In a very un-TV network-like manner and in response to freaks like this who are offended any company would dare to promote anything on YouTube, NBC created a video called Bill the Promo Guy in which Bill asks viewers to understand he does the promos because the salary he receives for producing them puts his son through prep school and buys his daughter a horse. NBC has arrived. It gets YouTube. It gets the video response. It gets this groovin' social media thing. Ah fuck it, it's just another ad. But a good one. A really, really good one. Kudos.
Shake Well Before Use, ever vigilant for our societies repressed obsession with sex, calls our attention to an ad campaign for a Turkish clothing company that attempts to go the sex sells route but fails miserably as SWBU writer Ariel comments, "the director couldn't even get them to 'play sex' in a convincing role in that crap junior's department clothing. Of course, fully clothed sex oulf be the new "fetch" since nakedness is, after all, so five minutes ago.
We don't know if this is more contextual buffoonery but we do like the idea of IBM ads surrounding a story about Apple's design guru Jonathan Ive in this BusinessWeek Online story.
The Effie Awards is running comparative a ad campaign to promote its revamped awards show. Created by New York-based Anomaly, the campaign pokes fun at other award shows with charts humorously describing the focus of the other shows. Citing the Clios' obsession with the hot agency of the moment, D&AD's focus on any Guinness spot, the Andys' love of anything that has to do with agency anniversaries or agency Chritmas parties and Cannes' fixation on ads that make no sense, the Effie's hopes to remind people it's only concerned with awarding ads that actually work.
Oh, and the whole rebranding using charts and graphs created in Excel is intended to further instill the show's focus on results versus fluff. Check out the full ad here. It's a big jpeg so you'll be able to see all the details of each of the charts in the ad.
We're told this is supposed to be a PSA for World Peace but we think it's better suited as a campaign to silence all those cause groups that have lost their sense of humor and have nothing better to do than ruin life for the rest of us by dumbing down and softening the edges of everything so much it all becomes pitifully bland and unmoving.
Appearing in Business Week a couple months prior to 9/11, Adrants reader Jim Lolis wonders if the creative team on this Cordant Technologies ad for its Howmet Castings division's jet engine airfoil technology was Al Qaeda. It looks pretty foretelling to us. Of course, yes, it's just another coincidence.
With a website called Snapalope Hunting Association of America, Crispin Porter + Bogusky has done some funny work for that convenience store oddity, Slim Jim. Is it meat? Is it flavored cardboard? Whatever. We'll let the food magazines figure that out. On the site, comparison charts make it easy to spot a Snapalope, a hand signal guide makes it easier to team hunt the beast, tip on hiding, using decoys, trapping and some ads in which Zoic Studios created the visual effects of the Snapalope.
Two makes a trend and and now it's official. Hot pregnant women are the new advertising hood ornament. Following the formerly reported ad for SEAT Altea car maker which featured a hot pregnant woman adorning the hood of a car, hot pregnant (photoshopped) women are now promoting Nova Shin beer. Or at least we think that's what they're promoting. It was odd enough to have a pregos Demi Moore and Britney Spears on magazine covers. Now we'll be seeing them in ad everywhere because, of course, pregnancy is a beautiful thing, right?
Not that this is yet another contextual ad mishap. Then again, maybe it is. It's not obvious this ad is on this page contextually or just normally. Next to an article about Segway recalling 23,500 of its scooters because the wheels can suddenly reverse causing injury to the rider is an apple ad with the PC guy in a wheelchair with casts on both arms and one leg. Actually, this contextual screw up, unlike the Anna Nicole Smith dead son one, is actually brilliant.
While we suppose it's not surprising that most guy's minds are continually filled with images of boobs and that, faced with certain death, those images might flood forward as part of the final lifetime flashback. Though, in this spot, created by Mask, for French sneaker retailer Courir, none of that is initially obvious. Apparently, we are to believe a little ketchup spilled on a pair of new sneakers is enough of a trigger to bring on a full blown boobathon flashback. In any event, it's always enjoyable to o drink in a few quick cuts of cleavage during the day. Besides, the French created this so that explains all.