Amp Juices Groovin' Auto Mechanic's Nipples to Start Stalled Vehicle


We waited...and waited...and waited.....and it finally arrived. Yes, the Amp commercial. Late in the fourth quarter. For a drink that's all about getting you jacked up, this commercial features a chubby auto mechanic type who comes to the aid of a woman in a stalled car. He has all the necessary equipment including a tricked out tow truck, a sound systen, and, yes, nipples to supply the juice to get her car going again. Where does he get the juice? From his Amp drink of course. How humorously logical. We like.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2008

Bud Light Refreshes the Palate ... and the Loins


If you take Will Ferrell's word for it, that is.

This spot, where Will Ferrell screws up an uncountable number of Bud Light ad takes with Freudian slips, is probably our favorite Bud Light ad thus far. It actually made us wonder how much sweat goes into every bottle.

Bud Light. Suck one. Lawl.

CareerBuilder Kills Off Sleepy Ideals with Reality's Spider


We dug this Career Builder ad where a Jiminy Cricket-type character brings inspiration to a despondent white collar grunt -- then gets eaten by a spider. Looks like CB's learned how to make good use of irony for its new slogan: "Start building." We thought it would be a lamer campaign than it's turning out to be.

Way better than the cheesy high-intensity office-as-jungle thing they were doing last year. And hey, you can't go wrong with maul-by-spider. LOTR did it, and so did Steven King in It.

by Angela Natividad    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2008, Television

Lizards, Naomi Campbell Get Thrillicious For Sobe Life Water


We saw the teaser. We saw the lizard telling his parents he'd be staring in a Super Bowl commercial with Naomi Campbell. Well, this is the result and we like it a lot. We like the effects, the production value, the creativity, the interaction between Naomi and the lizards. Oh, and then there's Michael Jackson's Thriller, a reminder he once was almost normal. Nice job, BBDO. See the commercial here.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2008

Talking Stain Ruins Interview. Tide Comes to the Rescue


Now this Tide commercial is one you just love to watch over and over. In an interview, a man who is attempting to explain why he is the right guy for the job, is distracted, as is his interviewer, by a nasty stain on his shirt...that talks when he tries to talk. Get it? Distracting stains? Distracting noises? In other words, it's best to use Tide to remove your stains before you head to an interview.

We like this commercial. We like it a lot. It drives home the point (with a sledgehammer) that a stain is very distracting and can affect your daily life in a bad way.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2008

Pigeons Destroy City, FedEx Far Smarter Choice for Delivery


So now we know using FedEx is a far wiser delivery solution tha carrier pigeons. In FedEx's Super Bowl spot, we have an underling discussing the use of pigeons as a method of delivery., All seems well until we look outside and see pigeons reeking havoc attempting to make deliveries. The boss say, "We better stick with FedEx.

There's a lot of drama in the ad. Crashing windows. Cars being mangled. When that;s coupled with the calm demeanor of the boss and his employee, it makes for interesting viewing.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2008

Ability to Breath Fire A Good Thing...Until You Sneeze


The Bud Light Fire commercial turned out to be a bit more comical than we had assumed it would be. We have a guy demonstrating his ability to light candles during a romantic dinner until he asks his date if she had cats. Of course, he's allergic and he begins to Good stuff. Typical Bud Light humor but amusing enough for Super Bowl audiences.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Good, Super Bowl 2008

Dell Smashes Competition With Beautiful Photography


While the photography and special effects are beautiful in this Dell spot, there's really nothing special about it. It shifts very quickly from the beauty that is the destruction of competing computers (which we guess is the point) to you basic, standard, "buy a Dell closer." Well at least the pre-game version of the spot did. The spot that is set appear in the first quarter is supposed to be tied to the Red campaign. Not a bad spot. Created by Mother New York.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Super Bowl 2008

Alicia Keys Warms Up Super Bowl 200 Crowd


Alicia Keys made a rousing appearance during the Super Bowl 2008 Pre-Game Show which the crowd appeared to enjoy. Nice. Safe. No wardrobe malfunctions. All good in the eyes of FOX and the NFL.

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Super Bowl 2008

Audi's Godfather Ad Powerful, Stellar, Captivating


Created by Venables Bell & Partners, Audi's much talked about Godfather-themed R8 Super Bowl commercial (preview) is worthy of the discussion it has created. The ad, which marks the automaker's return to the Super Bowl for the first time in 20 years, features Alex Rocco's Godfather character Moe Green in the famous scene during which the Jack Wolz character wakes up to find the bloody head of his prized stud horse in bed with him.

more »

by Steve Hall    Feb- 3-08    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good, Super Bowl 2008