Identity of the Burger King Revealed!


For a long time, everyone's been wondering who's really behind that freakish looking Burger King mask. OK, so we're the only ones wondering but has anyone seen Jack Kevorkian lately? The euthanasia dude seems to have disappeared. Oh wait, is he in prison? Anyway, we think we've found him along with the true identity of the Burger King.

by Steve Hall    Dec-19-06    
Topic: Brands, Strange, Video

Hoover Vacuums Up 'Unsightly' Hip Hop


Our friend Bucky Turco, wrigin over at Complex, points us to a recent Hoover radio commercial in which promises to rid the world of dirty, unannoying hop? Yes, the vacuum manufacturer thinks, as James Bond did of the Beatles in one of his early flicks, the world should clean itself up and it's promising to do it's part. Check the spot out here (ignore the video ad and just click "download")

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Commercials, Radio, Strange

Forget Girls, Penguins Go Wild For DVD Promotion


What do Bob Saget, Penguins and Girls Gone Wild have in common? A viral-intended promotion for the DVD release of his movie The Farce of the Penguins of course. Narrated by mother f'ing, Snakes on a Plane dude Samuel L. Jackson, no less. It's dumb. It's stupid. It's funny. It was created by Special Ops Media.

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Promotions, Strange, Video

Lingerie Model Gets Digitally Humped


We just have to wonder what sort of guy could be so hard up for sex, he'd have to resort to manipulation by billboard to achieve pleasurable release. Oh wait. He's part of the ad and we're talking about digital manipulation here. Funny. Ha ha. Oh wait. Digital manipulation? That's still funny.

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Racy, Strange

Not All Gen Y Women's Gadgets Are Cameras, Phones And MP3 Players


As it's well known research data can be massaged to come to any desired conclusion, we were pleased to see The Silly Girl's take on a recent eMarketer study that found Gen Y women love their electronic gadgets such as cameras, phones, video games and MP players. While eMarketer chose the family-friendly interpretation of the data, The Silly Girl came to an entirely different and not unlikely true conclusion regarding the 26 percent of women who used electronic gadgetry in the "none of the above" category. Gee, we wonder what sort of electronic gadget those 26 percent of women are using? The Silly Girl has the answer.

by Steve Hall    Dec-18-06    
Topic: Research, Strange

Olive Garden Makes 250 Puke Then Offers Free Chance to Puke


That nasty sickness contextual advertising just can seem to shake has reared its ugly head once again. This time, those reading about how 250 people got sick after eating at an Indianapolis Olive Garden restaurant are now encouraged to experience their own sickness first hand compliments of a Free Dinner for Two at the national restaurant chain. Oh yes, Olive Garden wouldn't think of making you pay to get sick at one of their restaurants. They want you to get sick for free. How thoughtful.

by Steve Hall    Dec-15-06    
Topic: Bad, Online, Strange

Mia Hamm Expecting Kicking Duo in Spring '07

Hurty Elbow nudges us over to an odd ad for a Mia Hamm interview about the twins in her tummy. The image gave us a somewhat disturbing mental picture of twin knee-sock-wearing socker players kicking like crazy in the leathery interior of their soccer ball mum. "These babies can kick!" says the cheery-as-hell 34-year-old legend.

Weird. But we're fond of Mia because she did those cute "anything you can do I can do better" ads with MJ before he got lame. So congrats on the pair! - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Magazine, Strange

Apparenly Seasons Can Have Blogs Too


If you thought the blogosphere was limited to hipsters, cool-hunting businesses and 12-year-olds, you were horribly wrong. Winter (yes! That most frigid of seasons) just started its very own blog, Winter is Cool. Guess we couldn't have named it better ourselves...

And to push its right to the 2.0 pie, it's got an agency too - AgencyNext out of Massachusetts. Read an interview with the strangely defensive season here. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Online, Strange, Weblogs

Second Life Lets Would-Be Creepies Live Out Fantasies


You can do what on Second Life?! That was, and remains, our reaction when we discovered you can role play rape in the back alleys of the commerce-friendly virtual wonderland.

Apparently even Second Lifers can't do the rounds alone after dark. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec-14-06    
Topic: Bad, Games, Online, Racy, Strange

People In Need of an Intervention Convinced Bahamas Will Cure All


Hmm. These four news commercials for the Bahamas are both dumb and funny at the same time. To urge vacation-hesitant weirdos to consider the Bahamas as a destination, the spots center around a "Bahamavention" during which very weird stuf happens and people are converted into Bahamas vacationers. Is it just us or is that Bahamas logo strikingly similar to various versions of the Microsoft Windows logo?

by Steve Hall    Dec-13-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange