Once You Go Black, You Go Jeff Dahmer. Wait, What?!


That probably generated traffic trouble.

The sex-and-candy action took place last month in Sao Paulo, when 40 panty-clad girls stood eating chocolate body parts in public places. Pics appeared on Irresistivel.net, which pinpointed their locations and Orkut profiles via Google Maps.

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Trains Enter, Facebook Chats, Cuba Gets More TV, Apple Attacks Big Apple


- Durex latches on to Hitchcock's train-entering-tunnel metaphor in a new ad for Durex Play Lubricant.

- Cuba is getting expanded access to television programming without having to resort to illegal satellite hookups.

- Copyranter says it's Big Tits Friday. OK, so he said it last Friday.

- Jenna Jameson launches post-porn career. Help promote her new movie, Zombie Strippers, by writing some taglines.

- Again confirming its belief people are idiots who can't determine the difference between a computer and a city, Apple, earlier this year, filed a complaint to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office claiming New York's new green apple tourism logo is "likely to cause confusion, mistake or deception in the minds of consumers." Who's really the idiot here?

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-08    
Topic: Strange, Television

Male VIA Creatives Model Maidenform Backless Bra


Oh. My. God. Sometimes there are things you just shouldn't see. After writing about VIA's work for Maidenform's new backless bra, we were promised photos of VIA chief creative officer and creative director modeling the product. Well, we got more than that. We got a room full of male VIS creatives mid-concepting session wearing the backless bra and, well, you really don't want to see these pictures.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-08    
Topic: Agencies, Bad, Good, Racy, Strange

Gary Busey Laughs Up Saints Row 2


AdFreak says the pairing of Gary Busey and the game Saint's Row 2 is perfect. They are right. Both are whacked. Besides, what else has Busey got to do these days besides taunt Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet?

by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Commercials, Strange

Suspicions Confirmed: London's Old People are in Storage


There's a reason why storage companies don't let you live in or work from your unit. This is that reason.

He doesn't even give Gram the flowers! Those cold-hearted Brits: crusading against hair care ads while nana knits doilies under lock and key.

The tagline: Safestore. For those things you just can't throw away. Brought to you by the geriatric sadists at Team Rubber.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Strange, Television

Big Boobs Encourage Recycling


Hey, at Adrants we don't create this stuff, we just report it so don't judge us when you see a preponderance of pendulous breasts bouncing up and down here from time to time. So once again, the power of the female breast is put to use, this time as a reason to be earth-friendly as it were.

And guys, you know you've done this. You've meticulously planned down to the last minute detail how you will methodically manage to cross paths at the perfect moment with that beauty of your dreams so you capture that crucial mental image you'll later retrieve for a certain activity.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Only in Japan Can Penis Envy Be Sated with a Console


Not a dildo. Not a diaper. It's a strap-on jimmy for Super Pii Pii Brothers!

This has jack to do with advertising, but if you don't feel thankful for having learned about the existence of Super Pii Pii, you are lying to yourself. Strap on the harness, pop in your Wiimote and play the game that men have been playing in public toilets for, well, ever.

No word on whether a Glory Hole series is in the making but somebody's gotta be working on one.

UPDATE: It was an April Fool's joke. That's a lightweight bummer.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 3-08    
Topic: Brands, Games, Strange

Hilary's Fucking Obama


Oh yes. You knew it was coming. It was only a matter of time. Sarah got to fuck Matt. Jimmy got to fuck Ben. Why shouldn't Hilary get to fuck Obama? Though it's not clear she will be the one doing the fucking come election day.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 3-08    
Topic: Strange, Video

Guys Chase Girl With Huge Boobs, Dragon Attacks, She Burps, WTF?


OK, so yea. We all know big boobs and beer go together like Amy Winehouse and bad hair. But a fire breathing dragon and a big boobed beer babe that burps? Hey, no complaints here. I'll watch a big boobed girl do anything. I admit it. I can't help it. It's a sickness but enough about that. We're supposed to be talking about advertising here not about obsessively obsessive obsessions with big boobs.

So Ninja LAB created this wondrous oddity to introduce a new brand of beer, Golden Fire. Get it? Dragon? Fire? Beer? Oh just watch the thing. It will all make sense. Or not. Especially if you don't speak Italian or whatever language this commercial is in.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

I Thought It Was the Carnival, But It Was Just DHA Omega-3


Here's a really weird image from Real Simple for Life's DHA, a company that promotes consumption of DHA Omega-3 in products like Yoplait yogurt, Horizon Organic milk and Silk soymilk.

It's clear what they're trying to do with the whole "all stages of life" thing, but seeing this picture at a glance? It was scary. And for reasons I can't immediately explain, I thought of Delicatessen.

Might be the whole dark circus vibe.

by Angela Natividad    Apr- 2-08    
Topic: Magazine, Strange