SNL's 'Jizz in My Pants' Clip Makes For Awkward Hulu Ad Placement


Bummer. Even beloved Hulu has fallen prey to the dreaded AWKWARD AD PLACEMENT. While Adrants reader Roger viewed the Saturday Night Live Jizz in My Pants clip, which carried the pre-roll notice "the following material originally aired at 12:40AM and may not be suitable for younger viewers," he was presented with an ad banner for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

It's not that anyone viewing this clip isn't a perfectly decent person worthy of being made aware of Big Brothers and Big Sisters. It's just the association could be seen by some as awkward.

As of this writing, the Big Brothers Big Sisters ad is still atop the clip. Jizzing aside, it's always nice to see Molly Sims and Jamie Lynn Sigler. Apparently, as the video proves, it was nice for the boys to see them as well.

by Steve Hall    Dec-11-08    
Topic: Online, Strange, Video

Diesel Gets Its Freak on With Kids


OK first of all, who knew Diesel made clothes for kids? And who would assume they did given the nature of most of their past advertising work which has included bondage, strippers, near nudity, porn, a meat puppet, disco dancing, S&M and voyeurism. Not exactly child-friendly behavior.

But that hasn't stopped the brand from going after kids. Sadly, though, they appear to be having a tough time getting the word out. A six minute video which some might call enchanting and worthy of being called a film has been on YouTube since September 29. It's received just 2,212 views and no comments. What's up with that?

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by Steve Hall    Dec-10-08    
Topic: Brands, Creative Commentary, Opinion, Strange, Video

Canada Finds Another Home For Its Surplus of Guns


And here we thought Canadians were such a caring, giving people. So it comes with great sadness and shock to find the nation one of the least philanthropic in the world providing just 0.28 percent of it gross national income to countries in need.

To rectify that imbalance, War Child Canada is out with a new campaign, Help Child Soldiers, which encourages Canadians to donate guns and supplies to the estimated 300,000 across the globe who have been drafted into various regimes and armed forces.

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Good, Poster, Spoofs, Strange, Video

Shopping Mall Claims Holidays Are NOT About Spending Money


Last night during Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!, Charlie complained about the flagrant commercialization of Christmas. If creatives ever felt the way he did, they're probably well over it out of professional necessity. I know I am, and I just blog here.

Adding to our jaded perspective of how things operate in Ad Land's warped universe, Cherry Creek North -- a high-end shopping mall, mind you -- worked with CULTIVATOR ADVERTISING & DESIGN/Denver to launch The Yuletide Project. Its goal is to remind holiday shoppers that the holidays are about more than frequent wallet molestation.

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 9-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Online, Outdoor, Strange

At Crowd's Command, Getty Shoots a Dwarf. In Skates.


To maintain its iron grip on the stock photo industry, Getty records searches and commissions shoots when enough people have searched for an image that can't be found.

To wit: a truckload of people recently queried "rollerblading dwarf." As promised, Getty had its photographers whip out the ambient lights and hunt down a highly mobile midget.

The result is at left. And because mass consumption of "rollerblading dwarf" images is just soooo quirky, agency Think Meets Do launched a Getty-whoring Facebook group in its honour: Search for a Rollerblading Dwarf on Getty Images.

Yeah, there probably could've been a better name for that.

Future shoots (those likely to be repurposed as an ad campaign, anyway) include shooting a crying lobster, and a llama in high heels.

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Promotions, Social, Strange

The End of the Beginning is the Beginning of the End


If teenagers knew the consequences of unprotected sex before they engaged in it, would it make them think twice before succumbing to desire? That's the question this teen pregnancy commercial ponders. Following the actions of a teen couple as they party, drink, hook up, have sex and deal with the consequences in reverse, the commercial shares the possible negative outcomes of having unprotected sex.

The bigger question is, given the quick-cut/ADD mentality so prevalent among, well, everyone these days, will anyone remember the beginning (end) when they get to the end (beginning)? Wait, what? Exactly.

The commercial was created by DLKW London for COI.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Racy, Strange

One More Bedtime Pharma that Promises to Last All Night Long


Last week pyjama-clad women on mobile beds circulated Los Angeles, using spammy typefaces and a warped colour scheme to ask the $65,000 question:


If you guessed fiber-rich cereal, you are so, so wrong!

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by Angela Natividad    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Events, Guerilla, Strange

Geico 'Right Sizes' Ad Campaign With Minimalistic Kash


Perhaps in an efforts to identify with trying economic times or, perhaps, to give us a break from the Gecko and the Caveman, The Martin Agency is out with two commercials featuring the goofy character, Kash, who, well...who does nothing but sits there as the cast around him wonders just what the little guy is all about.

And the song. Don't get me started. David Gianatasio has that one covered.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Strange

Ford, Motrin, Starbucks Separated at Birth?


Adrants reader Christina Mejia found three commercial which looks strikingly similar. The first is the famed Motrin ad. The other two come from Ford and Starbucks.

It certainly does look like there were similar creative thoughts floating around during the creation of these commercials. Watch and let us know what you think.


by Steve Hall    Dec- 5-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Strange

It's a Debeers Diamond Commercial. No Wait, It's An Eco-To-Go Ad


A bit ethereal and long winded in terms of getting to the actual message, this commercial for Eco-To-Go, urges us to consider the fact a plastic fork, which usually gets used once, takes 1,000 years to decompose.

It's part of an effort to get people to order take out "Eco-To Go" which means without all the plastic utensils and added packaging. It's also an effort to urge restaurants to use greener packaging.

Hey, here's an idea. Why don't people cook at home, eat with washable china plates and reusable metal forks. Or if we must order out, bring our own reusable containers to the restaurant when we pick up our orders. Yea, I know. That'll never happen.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 5-08    
Topic: Commercials, Strange