We don't know what to say about this creepy iPod-wielding Orville Redenbacher resurrection except that we're horrified, and popcorn won't console us. To add insult to injury, it's also badly taped and executed in a manner most shitty.
Turning a childhood icon into a twitchy zombie is the air fluffed foodstuff of nightmares.
Thank Crispin for this work when you're done being paralyzed by fear.
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We can't imagine anything nicer than sitting on our asses with the right electronics close by. You can only improve on that experience with soothing music and a flusher.
That's why Roto Rooter is trying to make themselves relevant to a new demographic by running a contest for a pimped-out throne of dreams. When you pause and carefully consider the popularity of Pimp My Ride and sitting on your ass, it really makes perfect sense.
Thanks Shedwa for the tip-off. We'd race out of our seats to join the contest but we'd rather just sit here, breathe heavily and sometimes flush.
The culprits behind that Pubes Aid campaign (where celebs sell pubies for the young and hungry) have outed themselves in a series of self-aggrandizing press releases. Thank Action Aid for catering to the odd sense of philanthropic perviness you didn't even know you had.
Body hair is a hot topic among charitable souls with marketing savvy, from Truth's back hair effort to Telecom Arnet's offer to help the hairplug-hungry in exchange for fresh broadband meat.
We're not really sure how to feel about the trend except to say, and this might be too much information, that in the shower this morning we stared at the collected hairball beside the drain for a long while, ruminating on the merits of trying to shape it into an Adrants martini and selling it on Ebay for Darfur dollars. It's worth a shot, yeah?
Speaking of hairvertising, in our blog travels we discovered this weird ad for Lower My Bills in which the words "Calculate new payment" is razed into the back of a guy's head. We don't know what one has to do with the other but clearly body hair does something to people and can even compell them to refi, not just feed the hungry. Who knew? And to what other noble ends will body hairplay take us?
DRGM Las Vegas celebrates its agency femmes by creating a pin-up calendar of said women - except they're all being parodied by the agency men.
DRGM creative director Bernice Bamburak explains, "[T]hese guys make us look sexier than we are -- did you see the legs on Miss July?" She also notes that clients, who know both the men and women in the agency, love the idea. Last year the women parodied the agency men.
We need to create a compendium of all the ways this pin-up concept has been abused in the name of things like cheese, theatre, coffins and even fat as pets. What happened to the days when things were simple and we just took pictures of girls with pom-poms and team-coordinated bikinis?
If you felt particularly jipped after falling for Apple's April Fools joke, rest assured you weren't a total ass and space is indeed the final frontier for marketing.
That's right: for $5000 a pop, which is less than some TV and radio ad spots, convey your logo 20 miles up. We don't know how demographically sound that would be but at the very least a handful of geeky people will think you are cool.
This service comes courtesy of JP Aerospace, whose dream it is to give everybody a taste of space travel.
Apparently water, when directed a certain way, can make words. More importantly, those words can be ads. Who'd've guessed?
Either UPS has an extremely twisted sense of humor or someone forgot to do their homework. Adrants reader Andrew Teman tells us one of the commercials in the new UPS campaign features a song by the band The Postal Service which, after a dust up with the United States Post Office over its name, sells its CD on the USPS website. The The Postal Service and USPS in bed together, it does seem an odd choice of music to use in a UPS commercial. Are we missing something here?
No doubt, this is some marketers cheeky idea of a promotion but we're going to have to wait a while before we find out who's behind it. But let's not let details get in the way of celebrating the collection of celebrity pubic hairs which, when mounted and autographed, are sold...all to make money to donate to charity. Locks of Love? Screw that. With everyone body grooming these days, there ought to be a whole lot more pubes to donate than head hair. So when you celeb Shave Everywhere, don't just let it all go down the drain. Use your god given attributes to help those in need! Besides, you drain won't clog and it'll be much nicer on your house cleaner.
Oh, there's a countdown clock on the site insuring we check back to see what this is all about on January 15. Hmm. Philips? Yea, we think so.
If you work in advertising, you've certainly seen the hilarious but extremely truthful parody Truth in Advertising. It was only a matter of time before the classic got an update and, today, it got a big one. This parody of the parody, called The Truth in Ad Sales does a great job uncovering what really happens between a media agency and a media seller and how the final sales pitch makes it to the conference room for presentation. It's British so it's be funny even if it isn't but it is so it's worth watching. It's got all your favorite Wanker and Bugger All commentary complete with mention of social media and "MyTube." Hmm, MyTube. Now there's a possibility. Oh wait. Silly us. The porn industry has already jumped on that one.