India Gets Weird With Condoms


Maybe it's because it's India. Maybe because it's just plain goofy. Maybe it's just Bollywood gone Madison Avenue. Maybe it's just...oh, whatever. Just watch this weird educational video about condom usage from Nrityanjali Academy, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

by Steve Hall    Oct-24-07    
Topic: Strange, Video

GLEE Serves Military Recruitment Ads to Gay Demo!


MediaBuyerPlanner points us to a military recruitment ad campaign that accidentally appeared on (Gay, Lesbians and Everyone Else).

The armed forces still operate on a "don't ask, don't tell" basis, so it was with surprise when recruiters for the Army, Navy and Air Force discovered they've been pushing ads on a site so flamboyantly ... out.

The ads came from Community Direct -- GLEE's parent company -- as part of an alliance with Apparently the military buys some kind of package from Monster that grants their spots inclusion onto any of a number of represented community sites.

When military agents were told of the GLEE placements, they appeared astonished and pulled the ads.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-22-07    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Strange

Iceland Gets in on Last Supper Ad Scandal


Iceland doesn't want to be left out of the whole Last Supper ad scandal thing so here we have yet another ad that plays with that final meal. In this ad, Jesus is looking for Judas because the Last Supper is about to begin. In the commercial, Jesus gives Judas a call on his Siminn-powered Sony Ericsson 3G video phone and asks him where he is. The two converse using the phone's 3G-powered video capability. Come to find out, he's telling jokes to a few men and, because our biblical skills are sorely lacking, we don't know whether this ad is supposed to be funny or offensive. Or, that it's just bad. You tell us. EnnEmm Advertising created the spot.

This commercial comes right along with the controversial Folsom Street Fair ad which created a version of the Last Supper with semi-nude men and women along with bondage and sex toys. Miller Brewing was embroiled in the controversy for its sponsorship of the ad. Some call it blasphemy. Others label it humor. We just get a kick out of the media frenzy these things create.

by Steve Hall    Oct-22-07    
Topic: Commercials, Strange, Video

Pam Ann Takes Flight With British Airways


Getting cheeky, the usually highbrow British Airways campaign goes for camp with a new site featuring comedian Pam Ann. Like that flight attendant you'd wish would wipe that annoyed look off her face, Pam Ann lightens things up a bit with mumbles, stumbles and pratfalls and she "auditions" to become a British Airlines flight attendant. Of course, she fails miserably but not before offering up a few laughs.

by Steve Hall    Oct-19-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Video

For Evian, It's the Outside that Counts

Bottle Evianpret-à-porter HD.JPG

The bottle at left is a limited edition Evian container created by Christian Lacroix. Evian makes a line of designer bottles every year to celebrate its commitment to "chic sophistication." If you want to spend between $5.99-$9.99 for a bottle of water, you'll find this one at high-end grocery stores and good restaurants.

If your taste is too fine for a Lacroix Evian bottle, you might consider the Haute Couture variation, which is so special the PR people wouldn't even give us a cost on it. Imagine an Ice Queen variation of Mrs. Butterworth's maple syrup. She seriously looks like she'll bite off your face.

All right, Evian. Think you can spend any of that Haute Couture cash on your Second Life efforts?

by Angela Natividad    Oct-19-07    
Topic: Brands, Packaging, Promotions, Strange

Evian Gives Second Life Users a New Lease on Skin

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We took issue with Evian's use of language in the last ad of theirs we covered, but the words on its virtual vending machine are just too weird not to pick at.

The machine reads, "Bring your skin to life." and "Get FREE skins!"

Not sure how it's possible, but before Evian, we haven't seen anybody talk of human skin and online skins so closely together.

Strange. And somehow very uncomfortable. (We're thinking Silence of the Lambs, except without the moths.)

Anyway, Evian actually is giving Second Life residents new skin when they buy a bottle of Evian water. According to the pressie, "the bodily presentation of the character then becomes more defined, having a better texture and is lit in a more flattering manner."

by Angela Natividad    Oct-17-07    
Topic: Online, Strange

MediaVest Guy Gets Naked in Times Square


We're told by Joy Martinez the guy in this video works (worked?) at MediaVest, reached an "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" moment" and decided to run around Times Square naked. This is what our business does to people?

by Steve Hall    Oct-16-07    
Topic: Racy, Strange

Hooking Up Loses Appeal with Chlamydia on the Lurk

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This spot for raising STD awareness made us kind of sick, mainly because the guy in the chlamydia suit actually looks like somebody we dated. (It's amazing how unforgiving memory can be.)

Check out the STD Monster subsite to see more chlamydia behaving badly.

"Can I crash in your fallopian tube tonight?" God damn.

The spots were put together by the cats at There's also a contest where you can vote for your favourite chlamydia spot to win a free STD combo pack. (That's a series of tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hepatitis and HIV.)

The only thing we can think of that's cooler than a jam-pack of STD tests is a gift basket of microbe stuffed animals. Ebola never looked more cuddly, especially under the unattractive highlights of the chlamydia monster.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-16-07    
Topic: Cause, Online, Strange, Video

Mod-Happy Geeks Make Hot Rods Out of PCs

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Who needs Import Tuner or Pimp My Ride when you've got a mod shop for computers?

The custom PC-rigging site was launched by Future US and is hosting a monthly "gladiator-style" tourney for $2,000 in cash and prizes, courtesy of Microsoft.

We're not really sure what to say aside from that apparently geeks have testosterone too. So. When do the PC models debut? Is the MySpace Queen up for that? Oh wait, she's busy looking for love right now.

by Angela Natividad    Oct-15-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online, Promotions, Strange

Long Island City's Powerhouse Puts Ads on Booty


Continuing his asses-in-advertising and real estate advertising series, Copranter brings us this ad for Powerhouse Condominiums in Long Island City. Perhaps this is just trivial trashy or perhaps it's brilliant. After all, everyone looks at a nice ass. Women do to see how they measure up and men do because, well, men are men and their behavior needs no explanation.

by Steve Hall    Oct-15-07    
Topic: Newspaper, Strange