We got the coolest spam today. Check it out here.
For those too lazy or too distrusting to click, it says:
"Hey, can you make love more that 10 minutes? Yes, you can with our 'manpower candies.' All love enhancers (and many other meds) at one online store!"
We're not really sure what manpower candies are. They sound like a cross between our favourite peppermint treat and Power Thirst. We looked them up on our handy-dandy internets and only found more questions than answers.
Sprint is really laying it on thick with its "Sprint ahead" campaign. In tangent with Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, SF, Exopolis has put together a Sprint ad that will appear on stadium jumbotrons this NFL season. It is called "NFL at SprintSpeed Jumbotron." No, we didn't make that up.
Anyway, the ad features a couple of football players running shrouded by darkness except for the ambient light and enchanted microfiber magic surrounding them. The end of the spot culminates in a glorified tackle that looks more like a Lifetime movie embrace. This tryst explodes into still more light, flying symmetrically out of the two bodies and toward the rest of the frame.
It's very Disney.
Then there's the Sprint logo. Then, "Proud sponsor and avid fan of the NFL."
Avid, eh?
Have you ever felt your baby was just not bulletproof enough? (If you are 50 Cent's mother, probably - or not, depending on how you look at it).
Visit Bulletproof Baby for bulletproof cribs, strollers, vests, toddler tasers and disturbing product-test videos, all meant to ensure that you, the discerning customer, have a happy bundle of steel.
Actually it's a stunt for New Line Cinema's Shoot 'Em Up, which is linked pretty prominently on the homepage. Even so, a PR person still saw fit to shoot us at least three emails this morning about how it was dramatically unveiled as a promotional effort after a long and controversial internet run. (We have serious doubts about this.)
And while we have no idea what that movie has to do with babies, we know it has plenty to do with bullets. And Clive Owen.
Having followed the American Apparel campaign for some time, Copyranter reacted to the latest iteration with the following headline, "It's Friday. Why Don't You Masturbate." One can't ask for a better headline when it comes to discussing American Apparel campaigns which, for a long time, have been one step above porn. It's just Dov Charney's way and who are we to complain. Sex is supposed to sell, right?
There's just no end to the fuckery contextual advertising delivers. This time, we have Red Stripe beer advertising directly next to a story about two guys who got arrested while driving the same truck...together...while drunk. Even weirder, one of the guys was a paraplegic so he steered while his friend worked the pedals. You just can't make this shit up.
Alt Terrain's W. Thomas Porter snapped this shot of an Ad Council Robertson Foundation global warming billboard which offers onlookers two choices: do nothing or go to the fightglobalwarming.com/nyc site. Appropriately, two window air conditioners poke through the board next to the do nothing selection. Perfect.
The man in the pig-tailed wig is probably the best thing that's happened to Wendy's, having achieved improved recall in eight weeks versus 18 months with a previous campaign. But the muse of all the hubbub, Melinda Lou "Wendy" Thomas herself, isn't enjoying the ride.
Advertising Age reports that Melinda, who studied marketing at the University of Florida, auditioned as herself for the new campaign, but spokesman Bob Bertini said resulting consumer response was "not positive."
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If you're a dog owner, surely you've seen this freakishly odd behavior a dog exhibits from time to time when he feels he's...oh...in need of some toilet paper just like us humans. Usually, this sort of behavior is harmlessly exhibited outside. When it's exhibited inside, kids think it's funny and moms are horrified. Stanley Steemer just shows up to take care of the problem. Thanks, AdFreak.
Young Guns work is usually great but when you have to wait like an entire minute...or more...for a site to load it's well, off putting. That said, this new work, which comes in the form of an online musical, takes us through the day in the life of an award show virgin. All the cliches are here. And there's even appearances by Alex Bogusky, David Droga and Lee Clow. Even the audience can participate.
We particularly like the reference to timelines as akin to having "a clock jammed up your ass." Ooo. Ooo. And there's school girl outfits too! The longer you watch, the better it gets.
Oh the hell with all that crap about objectifying women in advertising. Oops. Did we just say that? Well, not really but Bodog kinda does in its new, and we think very hilarious, new video promoting its Bodog Fantasy Football. Maybe some of you have seen that old movie Weird Science in which some hottie appears to a bunch of geeks. Well, this video follows the same idea but when Bogog's hottie appears from the closet, climbs onto the bed of a droolingly transfixed guy and takes off her shirt, she unleashes a pair of boobs like none you've ever seen before.
Just as the Heineken DraughtKeg fembot combines beer and hottieliciousness , Bodog offers up the perfect combination of football and an entirely different form of hottieliciousness. The kind only a fantasy football obsessed guy could conjure from within.