The most fun we ever had with Wonder bread wasn't eating it. Nope. Not at all. Especially since every bite would stick to the top of the mouth and adhere itself there like glue until a bit of invasive finger surgery was performed. Rather, because it's made mostly out of air, we'd take sadistic joy in compressing an entire loaf into a shape the size of a tennis ball and hurling it across the table at our sister. It made for great breakfast time entertainment but it seems things have changed over the years.
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Barkley and production house Liquid 9 have welcomed back the ADDYs to Kansas city by killing off the OMNI Awards Spy versus Spy-style. Poor OMNI meets a bloody death at the hands of ADDY who uses the usual Spy versus Spy tactics to do so.
Hey, this is advertising. We'll beat our competition to a bloody pulp every chance we get!
Here's a pretty but slow-going spot from Ogilvy Paris. Ask yourself (while reclining in the idleness of the inherited rich): do you create the journey, or does the journey create you?
We were a little stunned to discover the ad was for Louis Vuitton and not for the Tourism Department of, oh, Portugal. Or maybe the Virgin Islands.
In any case, to demonstrate LV's trademark decadence, Brentter points out the spot is the first-ever TV ad for the brand. And it clocks in at :90! Way to burn the scrilla-scratch dough.
We've seen the many directions in which fashion brands travel to promote their wares. We've had Dolce and Gabanna toy with rape. We've had target employ holographs. We've had Nolita use an anorexic French actress to sell its wares. We've had Wrangler spread fashion mannequin around Paris. We've had hottie-wear promoted with voyeuristic videos. We've had former Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev hawking Louis Vuitton. We've had Sisley doing, well, anything and everything that has to do with sex to call attention to its fashions.
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Oh how we love contextual advertising. Surely, it's a very effective form of online advertising and does it's thing quite well about 98 percent of the time. That's certainly worth celebrating but it's that other two percent we love so much.
You know it. It's that two percent that give us turpentine ads next to stories about a girl who committed suicide by drinking turpentine. "Card Shark" credit card copy next to an article about a woman killed by a shark. A free dinner for two offer from Olive Garden next to a story about how 250 people fot sick after eating at one of their restaurants.
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The Super Bowl ads people claimed to dislike more than others, or that performed poorly in ad popularity studies, turned out to perform quite well in terms of acquiring website visits. GoDaddy, Salesgenie, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Audi, Gatorade, Under Armour, most of which weren't too well received, saw significant gains in site traffic the day after the game, according to Hitwise.
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For men seeking rich older women, and older women hungry for pretty meat popsicles, check out Pocket Change.
This week Pocket Change is running a NYC-based event called Sugar Mama Speed Date, which puts a lowest-common-denominator twist on that speed dating thing. The application for men is totally appearance-based, and all entrants must be younger than 35.
Some of the hot hunks of man-toy are in advertising -- and guess what else! We get to show you their pictures and names. Get a leer at the sugar-mama-hunting ad-flesh up for grabs: Joseph Pergola, Jay Kelty, David Zarkin, Jonathan Hillman, and Brad Melshenker (don't be fooled by the context).
We actually didn't think these people were serious until we got photos of the harem. If someone would like to bring Adrants home some bacon a la Bennett, don't let your modesty stop you.
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If you want a seriously retarded re-cap of this year's Super Bowl commercials, be sure to check out Bob Garfield's video in which he thinks one of the Bridgestone commercials was homophobic, an extremely tame Victoria's Secret commercial somehow compels guys to go home and masturbate, the cartoonish heart in that Careerbuilder commercial as well as the "blood curdling scream" in Audi's Godfather spot will "scare the wits" out of children, Diet Pepsi Max is somehow marketed as a drug, McDonald's somehow shouldn't make people aware it's behind the Ronald McDonald House and that it's impossible for two people of opposing political parties to put aside their arguing for a day and relate to each other like human beings.
Seriously, Bob. Life really isn't as bad as you paint it. Didn't you see Coke's beautiful balloon ballet? OK, so this year's Super Bowl wasn't a stellar one ad-wise but it was not the debacle you paint it.
Gatorade really isn't cutting it with its Super Bowl efforts this year. In a spot for its G2 sport drink, Derek Jeter walks through the streets of New York as a baseball landscape digitally follows him. Like we said here, nice effects but that's about it. We said it wasn't lame but close.
After viewing this Arnell-created commercial for the company's flagship line of drinks, we can, without doubt, say this one is truly lame. For almost the entire length of the commercial, we see a dog drinking from its water bowl. We watch. We wait. We watch. We wait. There simply has to be some amazing punchline this thing's working up to. Will the dog break out in some sort of digitally-enabled, cartoonish, Gatorade-fueled dance? Will we see a loving scene between dog and man with a closing shot of man and dog expressing their love for one another while the man drinks from a bottle of Gatorade and the tagline, "Gatorade. Life is Good" is supered?
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So you first start watching this Jawbone ad (of course you don't know it's a Jawbone as yet) in which the camera makes visual love to an OMFG hot lady in a black bikini sunning on a recliner next to a pool and all is well with the world. You're all set to drink in the woman's delicious thighs, her ripped stomach, her perfect waist-to-hip ration, her perfect skin, her magnificent breasts, her stunning Euro-style beauty...until you get cock blocked by a bunch or loud retards (OK, that's not PC so we'll say buffoons) who do what guys do when they get together: make a lot of noise and act stupid (OK, that's not PC so we'll say, uh, exuberant)
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