Real Tax Payers of Genius Don't Squander on Ad Divas.


It isn't immediately clear whether the Maryland Comptroller has an ingenious sense of humor or just really low standards, but "Real Tax Payers of Genius" -- a video effort to get taxpayers to e-file -- definitely left us with a queasy "What hath YouTube wrought" sensation.

Word from a colleague: "I love how the screen says ifile ... and the voice says efile." But it was the papercut scene, and the digitally-enhanced voiceover, that stole our appetites.

We can't hate on something we so deeply pity. So hey, MD, here's some help. (And warm clammy thanks to Jack for molesting us with this audiovisual gem.)

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by Angela Natividad    Feb-13-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Online, Strange

Man and Robot Have Earnest but Unconvincing Pizza Debate


Not completely sure what to make of this one. For pizza franchise Mr. Jim's, AdWise put together this weird ad where founder Mr. Jim goes head-to-head with "Doughby," his dough-making robot.

In the space of :30 they start randomly arguing about whether it's dough, or "the toppings and the crust!", that makes a pizza great.

But given that crust is composed of dough, and the company slogan is "It's the crust!", I guess Doughby wins. Or both win. Or maybe it doesn't matter, and we should all hit Pizza Hut for some stuffed-crust action, because that's really more our speed.

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by Angela Natividad    Feb-13-09    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Strange, Television

It's the New WTF Blanket!


You've heard of the Snuggie, right? No? Well you're missing out on one of the coolest new fashion ever to hit the ... television in the form of a stupid infomercial. But forget about the actual infomercial and watch this parody. Did we say PARODY? Yes, we said PARODY. Get it? Parody!

Anyway, now that we've clarified that minor detail, check out the What the Fuck Blanket.

by Steve Hall    Feb-12-09    
Topic: Good, Spoofs, Strange

Arnell Document Just A Standard Creative Brief on Steroids


Oh how we just wanted to let this one go. Really, we did. And we thought it would just go away like every other occasional unveiling of an agency's always-embarrassing internal workings.

As idiotic, far-fetched and plain absurd as the Arnell Group Pepsi document is, anyone who's ever worked in the industry knows this brand blatherific crap is the norm when it comes to a renaming/rebranding/logo project. It's. Just. The. Way. It. Is.

We're not defending the document's overblown inanity but pick up any creative brief or major rebranding document you've ever written and read it. Then multiply the idiocy you just read by about 100 and it makes perfect sense, given the size of the Pepsi account, the Arnell/Pepsi document is as hilariously verbose and mind-boggling as it is.

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by Steve Hall    Feb-11-09    
Topic: Agencies, Opinion, Strange

Parker Persuades, Paul Parodies, Arnell Undressed, Pizza Twittered


- George Parker is out with his new book; The Ubiquitous Persuaders. Buy it now!

- Moo Tags. Yea, me too.

- Here are five must-have ingredients for any Steven Segal movie. It promotes the recent release of one of his DVDs. He still makes movies?

- Here's a parody of The New York Times Weekender commercial featuring Paul Rudd.

- And yes, like everyone else, we have to air Arnell Groups dirty laundry in the form of their hyper-pretentious, buzz word-happy, brand blather-filled brief for the work it did on the new Pepsi logo. Please Arnell, tell us the whole thing was a joke and you're all laughing at us now. Please?

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by Steve Hall    Feb-11-09    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Celebrity, Strange, Video

Former President Bush Appears in Doritos Crash the Super Bowl Ad


Yes, the Super Bowl is Over. Yes, all those Doritos ads seem to have garnered all the love they'd hoped to achieve. And, yes, there are still a lot of consumer-generated Crash the Super Bowl commercials floating around. Here's one from Lavirale which makes fun for former President Bush's relationship with pretzels.

It's pretty clear why this one wasn't chosen for Super Bowl airing. Or why it's not even listed as a contender on the Doritos Crash the Super Bowl site.

by Steve Hall    Feb-11-09    
Topic: Commercials, Consumer Created, Strange

According to This YouTuber, 50 Cent is A Media Whore


In a video from a guy who can only be described as the archetypal high school geek, 50 Cent takes a lashing for his continued penchant to sell out to any brand who will have him. From Vitamin Water to a line of men's cosmetics condoms to a video game to a movie, 505 cent is now on to sex toys.

Female First reports, "The sexy rapper is desperate to release a line of condoms and waterproof sex toys designed to excite his female fans and make them feel closer to his idols."

To which our archetypal high school geek reacts, "My God. 50 Cent is just whoring himself out. First he's doing commercials for Vitamin Water then its a make up line and then...he makes a dildo of his own dick? What else is he gonna do? Fiddy cent diapers fo yo little gangsta?"


by Steve Hall    Feb-11-09    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Strange, Video

Hope in the Slammer, Witch Buddies, Ad Poetry


- "Twitter for sports." And then our eyes rolled back in our heads, and then we died.

- BFFs with the Wicked Witch of the West. She seems fun. DDR, your house or mine?

- The question we all must ask. Sometime.

- Shepard Fairey, the guy who did that Obama/Hope poster we all love to wheatpaste on walls that don't belong to us, gets arrested before his first solo art show. Duuuude. Sux.

- Scroll down to the part that reads "cb with a Flair."

- Intern sweatshop haiku.

The French Make Super Bowl Ad


Now we know where all the good commercials were during the Super Bowl. In France! Yes, in France. Though typical in the sense it's all about boy uses best friend to appear heroic for hot girl he wants to take out, this Pepsi Max commercial just oozes Super Bowl idiocy. Oh and we mean good idiocy in this case.

Just one problem. How exactly did that octopus get out of the water so quickly? CLM BBDO created.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 9-09    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange, Super Bowl 2009

Colgate Gives You Fresh Breath That Turns You On


The name of this commercial, Naughty Boy, and the tagline, "Fresh breath that turns you on," might lead one to believe Colgate has added some sort of aphrodisiac to its toothpaste. But upon viewing the spot, one wonders if what Colgate, instead, added was some kind of seizure-inducing ingredient. Otherwise, this dude's expression of getting "turned on" is seriously warped.

Rediffusion Y&R Mumbai created the spot.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 9-09    
Topic: Commercials, Strange