Dental Ad Urges You Not to Let Things Die in Your Mouth


Like a modern day Dark Shadows (well, at least until the midpoint reveal), this commercial for NHS Dentists in Portsmouth (that'd be England, not New Hampshire), takes issue with the sad state of a vampire's teeth as he's about to have his way with a woman...on a dark story night, of course.

Complete with biblical epicness, thunderous gloom...and a hot chick in lingerie does a wonderful job sucking us in until it slaps us in the face with the reveal which, truth be told, works quite well. Definitely not your average dentist commercial. Which, of course, is what makes it great.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-20-11    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Kate Moss Does Donnie Darko


In new commercial for Chilean fashion brand Basement, Kate Moos gets it on with a very Donnie Darko-like rabbit. But, much like the movie, it's all a kind of dream. Or is it? When Moss wakes up, she's surrounded by baby rabbits. Just what did she and Donnie Darko Bunny do in that dream?

Oh and that giant phallic symbol of a building at the beginning of the commercial? That didn't go unnoticed. Just in time for Easter.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-19-11    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Strange

Nipples Cracked, Breasts Held, AdWeek Slapped


- No doubt by now you've seen the royal wedding spoof T-Mobile did, right?

- And in other royal wedding news, there's this monstrosity from Papa John's pizza.

- Ladies? Ever suffer from cracked nipples? Now there's a cure.

- And while we're talking about breasts, here's some hand bra action for you in the form of a political ad.

- MediaPost covers the AdWeek relaunch. Well, that's only partially true. What they really did was take the opportunity to tell us how MediaPost is, like, way better.

- Even more hoopla on the Minority Report front.

- Evian brings back the dancing babies. Sort of. It's a sad follow up to the brilliant original.

by Steve Hall    Apr-18-11    
Topic: Outdoor, Publishing, Strange, Video

Mom Hops Into Girls' Underwear to Protect Them From Pervs


Now this is twisted. And it falls right into that category we've seen so many times before. Racy ads that try to get you not to have racy thoughts but are, in a sense, racy themselves. We saw it in an ad that put big boobs on 12 years old girls, a tactic which was supposed to inform pervs that if they look at an underage girl as something more than what she is, that's a really bad thing.

Now we have What Would Your Mother Do underwear emblazoned with statements like, "zip it," "dream on," "not tonight" and, of course, "what wold your mother do. The goal is to, well, keep guys out of a girl's pants.

But it's a little weird that the brand hypes the line by saying on its website, "Boy shorts are hot right now. Slide into the right pair (we swear you won't find any better!), and good goddess, you're good to go."

Good to go. Hmm. Just what sort of message are they delivering here. Even creepier is the promotional video which entails a photo shoot during which a guy just leers at a girl the entire time like he can't wait to scream "I don't give a shit what your mom would do but I know what I want to do right now, baby!"

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by Steve Hall    Apr-18-11    
Topic: Cause, Strange

Skittles Expands Wacky Work to International Markets


To support the expansion of its campaign to international markets, Skittles is out with three new commercials which are equally as whacked as recent domestic work for the brand. The new spots, created by TBWA\Ciat\Day New York will air in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia.

The work is said to "have the look and feel of the current U.S. campaign, but at the same time it will rewind the clock to earlier, more elemental Skittles work."

And with man pigeons, small men in small closets and a bunch of wackos freaking out over a Skittle-spewing rainbow, we'd say the campaign is equally as whacked as any we've yet seen from the brand.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-18-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Strange

iPad Just A Baby Compared to Fujitsu's Full Grown Hottie


We love to praise great advertising but, admittedly, we find far more glee in trashing the crap this industry so often vomits up. Take this ad for Fujitsu which attempts to inform its been the king of the tablet PC since 1989. With bad dialog, poor dubbing and a concept that likens the purchase of a tablet PC to black market human trafficking, this commercial is so bad (good?) it inspired one commenter to write, "I don't just like the Fujitsu tablet... I love it, I want to marry it, to felch it, to reach around it from behind and tug gently on it"

Probably not the fetishistic freak show Fujitsu was going for.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-15-11    
Topic: Strange, Worst

Human Curling the New Bikini Bowling


Ha! This is so funny. And so stupid. But those are two qualities that, in our opinion, make for a great ad. And, in case you can't figure it out by the end of this Buzzman-created video when the announcer informs you, yes, this little piece of crazy is, indeed, an ad for BIC razors.

Human curling. Now that's even better than Bikini Bowling.

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by Steve Hall    Apr-12-11    
Topic: Strange

Deal Maker in the House!


With its racy content and prolific use of curse words, this video, called Deal Maker, from private equity software maker Deal Market may not be on YouTube for long so watch it now. Because it's funny. Really funny. Using the bust-into-a rap-concept, Deal Market presents us with Mr. Deal Maker who decides to skip out on his date in favor of closing a deal at 3AM in the morning. Which is probably a good thing because the date looks like it'd be really boring. The rap is far more amusing.

It's cheesy. Really cheesy but we like it a lot. We're told, "The first of its kind, DealMarket is a one stop shop where buyers, sellers and advisors can get a completely unfiltered view of the global private equity market. Access to investment opportunities cost nothing and sellers/advisors can post deals for the price of a cappuccino a day."

Some racy shit from a private equity company. Aw, shit, we swore. Sorry about that.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-11    
Topic: Racy, Strange, Video

Strangers Scarier Than Drugs in New PSAs


OK so what would you do if you woke your kid up in the morning and they were a total stranger? You'd freak, right? Especially if they weren't a kid but were wearing your kids clothes. And especially if they were some of the, shall we say, ugliest people you'd ever seen.

Which is is exactly what happens in these two commercial PSAs from Energy BBDO for The Partnership at Of course the message here is that a teenager's mood, personality and appearance can drastically change when they take drugs. Which, of course, is what Energy BBDO is attempting to convey here.

So maybe it's a bit more relateable than a couple of eggs being dropped into a frying pan but we just can't get past the freaskishness of the actors in this PSA to even begin to absorb the don't do drugs message here. But, perhaps, that's just us. Ugly people frighten us.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-11    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Strange

Video Calls For End of Unboxing Videos


You've seen them. Those videos that obsess over the unboxing of products as if they were the second coming of Jesus holding hands with Justin Bieber. In this video from Cool Gear Reviews, the packaging, not the product inside, is drooled over as hilariously soothing music plays.

If you've ever watched unboxing videos, we guarantee you will laugh at this one and, no doubt, agree with the video's conclusion that unboxing videos, as a category, are "exceedingly useless."

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 5-11    
Topic: Spoofs, Strange, Video