (yes, you!) advertise on both.

In defense of the NAA's position -- which could use some work, starting with those dead links -- print media isn't dying so very quickly. Newspaper readership grew 2.5 percent in the top 100 markets, according to a survey from earlier this year. And trusted newspaper brands increasingly dip into other so-called "new" media: mobile and internet, for a start. The New York Times even started embedding video.

See? Nobody's dying. Now go help Rupert Murdoch finance a new yacht.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-21-08    
Topic: Newspaper, Online, Strange

New Ads Say Corn Syrup's OK in Moderation


There's something crude and flippant about these new ads by the Corn Refiner's Association, which have begun advertising to undo all the bad PR surrounding high fructose corn syrup.

In one spot, a mother casually accuses another of not caring what her kids eat; in another, an uptight boyfriend insinuates his girlfriend doesn't love him because she's offered him an artificially sweetened Popsicle.

Both the girlfriend and the accused mom get the last word in the end. Turns out the corn syrup Nazis don't know why it's bad, and are apparently only following an invisible crowd of lemmings informed by, who knows, the nasty nasty liberal media.

Each spot ends with "You're in for a sweet surprise!" and guides users to, which sports a gigantic, disarmingly fresh ear of (as-yet-unrefined?) corn.

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by Angela Natividad    Sep-19-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Online, Strange, Television

'Why Are These Women So Happy?'


Because they're spraying on their pantyhose.

But wait! -- don't stop at aerosol hosiery. Think bigger. Think self-adhering panties. Introducing the NYCE G strapless G-string, part of a life-changing liaison between Nyce Legs -- the spray-on pantyhose people -- and Shibue Couture. Helping you look your sexy best.

Thanks to MTLB for the find.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-18-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Specialty, Strange, Television

Menstrual Cramps Got You Down? Print Out Some Iron-On Cupcakes!


In its ongoing quest to appeal to the Prozac nation ("Have a happy period!"), P&G pad-peddler Always redid its site.

Think pastel shades, abusive Corsiva-style typefaces and a general "Happy" theme. PMS-sufferers are invited to spread the happy! with downloadable insanity, zen garden therapy, or -- better yet! -- by printing out iron-on clip art.

"Make your period a happier time by grabbing a comfy tee and pair of panties, picking your favorite transfer designs and heating up the iron!" the site prattles, its copywriter clearly a model of loathing -- or on a whole lot of Zoloft.

by Angela Natividad    Sep-18-08    
Topic: Bad, Brands, Online, Strange