Car Dealer Accused of Sexually Assaulting Teen Employee


This past April, we highlighted some typically twisted car dealer advertising from Cosby, Texas-based John Keating Chevrolet. The dealership is owned by Rick Melartin who, in the ads, referred to himself as The Finnisher (he's from Finland and competed in the Olympics) because he caught three robbers at gunpoint over the course of 15 years.

The ads are, indeed, strange but he was hailed locally as a hero for his neighborhood protection efforts. That, however, may no longer be the case. Melartin, 51, and his assistant, 37-year-old Maroun Koutani have been accused of plying a 16-year-old female employee, the dealership's receptionist, with alcohol and sexually fondling her in a dealership office.

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by Steve Hall    Jan- 3-13    
Topic: Policy, Strange

Christmas Tree Sh%ts Charcoal in Super Strange Agency Holiday Video


The notion of receiving coal in your stocking or under the tree for Christmas takes on an entirely new meaning in this holiday video, The Legend of Douglas Fir, from Piston Agency. A lonely Christmas tree with irritable bowel syndrome and a burning desire to become a real Christmas tree falls off a car and begins his quest to fully realize his potential.

It's one of the most hilariously strange and awkwardly gross videos we have ever seen but we think you should give it a watch. Although after viewing, on Christmas morning you may have a strange urge to unwrap your presents with rubber gloves, Just sayin'.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-20-12    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

The Yolo Holiday Sweater Will Sweeten Your Swagger


Comprised of one part grampa's comfiness and one part crazy stories kids find on the interwebs, WingAdvertising is offering the ultimate Christmas gift. The YOLO Holiday Sweater. Well, in actuality, a sweater pattern you can give to your grandmother so she can "get her knit on."


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by Steve Hall    Dec-19-12    
Topic: Agencies, Strange, Video

Can A Condom Contain A Mayan Eruption?


As we hurtle towards Friday, December 21, the day the earth will supposedly end, everyone's having a little bit of fun. From Toyo Tires to T.G.I. Friday's to Stone Brewing to JELL-O, everyone's getting in on the fun. Including Durex Condoms.

If you think about it, a condom brand aligns quite well with portent of Friday's events which, no doubt, will include uncontrolled eruptions, explosions, bangs and other generally messy activity. Sort of like another kind of eruption which, at times, can, indeed, be explosive, uncontrolled and, yes, quite messy.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-19-12    
Topic: Racy, Strange

Awkwardly Sexy, Christmas-Themed Ad Pimps Funeral Parlor


OK so we've all seen those cheesy car dealer commercials filled with ridiculous inanities and horrific production values, right? But how about funeral parlor commercials? If you ever do see them they're usually somber and dignified. Well, not so with Funeraria Lopez which, though not necessarily undignified, is certainly filled with cheese.

In the ad, we see the funeral owner, his staff or family, Santa and two hotties clad in sexy Santa costumes, one of whom can be seen lounging in a coffin.

Weird. Just weird.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-18-12    
Topic: Racy, Strange

Victoria's Secret Models Attempt to Sing 'Deck the Halls'


We're sure Candace Swanepoel, Miranda Kerr, Doutzen Kroes (gotta love that name), Alessandra Ambrosio, Lily Aldrige, Lindsay Ellison and Erin Heatherton are all perfectly lovely women. As are, it would seem, all of the Victoria's Secret models. But when we view them in this cringe-worthy Christmas ad attempting to sing Deck the Halls, we want to poke holes in our ears just to stop the pain.

Yea, sure. It's fun to show hot women try to sing Christmas carols. Especially when they're all dolled up in holiday-themed hottie-wear. Hell, it's fun to show hot women doing nothing at all. But. Please. Make. It. Stop.

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by Steve Hall    Dec-13-12    
Topic: Racy, Strange, Video

The Most Amazing Mattress Ads You Will Ever See


That was an easy headline to write. Why? Ask yourself. When was the last time you saw an ad for a mattress that you actually remember. Go on. Think for a minute. Right. Nada, Zip. Nothing.

Now watch these two ads from LA-based Arcana Academy for Sealy. See? The most amazing mattress you have ever seen, right?

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by Steve Hall    Dec- 4-12    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

Dad Uses Hot Daughter to Sell Car on eBay


Hahahaha! This is a funny one. Or a creepy one depending upon your viewpoint. To sell his 1977 yellow Datsun 280Z, Kim Ridley photographed his 20-year-old daughter, Lexxa, draped across the vehicle in a series of images for an ad on eBay.

Explaining his motivation for using his daughter, Ridley told AdFreak, "If I felt bad about it, I wouldn't do it."

Apparently, his strategy paid off. The car has sold for $7,500. Hey, whatever works.

by Steve Hall    Nov-26-12    
Topic: Strange

Underwear Brand Does Miraculous Things to Your Balls


We concur with Copyranter over at Buzzfeed. This is, indeed, the best mens underwear commercial ever. No images of ripped dudes in tighty whities. No awkward penis outlines. No silly celebrity endorsements? No, just simple proof that Le Slip Francais will treat your balls far better than competing brands.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-20-12    
Topic: Strange

Overly Attached Girlfriend Does Ad For Samsung


Oh you silly Internet Famous people. Always ending up in ads created by 20-something creatives who think they are so hip for finding you and putting you in ads for big brands who've probably never even heard of you but place their trust in their 20-something agency account manager because, well, they are hip and cool and know what the kids like these days.

Anyway, here's yet another overly hip and cool piece of Internet Famedom from Samsung. And what do we know. The video's already been viewed 430,000 so you 20-somethings must know what the hell you are talking about.

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by Steve Hall    Nov-13-12    
Topic: Strange, Video