Designer Self-Promotes With Song


OK so Matt Maxwell isn't the world's greatest singer but his five songs about Flash, design and web technology are a decidedly different self-promotional tact. Singing about one of the biggest of pet peeves around here, Maxwell croons:

And-it's-been-a long preloader
And there's reason to believe
Before-its-finished I will certainly be dead
I can't believe a web designer could be so heartless
Making something that's so bloated for the web

Yea, it's a little rough around the edges but the sentiment is there.

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-08    
Topic: Promotions, Strange

World Peace Finally Gets Just Desserts


To honor the legacy of John Lennon, Ben & Jerry's have launched Imagine Whirled Peace, an ice cream flavor loaded with toffee cookies and fudge peace signs.

Upload shots of yourself in a peace mosaic at the Imagine subsite. (You know, like the song. Note Lennon specs on twitchy cow.) The ice cream company also partnered with The Lennon Estate and Peace One Day to host a bed-in, nodding to Lennon and Yoko Ono's lavishly-covered bed-in for peace -- a golden opportunity to lie around all day, preach peace, and play King and Queen Meet Lowly Serfs with scandalized reporters and photographers.

More here about how Ben & Jerry's poaches the Baby Boomers by canonizing idols with frozen treats. Frankly though, I've always been the Phish Food kind.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-15-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Celebrity, Online, Packaging, Strange

Evian Shrinks, True Blood Examined, Multimap Lets the Pigeons In


- It's targeted you with limited-edition designer bottles and luxury facial sprays. Now Evian wants your kids. Introducing Evian Les Petits!

- Greenwich aspires to seize the spotlight as soon as it's off Beijing.

- Microsoft UK's Multimap uses pigeons to promote its "bird's eye view" feature. Created by digital agency LBi, it marks the first time Multimap has used cartoons to advertise.

- Check out the Word Clock typographic screensaver, which one Bos AD thinks is the "coolest screensaver EVER." It's pretty cool. Kind of like UNIQLOCK without the girls, or the music, or the colors.

- If you're following HBO's online campaign for True Blood, you should catch this 3-minute Ad Age video about virals. True Blood premieres September 7. Dude, sometimes it sucks to not have cable.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-15-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Packaging, Promotions, Strange

My God, is that an Asterisk You're Hiding? You Filthy Fake.


Apparently asterisks are bad.* In a campaign called "Don't be an Asterisk," the US Olympic Committee and the Ad Council associate them with steroids and inauthenticity.**

Witness as a high school jock repulses once-loving classmates when an asterisk starts forming on his forehead. (Apt, I guess, since steroids are supposed to make you break out like whoa.)

But here I was, all this time, thinking the teen angst market was reserved exclusively for the zit zappers. Speaking of which, J&J -- parent company of Neutrogena! -- funded this effort, which was put together by TBWA/Chiat/Day/NY.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-14-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Magazine, Strange, Video

Because Even Religious Paraphernalia is Fair Game


Some guy who makes Presidential kippahs is experimenting with a John Edwards "cheater" kippah. But he's not sure if he really wants to sell them because he read The Secret and doesn't want to send negative energy into the universe.

Go help him make up his mind.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-14-08    
Topic: Online, Packaging, Political, Strange

Objectified Nude Men Need Cause Group Righteousness


Oh the horror! The double standard! The blatant sexism! Wait. What are we talking about? Oh yea. Nudity in advertising. Put a few nude or barely dressed women in an ad and everyone cries OBJECTIFICATION! Place a few nude guys in an ad and the whole thing becomes a squirmy laugh.

Of course, the guys in this ad for the Norwegian Automobile Federation aren't quite the objects of desire we see in the usual "hot chick sells stuff" variety of ads but still. Where's the outcry? Where's the cause group supporting the rights of these men? Why are we laughing when we should be raging against the machinations of a clearly sexist piece of work? Oh the horror! Will someone please call a cause group!

by Steve Hall    Aug-14-08    
Topic: Commercials, Opinion, Racy, Strange

35, 85, Party Time?


Guerrilla marketing firm CreateHere stenciled 35°85°* all over Chattanooga to promote 35°85° A Chattanooga Party, which I guess is a free house party thrown by CreateHere and other local businesses. (I concluded that based on the Facebook page and not the website, which only gave me some Wordle-looking nonsense. Who decided making readers crane their heads and squint was a smart game plan?)

Oddly (or stupidly) enough, the party is not at 35 degrees latitude and 85 degrees longitude. Google Maps says that's somewhere in China. Let's hope nobody put on their party pants and tried going.

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by Angela Natividad    Aug-14-08    
Topic: Guerilla, Promotions, Strange

Don Draper Time Travels to Late Nineties World of Web 2.0


Wait. What? Don Draper, the head dude on AMC's Mad Men has a Twitter account? And is following me? Huh? Time warp?

Oh I get it. It's not Don Draper. It's some dude over at AMC or their agency. Or...someone impersonating a person at AMC or their agency. Damn, why didn't I think of that? Oh who cares!!! Twit this, Draper!

by Steve Hall    Aug-13-08    
Topic: Cable, Social, Strange

That Slanty Eyed Asian Ad From Spain? Misinterpreted


Oops. In our hyper politically correct world, even gestures meant as a joke can be completely misunderstood and transformed into accusations of racism. The Spanish Olympic basketball team posed for an ad in which they used their hands to form what was supposed to be a wink to their participation in the Beijing Olympics but was interpreted as the not so polite slany-eyed Asian facial expression.

Interpret it as you see fit but we're a long way from becoming the fun-loving, all-loving planet which was on brief display during the Olympic opening ceremony.

by Steve Hall    Aug-13-08    
Topic: Strange

Cup-a-Soup Improves Brain Power


And if you believe that, then you probably need it. Produced by Czar/NL for agency TBWA.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-13-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Strange, Television