There's no reason those who are one with the environment and those who are one with muscle car-style power can't come together in blissful harmony. Created by Montreal-based PALM Communication, this Volkswagen TDI commercial brings together two people in a seemingly unlikely match to illustrate there's no reason power and the environment can't co-exist.
Now if only the "drill, baby, drill" people and the "yes we can" people would engage in a massive group hug. Only in advertising are such unlikely matches made possible.
- Terry Tate make a triumphant return taking down Sarah Paling for failing to answer a simple question.
- Last week, Amanda Mooney organized the first Twitter-based fund raising event. $180 was raised through $5 donations fo The Susa G. Komen Foundation.
- BBDO appears to be getting the push side from Pepsi which has given a portion of its three year, $1.2 billion advertising to Arnell which will redesign the Pepsi logo and packaging.
- If you're Hooter and your in Vegas, this is what you do to boost business.
- Creeping is wrong.
At left is the baby I made with Johnny Depp, courtesy of the Routan Babymaker3000.
The babymaker's part of a broader Volkswagen Routan campaign featuring Brooke Shields. You've probably seen the ads where she barrages expecting couples with questions about why they're having babies "simply for the love of German engineering." (I didn't really get this at first, but after sitting through the mocumentary, I completely understand: people are having babies so they can buy minivans! Of course!)
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Holiday Inn takes on an odd feat: convincing people that staying at a Holiday Inn Express will make you smarter.
You'll freestyle like Del the Funky Homosapien, outshine doctors in emergency situations involving Cal Ripken, Jr., and -- if you have the good fortune of conceiving a baby in a Holiday Inn Express -- that kid will be capable of handling sharp objects at close proximity. From birth.
Strange but true. Three ads in a row can't lie.
I dug the rapper spot. The rest were sorta kitschy. Well, the rapper one was kitschy too, but it had that "dream fulfilled!" element to it. How many of us don't want to unexpectedly kick ass in a Lyricist Lounge situation? It's one of the biggest geek fantasies of all-time -- right up there with being proclaimed royal heir to a small island, and being told your Tetris skills might save the world.
- Among its minions, BlackBerry brags about celebu-users. How very AmEx. (Props to Adrants reader Atif for this.)
- Droga5 becomes agency of record for method! Kick-ass.
- The McCain campaign asked YouTube to stop taking down its campaign videos. (The videos purportedly violate copyright because many contain snippets of music that the campaign did not have permission to use.) And YouTube was all, "Bitch, please." What, McCain? You're all for Joe Plumber but can't pay licensing fees?
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Bored with postcards? T-shirt tired? Next trip to Paris, bring home a swathe of Mona Lisa condoms. They'll lend Renaissance mystique to your next one-nighter.
This is disturbing. Seriously disturbing. Like a scene out of a old Vincent Price movie, a talking mousetrap taunts a mouse on the prowl for the cheese bait atop the trap. With equal levels of confidence and outright psychotic insanity, the trap beckons to the mouse until...snap...the trap captures the mouse.
But that's not where the story ends. Oh no. As the trap continues to creepily taunt the mouse quietly listens then makes an important decision. It eats the cheese and, because this is a dairy product ad touting the category's strengthening qualities, lifts the mousetrap bar and scurries away to the dismay of the mousetrap.
There quote a few of these oddities over ar Must Drink More Milk.
Created by Tribal DDB Vancouver, the commercial is for the British Columbia Dairy Foundation.
There's a lot going on in this NASCAR Sprint Cup promo. Atop a sea of mobile homes there's a barbecue...(short shorts)...a pool...(short shorts)...choreographed porta-potties...(short shorts) air show...(short shorts) gaming...(shorts shorts) drinking...(shorts shorts)...dancing...(shorts shorts)...cheering...(short shorts)...lounging...(short shorts)...a pink flamingo...(short shorts)...and, of course, the NASCAR Spring Chase Cup. And shorts shorts.
Belgian born Peter Forret, who recently took a trip to Bulgaria, noticed an ad campaign for Mastika, an aphrodisiac used as an ingredient in mixed drinks or in the yogurt drink Ayran. He remarked the standard of advertising in Bulgaria appears to be far different than that of his home country, Belgium.
The print campaign employs visuals of scantily clad women foisting their curvaceous features towards the viewer. A commercial has two guys ogling a girl who passes them by on the beach and casts a shadow on the sand suggesting a figure of, shall we say, larger than normal proportions. Sadly, the commercial employs the tired, much over used male arousal tactic.
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Why are these people staring off into space and accepting bribes in the form of Pepsi? Why do they look like they are somehow detached from the realities of their lives? Why is it so inconceivable to believe these situations would actually take place?
Oh wait. This is advertising. Reality is irrelevant. All that matters is cool art direction and great photography. For that we give thanks, or not, to CLM BBDO Paris for this Pepsi print campaign.