Volkswagen Pisses, Fat Boy Grunts, Nipples Flattened, Nipples Exposed


OK. Time to play catch up.

- For some inexplicable reason, images of people who've pissed their pants are supposed to sell Volkswagen GTIs.

- Those grunting and groaning sounds you hear from your son's room? It's not what you think.

- Verizon continues to slam AT&T.

- Those Japanese. They think of everything. For the ladies whose nipples get much too large for concealment in cold weather, try the USB Bust Beauty Pad.

- The long, frustrating road to "Strawberry Flavored Juice Drink Blend" and the idiocy of selling juice that really isn't juice.

- "Social ads don't drive clickthroughs. Unlike billboards."

- And then there's the whole exposed nipple thing American Apparel loves so much. NSFW>.

- Julia Allison. You've never hear of her (unless you're a social media troll and love Twitter) but she is now featured in a new Sony ad alongside Justin Timberlake.

- Be sure to check out episode 5 of AdVerve with Bill Green and Angela Natividad.

- Conde Nast ad pages dropped 43 percent (8,359 pages) in 2009.

- The Art Director's Club has a new look.

by Steve Hall    Nov-11-09    
Topic: Outdoor, Podcast, Racy, Social, Strange, Trends and Culture

Cheesy Pick Up Lines Will Get You A Free Turkey


So what do cheesy pick up lines and turkey have to do with each other? Aside from the fact guys who deliver them are turkeys? It's a promotion for Piggly Wiggly, of course. A turkey promotion.

Those who shop at the store get free Greenbax each time they use their PFC card. For just five Greebax, shoppers can get their hands on a free turkey. Ideally, one that doesn't spout cheesy pick up lines.

by Steve Hall    Nov-11-09    
Topic: Commercials, Promotions, Strange

Change Starts With Your Underwear. And Office Nudity


Ever experience that moment at work when time seems to stop? You glance around the office? You notice every little detail? You marvel at the beauty of things? You are overwhelmed with feelings of goodness, righteousness and environmentally sound principles?

Nah. Neither have we which is why this is all encapsulated in a commercial instead of real life. Because in real life time never stops, there's nothing special to see in the office, details involve strange looking stains on the rug, no one is beautiful, you never ever feel anything but misery and most assuredly, no one's clothes are magically torn from their slow motion.

Which, again, is why this is all in a commercial. A very strange commercial. A commercial for organic underwear maker PACT.

Strange as it is, it truly does make us wish there were days like this when the walls would part and we could escape into nature for a welcome respite from the difficulties of the day.

The tagline for this campaign? "Change Starts With Your Underwear." Perfection.

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Please Help Us Interpret This Strange Nokia Commercial


Watching this long form commercial for the Nokia N900 brings back less than fond memories of agency concepting sessions during which creative types (and everyone else for that matter) would begin to act like idiots, spout out idiotic buzz words and, in some cases, even burst into full blown freak outs like one dude does here.

It's endearing to know this spastic behavior still exists in the industry. And if this commercial is trying to deliver some deeper message, it's surely escaped us. And we're the best test for this sort of thing. Because if you can't connect with our simple mind, there's no way you're going to connect with the people you'd like to buy your phone.

by Steve Hall    Nov-10-09    
Topic: Strange

East German Band Rammstein Butchers Its Porn


New Berlin agency, TODD is out with a new campaign for the East German band, Rammstein and Universal Music. The campaign promotes the new Rammstein album, Liebe ist für alle da (Love Is There For Everyone) with the message that everyone has the right to express and receive love in whatever odd or kinky way they choose. The launch single "Pussy" shows the band members starring in their own porn movie, directed by Jonas Åkerlund.

And then there the butcher hacking the head of some dead animal. Have a look at all four videos here, here, here and here.

