Personal Lubricants Aren't Always For Personal Satisfaction


Some promotions/videos/ads are just so whacked there's really no clear explanation for them. From viral production company Dragons Tale Films, we have another in the form of a crazy concept for ID Lubricants, maker of "personal lubricants." In the video, we have a woman seemingly getting ready for a bit of self-gratification when she suddenly decides to use her lubricant for something far different than some smoothly sensational satisfaction.

by Steve Hall    Jan-25-08    
Topic: Strange, Video

ASA: Boots Nipple Cream's OK By Us!


Check out this warped Boots nipple cream ad that's pissing so many English interest groups off. If Tim Burton were a creative, such would be the fruits of his labour.

Oddly enough, the Advertising Standards Authority has decided the ad is fair game. In response to complaints about its misleading nature (creepy imagery aside), ASA said breast-feeding moms should be "reasonably well-informed" about the causes of sore nipples.

We love how Boots nipple cream escapes the wrath of UK Ad Nazis -- despite 19 complaints and weird copy about "wanting three nipples" -- but mascara gets the shaft every time.

Is it because people who focus on reading literature (and taking courses!) on sore nipples have neglected their "physics of eyelash enhancing" lessons?

Or is it because the Boots factory is bigger than your average ivy league?

by Angela Natividad    Jan-24-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Policy, Poster, Strange

Sweden Home to Oddest McDonald's Ads Ever Created


OMFG! WTF? We don't know what drugs they use over in Sweden but, damn, we want some now! Or at least we want to know what goes on inside the minds of DDB Stockholm Copywriter Magnus Jacobsson and Art Director Frederik Simonsson who created these three off-the-charts whacked ads for McDonald's.

We have a news anchor parrot scratching his shoulder while motocross riders appear in the background. We have moaning blobs floating about amoeba-style. And we have a guy with a Pinocchio-style nose which looks like a hot dog....connected to another guy's nose!! Each scenario is interrupted with a thudding Wake Up call jarring you out of these wacky situations.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-24-08    
Topic: Best, Commercials, Strange

Man Grooming Privates Becomes Commercial For...


While this scenario is, at best, a bit of a stretch, the commercial in which the scenario plays out does a pretty good job commanding one's attention as one wonders just why the hell we are watching a guy shave his pubes. As the scenario progresses, the camera pans off the guy and to the right where...well...this is one of those commercial you just have to watch to fully appreciate.

by Steve Hall    Jan-24-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Racy, Strange

Classified Ad For Horse Placed Under "Good Things to Eat" Category


AdFreak points us to this humorous story about a women who put her horse up for sale in classified section of The Saginaw News. All good until the paper made the error of placing the ad under the "Good Things to Eat" category. Predictably, animal lovers and other freaks who didn't have the common sense to figure out this was obviously an error besieged the poor woman with hate calls and threats she'd be reported to PETA.

Even more outrageously hilarious is that the woman received some calls from people who legitimately wanted to buy her horse for meat. It;s no wonder the rest of the wordl thinks we're a bunch of uneducated idiots.

by Steve Hall    Jan-24-08    
Topic: Newspaper, Strange

WoW Cheat Promotes Wares Alongside Adrants Video Posting


If you play games like WoW or Everquest, then you know there are items you can buy to increase your strength and just generally help you kick ass across the board. Some acquire them fairly, others don't, and still others pay ex-sweatshop workers to play in their place all night long.

In other words, there's a huge market for people willing to part with cash for a little bit of gaming immortality. (Why this is, we're sure we have no fucking idea.)

Alongside our posting about this WoW beer video, our ePage buddy Brad saw this saucy (and grammatically crappy) banner for World of Warcraft gold and power leveling, brought to you by "The fun place for your power."

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-23-08    
Topic: Bad, Games, Online, Strange

Disaboom Invades Facebook with Disarmingly Hot Wheelchair Warmers


The girl is cute all right, but it's more than a little jarring to see the ad pop up while we're busy trawling shirtless co-eds in the dark of night.

Get her reflections on sex at Disaboom.

Wethinks the Disaboom campaign is an aggressive effort to de-stigmatize the disabled crowd amongst self-obsessed and totally shallow marketing execs-- er, college students.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-23-08    
Topic: Cause, Online, Strange

Dude ... is the Statue of Liberty Sloshed?


Last week at Heathrow Airport we saw this thirst-inciting ad that read, "Fly with everything you buy from the departure lounge."

(And you really should buy alcohol.)

by Angela Natividad    Jan-22-08    
Topic: Poster, Strange

Minnesota Lottery Ads Capture Store Clerk Geekism Perfectly


The sad thing about this new Colle + McVoy-created campaign for the Minnesota State Lottery is that there really are real people in the real world just like the ones depicted in three new commercials. You've met them. They might work at your local convenience store, the local Best Buy or, perhaps, CompUSA. You know the type. The ones who look so goofy you can't believe they don't, themselves, believe they look goofy. Or the ones who say and do things so strange you can't believe they don't, themselves, know they sound and look like an idiot.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-21-08    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange

Who's to Say Technology Doesn't Get Under the Skin?


Adrants reader Atif sent us this spot, snapped by Engadget at CES 2008. It causes us physical pain.

Not to say every questionable piece doesn't have its audience. Atif thinks the veins as headphone wires idea is cool, actually.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-18-08    
Topic: Poster, Strange