On Twitter Ketchum Exec Trashes Memphis, Home to Client FedEx


So you're an agency executive on your way to make a presentation to your client. A big client. A really big client. You land. You get off the plane. You head to your destination. You launch Twitter and write, "True confession but I'm in one of those towns where I scratch my head and say 'I would die if I had to live here!'"

Then, an employee at the client company sees the tweet, gets upset and fires off an email expressing offense to the tweet...and cc's agency and client management.

The agency executive? Ketchum VP James Andrews.

The client? FedEx...based in Memphis.

Oops. Big oops.

Ah, the never ending dangers of a 140 character tweet.

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by Steve Hall    Jan-16-09    
Topic: Agencies, Social, Strange

Pancreatic Cancer: The Assassin with Flair.


"That's Dan. And I'm Dan's pancreatic cancer."

How do you even begin to take a pitch like that seriously?

I just love how, after describing Dan's untimely death with a listless "eh," Pancreatic Cancer looks out the backseat window and croons (with the most subtle of accents), "I have 35,000 other people to kill this year."

Blase, baby, blase. Unintentionally hilarious work by Gardner Nelson + Partners for the Lustgarden Foundation. Somebody needs to page Charlie Brooker and tell him to update his list.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-15-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Strange, Television

Slendertone Will Make You Blow.


Check out "First Time," the first-ever online video attempt by a company called Slendertone.

Put together by Publicis, the video depicts individuals, couples and groups either grinning or standing around uncertainly -- before their faces explode with either alarmed or joygasmic expressions.

The ad leaves you to guess what Slendertone actually does, but especially curious users are invited to visit slendertone.com, where all is revealed.*

Until you actually go out of your way to do that, however, you'll probably be standing around going, "It's a vibrator, right? Or an orgy-inducing party game?"

Probably doesn't help that at some point, the feel-good background song exclaims, "I'm about to blow, yeah!"

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Online, Strange, Video

Durex Knows About Your Balloon Animal Thing.


We all hit an age where our innocence is lost and we should be kept away from balloon animals at all costs.

Know why? Because, given the opportunity, we'll grab two and make them hump each other, either out of boredom or to entertain other co-eds whose brains haven't fully developed yet.

Capitalizing on this sad phenomenon, Durex gives us its latest online vid, which Superfad CD Robert Rugan creatively dubbed kama-balloon-animal-sutra.

"When you get the chance to create 'kama-balloon-animal-sutra', everyone involved gets really stoked about pushing the boundaries as much as possible," Rugan beamed.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan-14-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Online, Strange, Video

Angry Whopper Unhinges Schoolmarms, Whips Germans into Shape


Ever on the lookout for sensory violations, Brentter's brought us Angry Whopper ads for the UK and Germany.

In case you need refreshing, Burger King recently announced the availability of its Angry Whopper in the US with this bizarre ad, where a farmer physically abuses an onion during its crucial growing stage.

As a result, the onion leaves the earth hotter than Satan's feet. Added to a jalapeno-infused Whopper, it spanks the mouth of any office cog who dares order it.

It turns out the Angry Whopper's been on the market in Europe since May, with ads obviously tailored to each culture. The UK spot is pretty tame -- an anger management teacher, who thinks she can "handle" her rage, doesn't handle it very well after taking a bite.

As for the German one? Well, it's Germany. Add a fetish, slip it in leather and give it a whip.

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Everyone Has a Song Inside. But Few Should Give Birth to It.


Microsoft channels Dr. Horrible with this scary new ad for Songsmith. Not since Vista's Rockin' Our Sales music video has Bill Gates' baby so deftly tapped the Twitter rubbernecking reflex.

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by Angela Natividad    Jan- 9-09    
Topic: Brands, Online, Promotions, Strange, Video

Geico's Kash Still Watching


The Martin agency has added two new spots to the Geico Kash campaign. That's the campaign in which the creepy looking stack of money with eyeballs appears seemingly to indicate the money one could have saved had one been a Geico customer.

The interesting thing about these spots is that they are so random. In one, a roofer tells another roofer he's being scoped out, one assumes, by a girl. As it turns out, it's just that creepy stack of Geico money. In another, a man stops to ask a guy working on a fence for directions. After a longish pause in which the guy in the car considers how the hell he's going to get where he's going, he notices the Geico stack of money. Fence guy looks and says, "Poor fella. He must have following your for miles. Looks tired."

Cue mid-eighties dance tune Somebody's Watching Me.

by Steve Hall    Jan- 8-09    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Strange

Not to Be Rude, But This Cupcake Tastes Suspiciously Like a Wi-Fi Hotspot


After setting up its first-ever 4G wireless broadband network in Portland, Clearwire tapped Secret Weapon Marketing to promote its merits: better internet speeds, broader coverage.

The result was a series of irreverent prints -- and "Sprinkles," a TV ad that compares wireless coverage to cupcake sprinkles. (Rivals are represented by a stingy sprinkling; meanwhile, Clearwire's coverage deluges the bakery with diabetes-inducing hail.)

"Welcome to the future," the narrator says smugly.

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Make Love, or Don't.


Sunil Shibad, the brains behind this whole debacle, just linked us to his new year greeting card.

Illustrated by the image of a gun barrel loaded with a single, heart-shaped bullet, the card reads, "Make love not war. Make love get AIDS. Either way you die."

We're still uncertain what to make of it ... but we're pret-ty sure that logic could use some retooling.

by Angela Natividad    Jan- 7-09    
Topic: Online, Strange

Mommy Cow Bloggers to Unite Against Ray-Ban


Dear Chuck McBride,

Assuming you had a hand in its creation, we just watched your Cow Gives Birth to a Guy commercial in which, yes, a cow gives birth to a guy...wearing Ray-Bans and we're, well, disgusted. No wait, freaked out. No wait, astonished. No wait, horrified. No wait, laughing out loud. No wait, what? We have no idea.

Fake sunglass tossing videos are one thing. This thing falls into an entirley different category. OMFG, we're calling the SPCA. Or is it PETA? Or is it NICFA? NDFA? ADA? DFA?

Surely someone's gonna have a problem with a 6'2" guy getting extricated from a mommy cow! Oh wait, that's it. The manure storm is about to hit! Mommy Cow Bloggers are gonna be all over your ass about this one!

by Steve Hall    Jan- 7-09    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Good, Strange, Video