Ambient Ads Everywhere, No One Sees Them


We do enjoy all the inventive ambient campaigns that spring up in Europe all the time but one thing concerns us. Does anyone ever see these things? Every time we are sent a photo of the latest creation or we see it on another site, 100 percent of the time there's never more than one or two people in the vicinity of the thing. Perhaps all the photos are early morning/late day staged photos. Perhaps they're just wishful thinking with help from Photoshop. Either way, one would think the agencies behind these things would at least go to the trouble of creating the illusion or capturing the actual reality that more than one person sees these things. Someone please enlighten us.

UPDATE: Anthony from Saatchi & Saaatchi, the agency that created the campaign, gives us out answer, writing, "I work at Saatchi & Saatchi Simko in Switzerland and I worked on the project... so here is my answer: Yes this was really produced and placed in several places in Geneva. Yes people did see those and the impact and feedback from the public is great . The reason why there is not a lot of persons on the pictures is that we shot those early morning right after when it was placed."

by Steve Hall    Nov-13-06    
Topic: Outdoor, Strange

Wonderjock Revolutionizes Ball Size a la Wonderbra


Here's proof we'll arrive at gender equality with increased commodification of one sex, not decreased commodification of the other. For those of you with ball anxiety, check out Aussibum's Wonderjock, which boasts "ball/extension support technology" and has a wicked little logo that's got us itching for some kind of South Park reference.

The text ad that appears over our e-mail reads, New cup pouch to lift and extend. Warning - it will appear larger. Awesome. And we dig that little star-studded PATRIOT motif they've got going on.

Guess this means the sock stash will last a couple weeks longer than usual. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov-13-06    
Topic: Online, Strange

Sexual Fantasies Fulfill Old Khaki Campaign


Spanking and that old standby - milk poured over a woman's chest - are central elements in two ads for South African fashion brand Old Khaki. While we know we should say something pithy about this approach, for some reason we simply can't seem to come up with anything. Could we possibly be bored with this whole "sex sells" thing? Of course not. It's all about precarious positions promoting homegrown pleasure.

by Steve Hall    Nov-13-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Strange

Drug Cures Headache Without Four Hour Erection


Advergirl, recently back from some sort of job-imposed exile, points to a direct to consumer drug commercial we can only wish to see in the United States. Free of law suit-induced medical blather ruining half the commercial, this ad tells the story of a Finnish "headplayer" who fell from fame due to headaches only to return with help from headache-reducing Pamfol 500. Much better than those four hour erection ads.

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Exclusive! Tiger Woods Makes Fart Joke in Enclave Commercial


Yes, we are the first to bring you behind the scenes "stealth video" footage of Tiger Woods in a shoot for the soon to be released 2008 Buick Enclave. Our "insiders" leaked this very secretive video exclusively to Adrants only moments ago so you too could share in the glory of a spontaneous fart joke! It doesn't matter who took the Senate this week. Tiger Woods made a fart joke, "someone" videoed it and "someone" sent it to us hoping it might get some Lonelygirl15-like YouTube action.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-06    
Topic: Celebrity, Online, Strange, Video

Jeep Compass Promotes with Bobble Heads, Bad Singing


Apparently a major incentive to owning a Compass is creative license to sing real badly. Make your own musical avatars and wreak havoc everywhere you go with such cult classics as "Borderline" and "Hey Mickey" while your moody-looking Compass bobble-head nods cheerfully to something people wouldn't even cry to.

Yeah. We know. You're dying for a Compass now. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 9-06    
Topic: Online, Promotions, Strange

Sex-Crazed Commercialism Doesn't Hold a Candle to Mother Nature's Perversions


We want to say no, it's not weird to see genitals in nature, but photographing them and putting them all together does vibe slightly weird. And calling the whole thing Nature is Sexy? It completely warps the meaning of "tree-hugger."

We're a little worried somebody at the office is going to come up behind us and catch us looking at ...

... at what? Fruit? A gaping hole in the ground? What? - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 6-06    
Topic: Online, Racy, Strange

Yes. Blender Companies Can Make Virals, Too


Coffee and Manipulation points us to some virals for Blendtec, a company that hawks ordinary-looking blenders that are apparently not so ordinary. We were mesmerized in a pathetic sort of way when the man in the white coat fed a rake to his blender on the :90 second soup cycle.

We suspect these virals strike a chord because they speak to a desire to put things that will create fatal shrapnel in contact with swirling kitchen blades. But hey. It's not like videos go viral because they're deeply profound. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 6-06    
Topic: Online, Strange, Viral

Snickers Puts Us In Contact with Creepy Inner Child


The scenario: opening the front door, expecting to find a trick-or-treater, and finding yourself as a six-year-old staring back at you. TBWA/Chiat/Day writer Robert Kleman tells AdCritic that this ad "[taps] into the thought that if you were a kid this Halloween, you'd like to be given Snickers." We're happy he explained because we couldn't think further than "Dude. Fucking twisted."

The ad's a photographic collabo between Shawn Michienzi and Julian Wolkenstein. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 3-06    
Topic: Magazine, Strange

Babies Look After Best Interest in Condom Ads


These ads remind us why it's important to wear a condom - indeed, even to press condoms into the hands of unwitting couples who may need them more than others. The print reads "Don't forget to use 'em. Please." Nice touch with the baby handing over the protection. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Nov- 3-06    
Topic: Magazine, Racy, Strange