'What Men Need to Know' is for Online Lad Mag. O RLY?


As promised in frustratingly obtuse video teasers like this one, "What Men Need to Know" unveiled its secret sponsor today.

And it's ...

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by Angela Natividad    May-21-08    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Publishing

Kids Trash Stale Minutes, Mom Gets Mad, in AT&T Rollover Minutes Ad


I love this ad where a mother opens the kitchen trash and finds a bunch of little clocks: old AT&T rollover minutes that her kids don't want because "those minutes are from September!"

"They're rollover minutes, they're exactly the same!" she cries in exasperation. Then she delivers a one-sentence guilt trip that brought my mom's "starvation in the mother land!" speech to mind.

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by Angela Natividad    May-20-08    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Mobile/Wireless, Television

Apples Continues to Receive Consumer-Generated Love


Not that we one more proof point to solidify the fact people who love Macs love Macs and people who...well...let's just say there's no love at all on the PC side of thing, but here is yet another consumer-created ode to Apple greatness. It's set to the tune Again & Again by The Bird and the Bee and demonstrates all the wonderful things Mac can do.

The video was featured on the Unofficial Apple Weblog.

by Steve Hall    May-20-08    
Topic: Consumer Created, Good, Video

GEICO Gecko Gets Stalked!


Here's a new series of GEICO commercials where the gecko gets stalked by a wildlife enthusiast. Watch him narrate for nature lovers while the green mascot goes about his business at libraries, golf courses, cafes and parks.

The safari fanboy is totally at odds with his surroundings, but he's got that wild, lovable Steve Irwin enthusiasm about him. My favourite is the spot where the gecko ditches him on the subway.

One point for beast; zero for man.

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by Angela Natividad    May-20-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Forget the Snack Bars; Want Some Eye Candy with that Cuppa?


A UK-based Kellogg's Nutri-Grain campaign aspires to bring the office tea trolley back in vogue.

I have no strong feelings about mobile snack trays, but this glorified Nutri-Grain evangelist is sizzling. (So much hotter than his American counterpart, the break room bagel guy.) He can push my trolley any day of the week -- or at least stand around pouring me tea for an indecently long time before moving onto the next hungry cog.

by Angela Natividad    May-20-08    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Good, Guerilla, Online

Asthma Attack Powerfully Delivered


Along the lines of Meth and workplace safety ads, this commercial for the American Asthma Foundation dramatically illustrates what it's like to experience an asthma attack. It's not pleasant and the commercial does a perfect job making the point.

by Steve Hall    May-20-08    
Topic: Cause, Commercials, Good

Oh Look! It's Another Ass Selling Things!


OK, then. After having crapped all over sexism in the office place, why not jump right back into reality: the use of sex, namely ass in this case, to garner attention for the purposes of selling stuff. This is a consumer-created ad for French railway Voyages-sncf.com. See? Even "regular people" know sex sells.

by Steve Hall    May-20-08    
Topic: Bad, Consumer Created, Good, Racy

'What's This? Oh. It's a Body, Bloated in the Sun'


Somewhere in the bowels of my memory is a man with a 'fro, a soothing voice and a paintbrush. As a kid I watched him on TV, mesmerized as he effortlessly whispered magic onto his canvas.

Right about now, though, I'm wondering whether those gripping pastures and endless telephone lines were not actually thinly-veiled and mildly traumatic messages about ethnic cleansing.

I like how at the end he gets all sinister and hisses, "We're almost done here, aren't we? No. It's never done."

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by Angela Natividad    May-19-08    
Topic: Cause, Good, Online, Spoofs, Strange, Trends and Culture, Video

Live Performance at Airport Touts Travel Site


What opportunity does the fact people routinely skip ads and the fact sitting in an airport waiting area is excruciatingly boring present? A Broadway-style commercial performed live by professional actors, of course.

Beginning with a lone actress stymied by a vending machine and progressing on to a full blown aural finale, travel site Lastminute.com delivered its message all while offering up an alternative to airport boredom at London's Stanstead airport.

by Steve Hall    May-19-08    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

Outdoor Campaign Mirrors Yellow Pages Categories


Just click the Outdoor category here on Adrants and you'll see the medium never ceases to allow for innovation. A recent Israeli campaign for Yellow Pages created individual boards for specific yellow pages categories. For the electricians category, a board was created that flickered with electrical problems. For Chiropractors, a board was placed on the ceiling of a bus shelter. For Pizzarias, boards shaped like a slice of pizza were created.

Many yellow pages categories were turned into billboards that reflected the category and, apparently, the effort paid off increasing unique users to the site by 40 percent. Shalmor Avnon Amichay / Young & Rubicam, Tel Aviv created the campaign.

by Steve Hall    May-19-08    
Topic: Good, Outdoor, Poster