Agent Provocateur Does Twin Peaks


Intentional or not, this new video from Agent Provocateur entitled Betty Sue pays homage to the early ninties TV oddity Twin Peaks. From the music to the dancing in a strange room to the cinematography, it has David Lynch written all over it.

Alas David Lynch had nothing to do with this production. Perhaps a fan of Lynch, the video was directed by Johan Renck and produced by RSA Films. It's steamy. It's weird. It's right up Agency Provocateur's alley.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-25-10    
Topic: Brands, Racy, Strange, Video

Sprint's 69 Way Better Than Verizon's or AT&T's


Maybe we're reading too much into this. Yea...we're sure we are but you have to admit toying around with the number 69 without making even the tiniest sexual innuendo is just a wasted opportunity. So here's Sprint touting their unlimited (and they do mean unlimited) mobile phone plan that does oh so much more than Verizon's or AT&T's. And this right after a study revealed iPhone users (using AT&T or course) have more sex than other mobile phone owners. Something's just not right here.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-25-10    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Chatroulette Exorcised, Nurse Revives Man With Breasts


- Another stupid Chatroulette promotion. This one's for The Last Exorcism.

- Nurse revives man with her breasts.

- Samsung has unleashed the SuperSwypers, a team of Netherlands-based reporters who will attend events you want to go to but can't get into.

- For the Fiesta This Is Now campaign, Ford has developed an interactive application that gives Facebook users the opportunity to put themselves in the Now and star in the latest Fiesta TV ad.

- Here's a little infographic for you that illustrates the Geosocial Universe according to creative interactive agency, JESS3.

by Steve Hall    Aug-19-10    
Topic: Strange

Japanese Ad Says Wrist Cutting is Sexy


Who new wrist cutting could be so sexy? A Japanese commercial for what appears to be a box cutting tool uses a wrist cutting motif - complete with pleated plaid skirt-clad school girls, of course. With copy like, "Let's go stylish with wrist-cutting. It's cute. When you cut, it doesn't hurt that much. The blood becomes tastier," the commercial fits squarely in the "this would never happen in America" category. But, thankfully, there are still people in this world with a gleefully twisted sense of absolutely politically incorrect humor. And we could all use a dose of that from time to time.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-19-10    
Topic: Strange

Quiznos Has More Fat Rolls Than Subway


After watching this spec spot for Quiznos which compares the chain's subs to Subway's, we never want to eat at either establishment ever again. The thought that we'd be eating cbubbies for lunch just, well disgusts us. We get the analogy though. That much is clear. Quiznos does, indeed, have more meat which, um, will make you more fat which, um, makes using fat people to depict sandwiches a perfect sound creative strategy.

Jeffrey McCarthy directed and Holly Levin wrote the copy.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-10-10    
Topic: Spoofs, Strange

Bathroom Cleaner Lures Gumby From Hiding


There are a few things we take away from this strange Vixol bathroom cleaner commercial. First, people should never let their bathrooms become this dirty in the first place. Second, after a long career in television, Gumby now lives in the grout between bathroom tiles. Third, scrubbing bubble aren't really scrubbing bubbles at all - they're body builders with wigs. Fourth, hot women still solve all the world's problems and can make even a dirty Gumby hiding between the tiles obey her wishes.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-10-10    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Jarlsberg Cheese Ad Dubbed Sexist


Jarlsberg cheese says "the taste is in the holes." Apart from the fact, that's just stupid and illogical since, well, holes in cheese are just air, a woman on Norrköping is offended by the headline and thinks it's sexist.

Of the tagline, the woman complained, "I felt provoked. It felt like it was alluding to something sexual. Then I got angry. One wonders what sort of society we live in with this kind of attitude toward women."

Seriously? Seriously? A tagline talking about holes in cheese is somehow sexist? Poor creative, yes, but sexist? Seriously?

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by Steve Hall    Aug-10-10    
Topic: Strange

Parasailing Donkey Gets Month-Long Spa Treatment


Remember that donkey that was hoisted high above a beach near the coastal village of Golubitskaya in a para-sailing stunt? Remember how everyone was up in arms over the mistreatment of the animal? Well, thanks to some kind souls, the donkey is now experiencing a different sort of high. It's living the high life at the Kremlin School of Riding for a month of "Tsar" treatment. Yea, it's like a spa for donkeys.

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by Steve Hall    Aug- 5-10    
Topic: Guerilla, Strange

Spaceman Stu Admires McDonald's Server's Legs


So...what's going on in this new McDonald's commercial from leo Burnett? Well, Spaceman Stu, a little kid, lands in front of a McDonald's, is handed a Happy Meal filed with all his favorite things. He's a very happy traveler. Especially at the end of the commercial when he catches a glimpse of the McDonald's employees killer legs. Weird.

Anyway, the ad's a month old but it's a slow news day and we caught this on AgencySpy so we thought we'd share.

by Steve Hall    Aug- 4-10    
Topic: Strange

Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables Gets Broadway Treatment


The fact Hollywood is even humoring Sylvester Stallone by making his The Expendables is shocking in and of itself. Of course, as these things go, it could be the biggest blockbuster of all time.

But the fact the film warranted the creation of Rambo: The Musical by the creators of Conan the Barbarian: The Musical is pretty impressive. Who knows how stupid or how brilliant the movie will be but this rendition of Rambo is a good one.

You have to hand it to Stallone though. Who thought a dude like him could create an Oscar winning film about a block-headed boxer. Or pull in 70 million 30 years later with the final chapter of his Rocky saga. To see what he can do with every big name action hero of the last thirty years, all together in one film, including Governor Schwarzenegger, will be intriguing to say the least.

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by Steve Hall    Jul-23-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Strange, Video