Alex Bogusky Agrees to Facebook Fan Page 'Ransom' Demand


Six months ago, two dudes from Twenty Three Engagement Marketing created a Facebook fan page using Alex Bogusky's name. They then created a ransom video offering to hand over the fan page if Bogusky would buy one share of the company for $1. yesterday, Bogusky bit and tweeted he'd agree to the offer.

The agency, which bills itself as being "six months old and ready to conquer the world," is drawing up an agreement which will inure Bogusky has no "creative superiority" over the shop. Hmm. As if he'd actually care but, hey, the dudes might as well cover their asses while they can.

File under stupidity.

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Agencies, Social, Strange, Video

One Billion Bikini-Clad Babes Frightened by Bad Eyewear


As we recover from our post-SXSW stupor, we're playing catch up on the idiocy we've missed since partying ourselves into oblivion on sixth street. Here's a Lynx parody entitled The Specs Effect. It's from Specsavers and, yea, it's got a lot of bikinied girls running towards a doofus spraying himself with body spray and donning a pair of glasses so scary, he scares off the sea of bottyliciousness.

more »

by Steve Hall    Mar-18-10    
Topic: Spoofs, Strange, Video

High School girls Smell Each Others Fingers


Yes, it's exactly what you think. Well, not really. That would be gross. Or not. Depending on your propensity to appreciate certain smells. OK, we're just grossing our selves out here. Just go watch this twisted new Axe commercial and wallow in the stench.

by Steve Hall    Mar-11-10    
Topic: Strange

New York Times Awards Gothamist's Hatred With Massive Ad Buy


Apparently, Gothamist editor Jake Dobkin has no love for the New York Times and he made that very clear with scathing post on his Facebook page last month. That didn't seem to dissuade the Times from tossing a bunch of money Gothamist's way for a site-swallowing wallpaper ad. Nor did Dobkin's hatred of the Times stop his organization from accepting the Time's money.

You see? There really is a separation of church and state. That or, as Gawker posits, "Bitch, we OWN you."

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-10    
Topic: Newspaper, Publishing, Strange, Weblogs

Thankfully Bungee Jumping Isn't Allowed on the Highway


Absolutely love this Hyundai slingshot commercial which aired during the Oscars. Making us all aware of the number of crazed teenagers who will get their license this year, this Hyundai commercial which aired during the Oscars urges us and them to consider buying a safe car. Because, while you can't bungee jump inside a car, there's a lot of other dangerous things you can do. And you might as well have safety on your side.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-10    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

It's Hard to Fit Fun Into A Small Space


Sounding a bit like a double entendre-laden line from a bad porn flick, this BBDO Toronto-created work for Frito Lay's new Multipacks informs us, "It's hard to fit fun into a small space." But, according to the company, it's quite possible. As long as you believe junk food is fun and small is actually a normal serving size.

Don't even watch the second commercial in the series. It's lame. And besides, it doesn't fit into our twisted view of this campaign thereby making it impossible for us to make another really bad joke disguised as an attempt to be witty.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 8-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Strange

Colorado Still Hates Boobs


If you're a woman living in Colorado and have breasts bigger than a B cup, it appears your state is pulling the welcome mat out from under your feet. And if you are of a certain pulchritude which prevents you from even seeing your feet, you better look for a new place to live.

Once again, there are complaints over a sign featuring cleavage. This time it's for a coffee shop called Perky Cups (witty, huh?) which employs female servers who wear bikinis while working.

AdFreak has the story.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 5-10    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Whoopi Goldberg Pees Her Pants


This one
gets a SERIOUSLY? Whoopi Goldberg? As the Mona Lisa? A Mona Lisa who pees her pants becasue she has LBL? Oh, that's light bladder leakage for those keeping track of "issues" invented by drug companies to sell more pills.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 3-10    
Topic: Celebrity, Strange

Friskies Makes Cats Hallucinate


Damn. If only our dinner could take us on a trip like the cat in this Avrett Free Ginsberg-created Friskies commercial embarks upon. Alice in Wonderland for felines? It sure seems so. Who knew cat food could be so amazingly enchanted. We just might have to open a can and have some for lunch.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Golden Gaytime Remembers the Gay Old Times


"It's hard to have gaytime on your own." Yea, we think it's weird too. But remember. Gay didn't always mean gay back in the day. The Golden Gaytime, the actual name of an actual ice cream treat in Australia, wants us to relive the gay old times. The kind of times that were just, well, gay. Before the word was hijacked for another purpose.

Look up "boner" for another similar hijack..

by Steve Hall    Feb-23-10    
Topic: Strange