Fame Game Fabricates Fancy Electro-Funk Concoction


The Fame Game, an all-online talent show where the talented and not-so-talented vie monthly for money and stars, enlists Cake to create a catchy viral. The result? Kitchen Diaries.

For a good Electro Funk Daddy Superstar Break, a quirky beat-boxing chef throws together a satisfying ingredient list of ripped noises. After creating an awesome break, he recommends nixing the fish (a popular addition) and sticking the mixture in an oven to bake for three years at 700 degrees.

Awesome work and a tasty listen. Take a look at the wannabes who've already jumped on board. We recommend you not skip the Elvis impersonator who beat-boxes on the john. Definitely pimp-throne worthy, yeah?

by Angela Natividad    Jan-23-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online, Strange

Zune Ad Blows. Literally. OK, Figuratively But Still


We know Microsoft wants us all to think its new Zune MP3 player is the MP3's answer to social networking what with its questionably easy method of song sharing and such . What we didn't know was just how social the staid monolith would get in order to convey its apparently very friendly social skills. Look at this banner ad for Zune found on Metacritic and ask yourself exactly what this particular sort of social activity has do to with song sharing. And before all you conservative types jump out of your seat and scream "Adrants goes for cheap salaciousness again!", ask yourself why Microsoft or the art director behind this creation cold not have chosen from 3 million other shots of a woman making love to a microphone before choosing this image which alludes to an entirely different kind of love making. Click the image to increase the size of the love making.

by Steve Hall    Jan-23-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Racy, Strange

Rosie Dances with Tissue Boxes for Kimberly-Clark Sweepstakes


We stood behind Rosie after that Donald Trump nonsense. We like that she stuck by what she said even when the Trumpster threatened to fling a lawsuit in her direction on one of his ninja-star toupees. But this makes us feel funky about her.

Kimberly-Clark hits The View to push their room makeover sweepstakes. Rosie gets exhaustively excited and right when we think she can't look more insane she does a Broadway number complete with dancing K-C products. And that's not something we could have made up even if we tried really, really hard.

Rosie, we hate to be the ones to tell you, but you're not funny anymore. We can't remember whether you ever really were. You're a bit cartoony. And not in a neat Jim Carey way. You're more like, well, that Roger Rabbit villain who tried to kill the other cartoons with Dip.

He gave us the horrors. And these days, you do too.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-22-07    
Topic: Brands, Celebrity, Games, Online, Strange, Television

Bar Code Creates Hipster Sign Language


Here's a weird one. Sinless gets behind Bar Code designs, an odd project in which people can flirt and hook up with a form of sign language for those too cool - or simply too lame - to talk or offer to buy somebody a drink.

Bar Code sends registered users a new sign to learn every week or so. We registered for the list but are thus far pretty skeptical. It reminds us a little of Esperanto, that experiment in universal language that was supposed to bring cosmopolitan travelers together but is mainly utilized by awkward people trying to shortcut learning an actual native tongue.

Dissemination of the hipster signs depends on word of mouth but we don't see it working unless a critical mass is already out there using it. Otherwise those willing to get savvy will just be out there with limbs akimbo, monkeying an artificial social langue only they and maybe five other people in the universe understand, which gives us something new to laugh about, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. For us, anyway.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-22-07    
Topic: Human, Online, Strange

BidetSpa Blows Water, Not Smoke, Up Imposing Derrieres


Clean Butt is the spankin' new concept site for BidetSpa, which specializes in, well, bidets. We don't know who in America buys bidets but we found the Clean Butt URL catchy and amusing.

There are features on the site we're dying to check out but can't because either the site or our internet is misbehaving this morning. But how can you not want to explore a link marked Toilevator? Or Bidet Spa with Wireless Remote? We feel like Alice slamming her head into the Looking-Glass to no avail. They're killing us here!

by Angela Natividad    Jan-22-07    
Topic: Online, Strange

Ignored Brands Attack Humans, Demand Attention


Imagine for a minute you are a brand. Feel the monetary hurricane at your back pushing you towards the unwanting consumer. Wallow in pain as people pass you by without a care. Take offense as everyone fast forwards past you as you try to deliver your message. Feel the frustration as you and your fellow brands are yanked out of the Sunday paper tossed into the trash en mass. Sense the rage as you are digitally eradicated from a web page by an ad blocker.

Now, picture yourself empowered with the ability to fight back. Envision those pesky little consumers as helpless, tiny flies. Imagine yourself holding a fly swatter ready to attack. Feel the pleasure of whacking the consumer upside the head with a vengeance that requires...no...demands attention! Now, go watch this YouTube video and revel in a world where brands actually get noticed.

by Steve Hall    Jan-22-07    
Topic: Strange, Video

Toyota RAV4 Great For...Medieval Joust?


While quite a few commenters think this Toyota RAV4 jousting spot is for shit, we like it purely for its unique entertainment value and because it's not a winding mountain road spot. And, wouldn't it be fun to watch two drunk idiots actually try to do this? Come one. You know you like it. Admit it.

by Steve Hall    Jan-22-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Seriously! Toyota Tacoma Survives Yet Another Thrashing


Continuing is long-running trend of thrashing about its Tacoma pick up truck, Toyota is at it again; this time with a barfing Loch Ness monster who can't seem to stomach the truck's indestructible nature. Of course, a truck being shot out of the water like a cannon ball, smashing head first onto the ground and then being driven off with nary a scratch causes one to put as much belief into that as the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. Oh but wait, there's a disclaimer: "Fictionalization. Not a demo of Tacoma's performance or crash capabilities." Hmm. It might as well have read, "This commercial is a lie and we apologize for treating you like an idiot. Go buy a Ford. They're the ones that are really Built Tough." Nice touch though having Loch Ness Project's Adrian Shine in the spot. Not such a nice touch dropping the word "Expedition" in the spot though.

by Steve Hall    Jan-22-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Strange

Video Flashturbates Blog, Promotes Movie


It seems no one wants to see the Kristen Bell Pulse movie so the studio continues to pump out ever more odd promotional websites. Sent to us by Proximity Spain and created by, according to the Policy section, production house DeAPlaneta, a site called I Want to See A Ghost (customized Adrants version here) resembles a blog with the first post urging readers to view a video. After viewing the video, the site is taken over with Flashtastic drama incorporating your name (if it was forwarded to you by someone). The site follows an earlier effort that "attacked" a person's computer with hundreds of IM windows.

It's fairly freaky and an impressive use of Flash to turn the site into something other than what it's supposed to be. After the Flashtastic drama subsides, the site then goes black, serves up more "shocking" imagery then reveals it's a promotion for Pulse which opens in Spain February 2. It's a nice effort. Even if the movie garnered poor reviews.

by Steve Hall    Jan-19-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Strange, Video, Weblogs

Scott Clog Clinic Returns with More Toilet Humour


Installment Two in the Clog Clinic campaign features Mike Ditka getting preachy about flushes in a weird PSA-style ad, lends advice on what to do about tired old plungers, and invites you to test your flush savvy.

Additionally, users can win $25,000 for sharing their cloggiest moment. We shit you not. Join here if so inclined, and while you're at it join this contest for a pimp throne. The opportunities for media- (and not just regular) whoring in bathrooms are more numerous than we thought.

by Angela Natividad    Jan-17-07    
Topic: Brands, Online, Strange