Believe it or not, its a campaign and it's airing on TV.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Strange, Video

If You're A DD Cup, Victoria's Secret Will Make You A G Cup


Victoria's Secret is out with its new Miraculous push up bra commercial which claims to add two cup sizes to any woman who buys one. We once worked with a woman who, shall we ever so politely say, was flat. But that never stopped her from going to freakishly painful looking efforts to squeeze together what little flesh she had on her chest into what she perceived to be attractive cleavage. All it did was make her look like she was wearing a rubber band around her chest.

It's all about size, people. Thirteen inch erections and DDD cup breasts. Much like food, many people go to extreme efforts to super-size various parts of their body in an effort to adhere to the impossible standards we've place on what constitutes looking good.

If you have huge boobs, be pleased with them. If you have small boobs, be pleased with them. Get over the obsessive urge to super-size.

Wait, what? Did we just say that? Who doesn't love big breasts? Not Victoria's Secret which, as it has many times before, is hyping a new push up bra. This one claims to add two cup sizes to what you've already got.

And the bra is available available in DD cup size. So if you're already big, you can be even bigger. See? Isn't America great? We like everything bigger. And Victoria's Secret is here to help.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Racy, Strange

Candle Gets An Erection in Celebration of Viagra's Tenth Birthday


OK. If you can. Picture yourself in front of a fire. On the floor. With your lover. In the seventies. Laying on a shag carpet. Next to a lava lamp. Under a smiley face poster. With Barry White crooning in the background.

Got it? Good. Now watch this video which celebrates the tenth birthday of Viagra, something that wasn't even envisioned anytime during the entire decade.

by Steve Hall    Nov- 3-09    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Swiffer Spoofed, Axe Effect Debunked, Eighties Hyped (Again)


- Logo's The Big Sketch Comedy takes on the infamous Swiffer commercials. Horrifically funny.

- A fan or product of the 80's? The you might like the "80s-iser" from Russell Athletic.

- Dial takes on the whole Axe Effect thing and debunks it with an Attraction Field Study in which a guy stands on the sidewalk for two hours after showering with Axe. The result? Nothing. There's also the Get Magnetic site which takes a decidedly more scientific looking at why humans and animals are attracted to one another.

- Following its DEWmocracy effort, Mountain Dew has hooked up with 12 Seconds for a competition which will determine who gets to shoot the brand's next commercial.

by Steve Hall    Oct-29-09    
Topic: Consumer Created, Promotions, Spoofs, Strange, Video

Bored Doggy + Internet Access = Online Porn


You've always got to wonder about these ads. You know the ones. The entire ad is one large graphic. And the only other thing on the page is a tiny logo and, perhaps, a tagline. And it's in English but from non-English speaking country. Nine times out of ten, they are spec or spoof ads. And sometimes they can cause you to be sued for thousands by brands without a sense of humor.

This ad for a daytime dog care company asks us to wonder just what our four legged friends really do all day long when they're home alone. According to this ad, they are no different that us humans when we get a little bored and need a bit of distraction from the stress of our daily routines.

We've asked the creators of this ad, Jung von Matt in Stockholm, Sweden, to categorize this ad for us (they've confirmed it to be the deal deal) but we really don't care. We like it whether it's real or not.

by Steve Hall    Oct-28-09    
Topic: Racy, Strange

That's My Billboard! No, It's Mine! No, Mine! Waa! Waa!


Pity the poor wild posting. It's under attack by New York-based Public Art Campaign. Specifically, the group is targeting NPA, a company which maintains a collection of specific wild posting locations.

Public Art Campaign representatives Sunday were seen around Manhattan with buckets of white paint covering NPA wild posting boards. According to Gothamist, less that an hour after the boards were whitewashed and non-commercial art applied, NPA had reclaimed the boards are reposted them with commercial messaging.

It's like two kids fighting over a toy (Mine! Mine! Mine!) until it breaks. Which then leads to a dueling temper tantrum of epic proportion.

According to the New York Times, five people were arrested in association with the standoff.

by Steve Hall    Oct-27-09    
Topic: Cause, Outdoor, Strange