Crispin Wants Us to See Broadcast Director's Ass Crack


We sometimes wonder why anyone in their right mind would want their ass crack revealed for the entire industry to examine but, apparently, someone over at Crispin Porter + Bogusky wants (practically begged) all of us to see Director of Broadcast Rupert Samuel's ass which he bared (sort of) at the agency's recent two office (Miami and Boulder) holiday party. Bogusky himself was on hand as well dressed as Willy Wonka. Oh the things we do to bring you important ad industry news.

by Steve Hall    Dec-12-06    
Topic: Agencies, Strange

Going Out is For Losers


In an attempt to capture an unlikely audience, London's Time Out has launched two spots directed by Julian Pugsley and edited by Owen Plotkin that take us inside the very weird world of social losers illustrating to us how we'd never, ever want to lead such a life and how Time Out can cure all. Well, at least it can provide places to go. We're not too sure if it can cure the idiosyncratic behavior of the two guys in these commercials.

by Steve Hall    Dec-12-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

'Entertainment Weekly' Declines Hollywood Humor Campaign


It seems silicone breast implants and Scientology are two topics Entertainment Weekly would rather leave alone lest it spark fury among the Hollywood elite that makes its existence possible or raise the ire of Tom Cruise's lawyer Betram Fields. The magazine rejected a TDA Advertising & Design-created campaign for outerwear company Cloudveil Mountain Works' new Hollywood skiwear line. The campaign was intended to reach Hollywood elite during the Sundance Film Festival and other events held at Aspen and Vail ski resorts.

One ad pictures a mock Aspen street sign, stating "Silicone implants begin to freeze at -10˚ Fahrenheit." Additional text, underneath inset photos of three Cloudveil jackets, read: "We'd like to remind you Hollywood types to dress accordingly." A second ad showed a Cloudveil jacket over copy reading: "We wanted celebrities visiting ski towns to know about us. It was either run an ad in this magazine, or become scientologists." See them both here and here.

by Steve Hall    Dec-11-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Magazine, Strange

Beer Promotion Strangely Linked to Whale Killings


Apparently, the Japanese have a substantial interest in several Australian beer brands and that's tightened the underwear of the conservation group Sea Shepard Society and Australia's Bluetongue Brewery who want the public to know which Australian beers are "whale safe." Apparently, the Japanese kill a lot of whales under the pretext of research. In a video found on YouTube and on the Whales Safe Beer website, a fat Japanese business man, in response to ordering the "full whale experience" at a restaurant, is served just that but we're sure it's not at all what he was expecting.

Listed on the Whales Safe Beer site are the beers Bluetoungue and the Sea Shepard Society say are not whale safe. These include Castlemaine, Emu, Hahn, James Squire, Southwark, Swan, Tooheys, West End and XXXX.

by Steve Hall    Dec-11-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Video

Illuminated Reindeer Draws Energy from Enslaved Pedalers


In what's got to be among the suckiest jobs ever, BC Hydro commissioned Vancouver-based DDB Canada to create an illuminated billboard that ran 24/7 on the pedaling power of over 120 volunteers.

The campaign in toto featured 1500 LED lights, an enviro-savvy choice at least, and for every hour the reindeer was lit Hydro made a donation to the Canadian Association of Food Banks. Well, that's sweet. We hope the donation makes for some serious holiday dinner considering a lot of literal blood, sweat and (possibly) tears went into keeping that magical deer afire. - Contributed by Angela Natividad

by Angela Natividad    Dec- 9-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Outdoor, Strange

Infomercial Madness Promotes MSN Search


This has Wexley School for Girls written all over it. Oh wait, of course it does...because they did it. They created it for MSN Search. Using the kooky infomercial format and several of its stars, Anthony Sullivan, Matthew Lesko and Tony Little, Infomercial Madness pumps up MSN Search informercial-style and offers visitors the chance to make their own promotional informercial. It's all a bit cheesy but, then again, we're talking about the cheesiest form of advertising here.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Strange

Santa Gets Chopped For...Well...We Have No Idea


It's logical we're not too sure what this Dentsu Canada-created spot for madamedgar is all about because we were equally perplexed when we visited their website. Either we're not hip enough to know, don't want to take the time to find out or we're just plain stupid. You tell us.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-06    
Topic: Strange, Video

Passport Forgotten, Bogusky Elfed, Apple Spoofed, Portals Die


- Kid runs away from home, forgets passport, TV show promoted.

- Alex Bogusky gets his elf on over at Office Max.

- If you're going to spoof a Mac/PC ad for your holiday card, the least you could do what make it good. TM Advertising didn't.

- Joe Jaffe examines the long, slow death of the portal.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 8-06    
Topic: Agencies, Online, Opinion, Spoofs, Strange, Video

New York is Banning Everything


Copyranter wonders whether or not the recent new York City Health Board law to ban trans fats in all foods found in New York will lead to the banning of street food carts, deli salad carst or even farting. One cause group, Consumer Freedom thinks the law goes too far and asks in a USA Today ad if pizza, hot dogs, corned beef and coffee should be banned as well since, ya know, they're kinda bad for you too. Next: miniskirts and halter tops because, ya know, they're distracting.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 7-06    
Topic: Bad, Newspaper, Strange

Ogilvy Makes Draft/FCB Lion Ad Into TV Commercial


In a twisted nod to that Draft/FCB Lion ad everyone took pleasure in shitting on, this Ogilvy Amsterdam-created ad for MTV takes the whole lion fucking thing even further incorporating other species and, in an excruciatingly long 60 seconds, tells people to wear condoms because "every six seconds somebody is infected with HIV." Catchy tune though. Unfortunately, it's gonna be stuck in our head the next time we decide to go all animal on someone.

by Steve Hall    Dec- 6-06    
Topic: Commercials, Racy, Strange