Only in the whacked out world of the advertising agency would a stunt like this occur. On the evening of Friday, November 18, advertising agency Boone/Oakley, Charlotte celebrated its fifth year in business with a wedding. Creative director John Boone married his companion creative director David Oakley. No, they're not gay. It was just another excuse to have a party and garner free publicity. Well, aside from the fact the agency's fifth anniversary was being celebrated.
A ceremony and dinner for approximately 150 clients, guests and family was held at local wedding hall, The Extravaganza Depot. Marriage vows were read by agency president Phil Smith, and other agency staff served as ushers and bridesmaids. Oakley looked a bit freakish in his formal gown, which his wife, Claire, helped him pick out and get fitted.
Quicktimes of the freak show can be viewed at the agency's website. Since it's a fancy Flash site, there's no direct link. Click on About and follow the links.
In some weird ode to the seventies (or was it the eighties), emarketing company eROI has created a silly little site called WearShortShorts on which office co-workers do, well, strange things while wearing short shorts. we guess this is some form of viral attempt at driving traffic to the company's website. Or, it's just a bunch of advertising wackos, sick of their client's ridiculous requests, letting off some steam. Other than that, we don't know. Oh wait, there;s a store that sells the short shorts, a t-shirt and a headband so you can fully don the idiocy of seventies cool.
Now here's something you don't see all the time. Well, at least not in public that is. There's plenty of it in private. Likely, without all that paint though. These ads for Humo magazine promise to give away Durex condoms in its next issue. Freakish as they are there's an even freakier TV spot for them as well. Obviously this is not an American campaign as we are far too prudish for this sort of thing. At least in our advertising.
British Columbia production and voice talent company Wayne Kozak Audio Productions has some funny stuff buried deep on its website. It seems someone at Wayne Kozak is having fun with CD covers and has created one called March of the Tampons and Other Feminine Hygiene Tunes. Other include STD Moments: Pharmaceutical Company Classics, Wrist Slitting Tear Jerkers and our favorite, Dance of the Large Breasted Skank, Music For Your Beer Commercial. Who knew production company employees were so humorous?
Wipe that smirk off your face, dude. This is a photoshoot for an ad, not a porn flick. Oh, and speaking of porn, those 70's pornographer sunglasses have got to go. No self-respecting hipster, metrosexual would be caught dead wearing those things so go back to your pad, turn on the lava lamp, push aside the multicolored, vertical beads in the doorway to your bedroom, turn on some Donna Summer and throw your women down on the red velvet sheets of your love nest and get vertical.
OK, OK. You million dollar homepage freaks have finally forced us to take notice of your silly, ridiculous, money-making schemes. We held out as long as we could, ignoring your idiocy but you've hooked us this time, tapping our weakness. For those who have been living under the proverbial rock, million dollar homepages sell individual pixels on a webpage to advertisers stupid enough to believe anyone will actually see their ad. Well, Million Pixel Booty is taking a similar approach but is luring advertisers and viewers with the time-tested, sex sells strategy and have offered up a hottie's ass on which to place ads.
So you got us. You got your press. Happy? Now go away and go back to suckering stooges with your dopey schemes.
In late September we began receiving links to a site called Great Pointed Archer which positioned itself as a save/rename the rat cause site. They even sent us T-shirts. Of course we immediately figured it was a front for something else but the folks behind the site held fast and insisted it was simply an effort to be nice to rats. Sure. Well, as expected, it was a ploy. Today, an Adrants reader went to a Great Pointed Archer rally in Manhattan and reports it is, in fact, just a stealth marketing effort by a PR firm who, he figured, wishes they were an advertising firm. At least that's what we've been told We're tracking down the details.
UPDATE: According to Alex from Museum of Hoaxes, this same claim that a rally occurred in Manhattan was received by him. Our sense is it really is just a stealth stunt by some entity who is playing all of us to some final purpose which, at some point, will be revealed making us all look foolish.
Somehow airline EasyJet has aligned big boobs with low airfares claiming they are both weapons of mass destruction distraction (hey, I was distracted. OK?). While low fares and big breasts are certainly very powerful influencers of behavior, the connection is a bit of a stretch. Of course, as you well know, we're not complaining at all. But what's with the arms going into her boobs? Is that some freaky PhotoShop or some kind of new modeling pose?
Sometimes Obituaries can be fun to read, especially if you don't know the person then you can either marvel at or snicker at the individual's life achievements crammed into a 250 word summery. With the recent intentional or unfortunate placement of a State Bank of The Lakes ad with the headline, "Dead End," directly next to the obits, reading about strangers life achievements just got, at least for a day, a bit more amusing.
Maine Root Beer has launched a site called Free Range Root Beer which pits itself against the big guys whom Maine Root Beer portrays as large, tasteless entities which add all kinds of filler to their product. The site contains humorous videos including one in which a stealth Free Range Root Beer team attempts to free cans of root beer which have been taken from the wild and placed in a corporate jail cell. There's a history of root beer, an area for kids, a photo contest for people to send in photos of Maine Root Beer placed in strange locations and a section where root beer lovers can express themselves through art therapy. Funny stuff.