What this is advertising, we do not know. Al we do know is that it's a freaky concept. Some kind of cartoonish representation of perverted bestiality or some kind of revers man horse. Whatever. Weird. Thought we'd share.
George Parker (the new Ariel...woo hoo...for those of you who can't handle Adrants linking to anyone more than twice in a week! Oops, we linked. Sorry) wonders why Agency.com can't just lay down and die...along with everyone else who feels the need to spoof the poor agency to death like TransitionalBlueBlood - whose site has an annoying header graphic that makes you think it's still downloading as in the days of dial up when you were drooling over your first Internet image of the opposite sex. Anyway, there's a cartoon and Ariel...I mean George...says it's funny. We do too.
If you're some kind of convenience store and you're going to promote your hot dog wrapped in bacon thing, you might want to look long and hard at the visual in your ad before you hang the poster in your storefront window lest you want the public to think you sell some kind of penile enhancement solution. We're guessing not too many mother are going to be buying this for their daughters...oh...lest they get an early bite at something they shouldn't.
Web Developers for online retailers have a tough job. While working on a car dealer account and dealing with all the minutia that has to appear in each week's Sunday newspaper ad may seem grueling, that's nothing compared to the minute by minute and second by second changes that must made to a large retailer's site such as Best Buy. It seems when Michael Shostack did a search for a Sony Cybershot 7.2, the returned results were hardly what was expected. Yes, the "i" is right next to the "o" on the keyboard which explains this error but, all the same, it's still funny to see certain words on major retailer's site. It brings new meaning to the phrase "shot to shit." See the screenshot and a video of the action here since you know this little typo will quickly be corrected.
You've got to wonder what those media buyers are thinking when they place and write Goofle AdWords ad. Take, for example, this ad that appears on a Fox Interactive exec's Linked in page that promotes "Surviving Katrina," a Discovery Channel documentary. The headline for the ad? Comedy. Yes, Katrina was fucking hilarious don't you think? Click the thumbnail to see the humor.
What would you get if you collected all the Internet celebrities like the Subservient Chicken, Leslie Hall, Tron Guy, Peter Pan. the dancing baby and put them all in one place? You'd get the hilariously kooky We Are the Web. The Barbarian Group's Eva mcClosky sent us this gem in which the celebs are there to support net neutrality, the movement to stop big business from tiering Internet access. It's a hot political potato but the site's a deliciously quirky delight.
Here's a beyond dumb but maybe not so much promotional video for Nuts magazine sent to us by FishNChimps which touts its circulation superiority over competing magazine Zoo by featuring a striping females who begins her disrobing with "I've got a figure I want to reveal to you." That figure, of course, isn't hers. It's the circulation figure for Nuts which is greater than that of Zoo's. But hey, women who take their clothes off always seem to attract attention and since its an editorial edict here at Adrants to cover anything involving women who get naked, we figured (ouch. unintentional pun) we'd better tell you about it.
In an odd twist, a print and online campaign created by BBDO Singapore is lauding Cambodia's beauty as a travel location and then switching message and calling attention to the 6 million landmines that, are apparently still waiting for someone to step on them. Neat. I wanna go there right now. Expedia, book my flight!
B.L. Ochman reports Jane Magazine has launched a social media-like campaign that includes a blog, a video, a forum, voting and more, all to, well, find 29 year old Sarah DiMuro a date so she can lose her virginity before she turns 30. Yes, this is how we promote magazine readership in the age of social media. But, as in with the cool kids as this is, Ochman points out they forgot the MySPace page, the eBay auction and Second Life.
We never thought it a tragic emergency if a member of the bridemaid party couldn't make it to the wedding for some reason but, it seems, someone does have a big probllem with that has, as AdPunch points out, placed this ad on Craigslist looking for a stand in bridesmaid. A portion of the ad reads, "Have you always wanted to be in a wedding but keep getting passed over for the role of bridesmaid? Are you often referred to as the life of the party? Does your smile light up a room? Can you fake tears?!" The ad also states the size of the bridesmaids dress that needs to be filled and, apparently, a busty body style is required. Humorously, the ad also states who should not reply to this ad including WWE wrestlers, home wreckers, sexual predators and MILFs.