"Go all in - but play it safe" so says the copy on Ladbrokes-branded condom packaging. Ladbrokes is a Swedish gambling company which decided to hand out condoms as a promotional item. Another version of the packaging reads, "Don't play with fire - Play with us!"
Ladbrokes' Andreas Gillberg explained the thinking behid the promotion, saying, "We came to think about the fact that condoms - just like Ladbrokes - is all about safe transactions. Just like our games, it's about excitement and safety at the same time".
Interesting. So sex is just a "transaction" in Sweden? Hey, we're all for casual sex but we like to think of it as a bit more meaningful than a poker bet.
With a bit of twisted logic, TDA has launched a get-out-and-vote effort but the whole thing's pointless. The promotion is predicated on the notion people identify friends, colleagues or acquaintances who will vote opposite them thereby each canceling out the other's vote.
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- The US Army has released a list of new technologies that could be used to enable terrorism. Twitter, MySpace and Facebook make the cut.
- The recession's not real! And neither is your loneliness.
- Here's a fun little site. Click on a pair of shoes to see a luxe little ad -- er, "dream" about it. The image at left is for the Vinyl Mary Jane-looking shoes. The Ultra Girl Night Sky one is probably my favourite though: jelly shoes, underwater. How novel.
- You know you hate the new Pepsi logo almost as much as you hate the douche-tacular smile/grin logic behind it. Why not make a new one? Show Pepsi what it could've had for far less money than it probably spent.
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...and not just any person, but a middle-aged, jobless man with a receding hairline and a turtleneck. One of those kinds who likes talking about his feelings, and who goes into ecstasies when you scratch his neck.
Would that make you more likely to feed him meat-enriched cat food?
Betting that it will, TBWA/Toronto and Partners Film/Toronto bring back Hubert, the meat-craving Whiskas "cat."
Heh. Funny. Know what else is funny? Toe fetishes, petulant manchildren that wear diapers in secret, and executives that pay dominatrixes $250/hr. to suspend mousetraps from their nipples.
When you leave the office at the end of the day, you commute home on a water slide, right? Wait, what? You don't? What's wrong with you!?!? Idiot. Everyone commutes to and from work on a slide these days. Just watch this Barclay commercial hyping its slideless (pun?) card. Wait, what? It's just one guy? OK, so he's the idiot.
And what's this spot telling us anyway? It's great the card is slideless but are we to believe we have to get inside a water slide to use it? Wait, what? This is advertising? It's meant to be metaphorical? Well thank God. The thought of hundreds of disgustingly obese Americans slipping into Speedos to commute to and from work is enough to make one barf all over Madison Avenue.
Did Donny Deutsch create this?
This painfully cute Goodwill Halloween ad is like a benign form of brainwashing: you've got a repetitive jingle, high-pitched voices and adorable versions of monsters -- including Jason, oddly enough.
It's never warmed my heart more to watch a drop of blood slide slowly down a vampire's chin. Seriously -- I think my pupils dilated.
For Goodwill Los Angeles. The spot'll run until October 31.
Football is for girls. That's right. It's for girls who are more concerned with how they look on the field then how they play. Hmm. Thank God there are still parts of the world in which sexism and political incorrectness reign supreme. If it weren't for the Czech Republic, we wouldn't have rugby.
Cause groups, send your complaints to Mather Communications.
From 11.17.06. Apparently those living in Denmark have a care free attitude about a lot of things including speeding so the Danish Road Safety Council thought it was time for a different approach to enforce speed limits. The country now has Speed Control Bikini Bandits. Yes. It's exactly what it sounds like except the Bandits seem to have forgotten to wear their bikini tops when holding speed limit signs and urging drivers to obey the limits. Have fun with this witty campaign approach to speed control but if your boss doesn't like you watching naked women holding speed limit signs while shaking their boobs, you might want to properly angle your monitor before viewing.
Nodding to the transparency craze, last March Modernista created the most transparent website imaginable. Instead of telling people about itself, it used public websites -- over which the agency had little or no control -- to relate the story instead.
For its own redesign, agency Lisa P. Maxwell tackled "transparency" from a different angle. Visit the site for unfettered access to all its creatives. There they are, live on streaming webcams, waiting for a chat buddy who hopefully won't shriek "SHOW BOOB."
Weeeeird. Could the Zeitgeist (that's us!) be the "Big Brother" George Orwell so feared? I smell a dissertation!
- Like that other demi-god Oprah, Google takes a side in this tense, farcical battle for America's future.
- Speaking of Google, check out the drool-worthy exposure T-Mobile's getting on its homepage. (It's probably worth mentioning that Google serves over 71 percent of searches in the US.)
- By the way, did you know McCain's a Ford and Obama a BMW? Think on that while casting your ballot.
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