7 Eleven Helps Adrants Balance Editorial Coverage


Thank you, 7 Eleven! Finally, we can feature an ad campaign that objectifies men. Rather than scantily clad women, we have scantily clad men vamping for 7 Eleven in Australia to promote the chain's frozen Slurpee. With gleeful abandon, the men in the ads are given the full beefcake treatment and portrayed as poolboy, pole dancer and maid. Contrary to what one might assume, this reverse double standard-ish campaign was not created by a bunch of giggling female creatives sitting around the conference room table but by five guys at Leo Burnett Melbourne...who probably also giggled madly while sitting around the conference room table. This ought to keep us editorially balance for at least another year, don'tcha think?

by Steve Hall    May-10-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Creative Commentary, Good, Magazine, Racy

Yes! DVR Users Finally Get Their Own Ads!


If DVR users ever lament the disparity of ads made just for their kind, rest assured that prayers do get heard.

Dubbed by Audi as the world's fastest commercials, these :15 spots by Venables & Partners push the zippy new TT Roadster in a manner most trippy. The ads are blink-of-an-eye quick and according to the usual zealous PR guy, "[this is] the first time that DVR technology will be used as media - they're so quick that they can only be understood by being rewound and slowed."

Confident in their ability to mystify, the spots encourage users to rewind, then guides them back to TT-Truth.com.

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by Angela Natividad    May-10-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

BBDO Defines the World's Daily Rituals


Don't you love big research studies that nicely categorize the entire world's population into five, easy to define behavioral patterns? We do too. After all, it's too much work to create ads that address everyone's individual behavior. It's much easier to point to a big study that bases itself on the fact every human on the planet earth goes through the same ritualistic periods each day. So we give big props to BBDO who's now made every planner, media planner and creative's lives easier...or not with a recently released study examining the world's daily rituals..

OK, so there were some actual finding's in this study that could be deemed usable such as the fact 84 percent of Polish people shower at night versus 92 percent of Mexicans who do so in the morning. Clearly, different approaches to the marketing of bath products between these two countries we appear to be a no brainer. O the fact women in Columbia, Brazil and Japan love to apply makeup while driving at twice the rate of women in the rest of the world. Perhaps that's indicative of the need for an entirely new line of car-based cosmetics products. Close to 41 percent of Chinese schedule sex as compared to seven percent of Americans. Perhaps condom makers cold go the route of "for that special 9:36PM moment."

Come on BBDO, this was supposed to make our lives easier! We liked when we could just create one ad and run it the world over.

by Steve Hall    May-10-07    
Topic: Good, Research, Trends and Culture

SWAT Lays Law Down on Puppets, Mountain Dew Absorbs the Shock


Andrew at Puppetvision tells us it's against the law to perform puppet shows from windows in New York. Hrm.

Because somebody had to, BBDO New York did this off-colour Diet Mountain Dew spot in which the SWAT team executes a puppet bust.

Inadvertently sucked in, we felt pretty thrown (in a good way) when the shot zipped over to the green-suited guy holding the Mountain Dew. It was a little like how we felt when the Tanqueray appeared except it didn't take 10 fuckin' minutes.

by Angela Natividad    May- 9-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

Corona Shares History of Corona Beach


When one thinks of beer, one doesn't usually think of island birthing itself from the sea 2 million years ago unless you're a beer advertiser that's already done a similar thing backwards or you're Corona who wants to illustrate how its Corona Beach was born. Debuting Sunday on CBS's Survivor Fiji finale, the spot, called Finishing Touch, was developed by Cramer-Krasselt and will begin with an erupting, undersea volcano and progress 2 million years into the future resulting in the pristine Corona Beach.

Following the initial airing, a 30-second version of the spot will air during programming including Late Show with David Letterman, Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Saturday Night Live and ESPN Sports Center over the course of the summer. It'll also be available online at www.coronagetaways.com on Monday, May 14...or right here on Adrants' Adgabber.

by Steve Hall    May- 9-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Smoking is Child Abuse, Says Maryland ALA


Exit10 created this spot for the American Lung Association of Maryland to discourage parents who smoke around their kids.

We've seen some provocative, bizarre and just plain stupid anti-smoking efforts in our time. This is probably the first occasion we've had to wince, though. Check it out.

If smoking is child abuse, then so were our mothers' Like a Virgin-inspired outfits, because those damaged our health in so many ways.

by Angela Natividad    May- 9-07    
Topic: Good, Television

Harry Enfield Shows Us How to Advertise


We really dig this classic spoof from the Harry Enfield Show about the proper execution of "advertisement breaks."

It's never too late to learn from the slickest society-shapers out there, of which the spot includes three: liquor, tobacco and child advertising in general. Put together, they're even more compelling.

And look - no colour or jingles! Beat that, Old Navy.

by Angela Natividad    May- 9-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Online, Spoofs, Television

Crash Test Humans get Their Due in Finnish Seat Belt Ad


In an intriguing role reversal, a world of crash test dummies wakes up, gets ready for work and begins the workday by launching crash test humans down a path toward an immobile cement wall. It's all part of a Finnish Ministry of Transport campaign created by Publicis Helsinki to combat "the growing attitude problem amongst youth" or the rise of increasingly belligerent idiots called teens. The campaign's goal is to get kids to wear their seat belts

The beginning is oddly reminiscent of Jim Carrey's The Truman Show but we're thinking the ending isn't violent enough. If adver-death is becoming the norm, we'd expect to see far more blood and guts from these sorts of "wear your seatbelt campaigns."

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by Steve Hall    May- 9-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Orbitz: Ruining Memories, One Botched Farewell at a Time


To push TLC, its on-the-go flight update function, Orbitz gets behind YouTube in these ads which, if nothing else, show the perfect good-bye depends as much on the timeliness of your beloved's leaving as on your demonstration of suicide-inducing sadness.

Funny funny. We like how the gay one is labeled LGBT. It really led us to believe the spot would be racier than it was.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Video

Tanqueray Transfixes with Far-East Adventure Show


There's just something about the phrase "master of disguise" that dissolves us into giggles.

Grey Worldwide and Asabailey Viral Advertising put together an explorer-style "branded entertainment feature" (not viral) to showcase Tanqueray's adventurous new Rangpur gin. Created for the Globe Probe and set in mystery-ridden India, the show has an Austin Powerness to it that's inexpicably appealing.

Take a seat for The Hidden Lime Groves of Rangpur. It's actually almost worth it until the Tanqueray comes out of the snake basket and you realize that you just lost 10 minutes of your life to a gin ad.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Video