Foreheads Branded, Chuck Mocked, Sony Teases, World Orgasmified


- Score about $10,000 to get a logo tattooed across your forehead. Add another $2000/year to keep it there. Got anything better to do?

- BlackBerry is profiling executive-level users on its website and in print ads. See the interview for Jason Pomeranc who seems kind of like a ... never mind.

- The Wall Street Journal killed Chuck Schwab. Well no, not really, but this WSJ parody site did point out his untimely passing. If Chuck is dead, we don't want to talk to anybody ever again.

- More behind-the-scenes Foam City stuff for Sony. Will you just SHOW US THE AD already?!

- Orgasmify my world? Hell yes! Oh, you meant "organify." Um, awesome.

- The TreeHugger guy said we'd "get a kick/sigh" out of this. We're really just perplexed.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-22-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online, Spoofs, Strange

Havas Gains, Hilary Reaches, Campaign Confuses

- Havas reports a 2.5 percent gain in revenue to $550 million for Q1 2008. What recession?

- Hilary pulls out Osama Bin Laden to help her cause in her close race with Barak Obama.

- These anti-smoking ads make no sense. No sense at all. None whatsoever. Nadda. Zip. Zilch.

If you can't get enough news from CNN, now you can wear the organizations headlines on t-shirts custom printed with headlines you select. UPDATE: Scott from Dribblelass informs the URL can be altered to make up your own headlines.

- Want to get into the ad business? Here's some advice from the board of the VCU Brandcenter.

by Steve Hall    Apr-22-08    
Topic: Agencies, Political, Strange

If Laughter is a Symphony ... Why Do I Have Chills?


This website, where you can make a symphony out of other people's laughter, is disturbing. I swept my mouse over a few faces by chance and am suffering from serious eek!-factor, probably because The Exorcist has warped my perspective of all things sweet and cuddly.

If you can get past the whole symphony-of-mirth thing, check out the cookbook for recipes like the Laughing Turkey Wrap. It might come in useful if you ever want to spark an intervention.

Created by Lowe Roche, Toronto for Laughing Cow, the site generates traffic from a print campaign with peel-away messages trussed up like pieces of cheese. See how pretty, even beside a pee stick?

by Angela Natividad    Apr-21-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Magazine, Online, Strange

Farting Squirrel Shares Fart Power With Farting Penguins to Save World


Just as the farting squirrel saved the forest from fire, a trio of penguins, with help from Vigorsol AIR, stop global warming by farting a jet stream of cool air. Yes, the fart joke is back and just as funny as it was the first time. Bathroom humor. It's sort of like sex. No matter how many times you do it, you never tire of it. OK, so maybe that's only true for some of us. The fart jokes that is. We know no one tires of sex.

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

NOLAF Puts FU Back in Fun For Tostitos


Sort of like the spiraling, out of control political correctness movement that has eradicated all manner of fun from the world, this work for Tostitos by Mekanism and Element79 goes all out to make sure fun is a thing of the past. Seminars help workers "manage" the urge to have fun. The NOLAF organization is all about ending laughter and this work does it, thankfully, with dry, quirky humor. Of special not is the segment on "virus videos" which "put the FU back in fun."

by Steve Hall    Apr-21-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange

You Wish, Microsoft.


We love internal propaganda. The thing is, Microserf or otherwise, nobody feels this way about Vista. NOBODY. And if they did, they damn well wouldn't rock out like it's 1999.

I'm in the ad:tech press room watching this video (thanks, MTLB), and the guy next to me -- a writer for VentureBeat -- just burst out laughing. "I just finished watching that right now," he said. "Oh man. I need to go lie down."

Every time the room gets a little quiet, he starts laughing uncontrollably all over again.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Apr-19-08    
Topic: Brands, Strange, Video, Worst

Bendy Bare Asses Used to Advocate Mobile Service


In Punta di Penna sent us this spot for Telecom Italia Mobile (TIM). Produced by The Famil for agency Euro Rscg, a bunch of people -- mostly naked, but not always -- touch their toes to a cover of the Beatles' All Together Now. All that doubling-over draws an association with the flip phone that appears at the end.

Quirky. Now let's see the splits.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-08    
Topic: Commercials, Mobile/Wireless, Strange

Those WWJD Bracelets? Way Past Their Prime. It's iPope Time


If you've ever wondered what's on the Pope's iPod or how best to share your love of Christ with swag, now you can find out.

There is a blog dedicated entirely to the Pope. And it is called -- wait for it! -- Benedictions. And it's slathered with Roman Catholic must-haves and lots and lots of ads for Pope-related books and speaking engagements.

more »

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-08    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Online, Promotions, Strange

Bruni in the Buff Goes for $91,000 at Auction


A naked photo of Carla Bruni, the current First Lady of France, just sold at a Christie's auction for about $91,000 after expectations it would raise $4K at most.

The picture was taken in '93, when Bruni was a model. Not to say she's shed those winning ways. This month she appears nude in GQ, following accusations that she used a diplomatic visit with the Queen to plug her latest CD.

Gotta love a quasi-political figure who knows how to play her PR cards. Malkin and Coulter, are you paying attention?

See the $91,000 image.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Political, Promotions, Strange

Loose Neo-Con Ladies: All Yours for $7 S&H


Make the Logo Bigger says wouldn't it be funny if neo-con blog divas came in cereal boxes? They don't, but you can get one for $7 shipping and handling. Choose between dimply Michelle Malkin and icy blonde Ann Coulter. (Something for the whole family!)

Cock-or-two jokes aside, if I were a spokeswoman, having "Luce ladies" over my head would piss me off to the nth. But hey. Others have died for their politics.

The Luce Lady posters, which promote the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, are currently heavily advertised on Malkin and Coulter's websites. Act now before they're gone forever.

by Angela Natividad    Apr-11-08    
Topic: Political, Poster, Strange