There's a campaign ad for Republican congressional candidate Gary Kiehne, the guy who once said 99% of mass shooting are committed by Democrats, in which Garry is accompanied in the background by a horse with a large erection. Or, as one commenter pointed out, the horse is taking a leak and that's what happens when horses take a leak.
Either way, it's an oversight that, yea, should not have happened. But we are so glad it did because we get to use the word "erection" in another story. Yes, we are easily amused.
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David Esrati has been running for political office in Dayton Ohio for 20 years. He has never been elected. Perhaps being arrested for disrupting a public meeting while wearing a ninja mask might have something to do with his failed bids.
Currently, Esrati is running for Dayton City Commission and has launched a unique campaign to support his bid. Rather than placing yard signs all over the roadsides of Dayton, Esrati decided to do something a bit more helpful to the community. He bought several hundred basketball nets (which costs less than yard signs) and installed them himself on some of the city's run down, uncared for basketball courts.
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While it could maybe/possibly/probably be true that a person who sent pictures of his erect penis to younger woman could seemingly compartmentalize all that illicit behavior to successfully function as mayor of a major American city, the likelihood of that person serving without ridicule and shame is, at best, unlikely.
But Anthony Weiner refuses to give up. And, today, he's launched his first television commercial in support of his bid to become Mayor of New York City.The ad spend is said to be close to $500,000.
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This guest article was written by Jim Signorelli, CEO of ESW Partners, a marketing communications agency based in Chicago specializing in branding.
From the early beginnings of the race for the White House, the news media seemed deeply concerned about who would have the biggest war chest. Certainly, dollars have historically contributed a great deal to winning Presidential campaigns. But given that Obama scored a 62% Electoral College advantage with only 4% more spending than Romney, the power of money has been seriously called into question.
Money buys audience reach, message frequency and media placement. Money also pays for the creation and production of messages as well as the necessary wherewithal to administer those messages. We cannot discount the importance of these financial realities.
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An infographic from ReTargeter took a look at election spend and found that Obama spent $52,006,072 compared to Romney's $26,230,293. The $52M Obama spent is about $12 million more than it cost to build the Lincoln Memorial and $26 million more than Romney spent.
I guess today we'll know whether or not the spend paid off. See the full infographic below.
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Miami Ad School Students, Christoffer Ahlen and Philip Hovensjo have created The Last Debate, a site on which tweets with #speakromney and #speakobama respectively are directed to the mouths of the candidates themselves. While the debates may be over, not until the election is final will the mud cease to be slung. So have at it while you can.
Courtesy of JWT Brazil and Agencia Casa, one version of the U.S. Presidential election will be determined by Rock 'Em Sock "em robots...powered by tweets! Yes, the agency has cobbled together an app, Tweet Punch Out, that delivers a punch every time a person tweets Obama or Romney. Currently, Romney is leading in hits almost four to one. Read into that whatever you choose.
Leading up to election day and Washington State's referendum 74, Redhook beer, with help from Seattle-based Frank Unlimited, has taken a pro same-sex marriage stance with an ad that says "getting married is so gay. It's about time."
It's always a gamble when a brand takes a stand on such polarizing issues. At risk is the loss of business from one end of the spectrum or the other. But it's admirable when a brand is brave enough to publicly share its collective beliefs
Jeff Goodby along with Rich Silverstein has leveraged one of the strongest motivators in advertising, children, to advocate for President Obama. The project, which is not official GS&P work, gathers together a selection of kids to render a bleak outlook of the future. But a future that doesn't have to be so bleak if these kids' parents would just cast a vote for Obama.
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Oh it's funny when Samuel L. Jackson says, "Wake the fuck up." But it's even funnier when an eight year old girl screams it out the window. That's basically the scenario of this Jewish Council for Education and Research-funded pro-Obama video featuring none other than the motherfucking king, himself, Samuel L. Jackson.
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