Bikinis, Bondage and Bikes. Now There's An Ad Campaign


Alrighty then. All women wear bikinis, sundresses and short shorts while exploring the world on a bicycle, right? Oh, and let's not forget engaging in a little bit of bondage, too. Um, WTF? This, to sell a bike? Johnny Loco bikes. Yea, loco is right.

Created by New Message Amsterdam, the campaign will run in outdoor, print and online in The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, South Africa and Australia. It was shot in South Africa by advertising and fashion photographer Rene Kramers.

OK, then. Now back to our regularly schedule ad campaigns.

by Steve Hall    Apr-14-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Racy, Strange

Heineken Lady Cider, Visa Superfreaks, Edible Business Cards


- Amsterdam's Pink & Poodle takes women on for Heineken cider brand Jillz.

- Sayonara to Enfatico (and about bloody time).

- LA Times positions Southland ad as news story. (Via).

- D*Face gives The Queen a facelift.

- Seeking greener pastures on the down-low? One headhunter's business card is edible.

- One prepaid mobile's bailout plan.

- Reason #4320984309384 why we can't visit mom and dad after Cannes.

- Visa Debit does Superfreak. We don't know why, but Morgan Freeman doesn't sound sold either.

SoyJoy Aids Muscle Strength...Or Relieves Constipation


This bizarre Japanese commercial for SoyJoy causes one to wonder, "trying to sit or take a shit?" We're really not trying to be witty or anything here. Seriously. Just watch the commercial and let us know what conclusion you come to.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 9-09    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

Nestea Rides the Mechanical Bear


Weird. Weird. Weird. Thanks to Venables Bell & Partners, Odopod and Nestea, We have...the Mechanical Riding Bear! Yes, that and a collection of other weird activities like the Room of Doom and The Cobra Pit. It's all fun and games filmed Diesel Heides-style. And it's called Liquid Awesomeness.

As it was described to us, "It's kind of like a webcam, a viral video, a video game and a commercial had a disgusting foursome and then somehow gave birth." Yea, we'd have to agree with that assessment.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Games, Good, Strange

Agency Co-Founder Visits Doctor to Discuss Effects of Eating His Shorts


Continuing his efforts to land his agency a solar account by the end of the year, Captains of Industry Co-Founder Ted Page visits his doctor to discuss the side effects of eating cotton shorts, which he's promised to do if his agency doesn't get a solar account.

In an unscripted video, Page visits Dr. Glenn Rothfeld during which time the doctor talks about the after effects of eating cotton shorts, the fact it could cause a bezoar (hairball), the benefits of cooking the shorts Cajun-style prior to consuming and the fact super models often times consume cotton balls to keep their weight down.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 8-09    
Topic: Agencies, Promotions, Strange, Video

Irish Bank Think Brutal Truth the Best Policy


Oh yes, indeed. Life is most certainly more "interesting" when you tell the truth. That's the premise of this "The Truth" campaign for Ireland-based bank, RaboDirect. In these trying financial times, people want honesty, transparency and the brital truth. And that's what they get in this video campaign for the bank.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Strange, Video

There's No PMS in Fairy Tales!


While we don't speak Spanish and can't understand all the words in this California Milk Processor Board commercial, the message is clear: a glass of milk can cheer you up on a bad day. We could use a gallon right about now.

In this commercial, created by Grupo Gallegos and animated by Psyop, a prince saves the day as a Princess' mood reeks havoc across her world. It's a grand gesture and one that's best experience without actually understanding the words. Because if you did, you'd realize the whole thing is a metaphor for the Princess' PMS and how milk lessens that monthly blow.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-09    
Topic: Bad, Campaigns, Cause, Commercials, Good, Strange

Don't Get All Weepy About This 'Save the Polar Bear' Ad Just Yet


Ever watch one of those teaser type commercials that clearly points on the direction of some weepy cause-related effort? This is not one of those commercials. It certainly starts out that way with a bunch of eager, eco-types embarking upon some lofty goal to correct some horrible wrong. And while they do end up doing some cute cuddlies a solid, the whole thing is a lame metaphor illustrating something far more mundane and pedestrian.

SAA/Y&R Tel Aviv created.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 6-09    
Topic: Commercials, Strange

It's Time to ... Mow the Lawn!


Ariel Waldman, and ton of other people - sent in this gem for us all to appreciate. It's ever so similar to another piece of work for a similar product but we just can't seem to locate that in the archives. Update: Thanks to commenter Chris, here's what I couldn't find. And yea. They are both similar because they are both for Wilkinson.

So what the hell are we talking about? Gardening, of course. More specifically, mowing the lawn. But not the kind of lawn you'd use a Cub Cadet or a John Deere to mow. Nope. This kind of lawn requires something from Wilkinson.


by Steve Hall    Apr- 4-09    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

Act Now! Visit Soul Wow And Confess Your Sins!


It's a sad fact infomercials work. They scream at you. They assault you with cheesy graphics. They pummel you over and over again with a call to action.

Know what else is a sad fact? That the Catholic Church has to use the shtick to get people to confess their sins during Holy Week. Yes, the Catholic Dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Center has kooked up with the Forza Migliozzi agency to create Soul Wow which aims to fill confessional booths in Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island Monday, April 6.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 2-09    
Topic: Campaigns, Strange, Video