Upcoming Batman Movie Makes Extensive Use of Viral


Catch Up Lady has a descriptive overview of an ongoing viral campaign for the the upcoming Warner Brothers movie Batman: The Dark Knight. The promotion began cryptically with a site that showed nothing but the Batman logo but then progressed to several other sites that encouraged visitor involvement to reveal the identity of the actor who would play the Joker, Heath Ledger. No less than four sites told the story in a very clear and intriguing manner. get the whole story here.

by Steve Hall    May-22-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Outdoor, Viral

Ask, Ask a Ninja Get Together for Algo


While we thought their last algo campaign was kind of lame, we did admire Ask.com's attempt to get people actually involved with the search engine.

Keeping with that, Ask has partnered up with Ask a Ninja. Puppetvision points us to a new ninja video called Ninja Sayings, where the ninja takes everyday vernacular and gives it ninja roots. (We have always known, for example, that "OK" actually means "zero kills.")

At the end of the video you're invited to look a word up on Ask.com. After you do that you get a bonus ninja video, which makes up the top search result.

We like it: good clean interactivity, minimal commitment, instant reward. How often can you say that about a campaign that bounces you from one site to another? Not often. This goes to show that the old adage "when in doubt, find a ninja" is actually sound.

NewTeeVee points out Ask a Ninja is now powered by Castfire, whose audio/video CMS tool they've been using to serve their fare on the Ask site.

by Angela Natividad    May-22-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Online

Samsung Searches For Next Gary Brolsma


Calling Gary Brolsma. Gary? You still out there? Samsung desperately needs you since you're the only one who can turn lip syncing into an overnight, worldwide sensation. You see, Samsung's UpStage Contest is looking for people to film themselves while lip syncing Melody Club's Destiny Calling. If you can deliver Numa Numa goodness, Samsung will award you a round trip for four to LA with a two night stay at the Standard Hollywood, concert tickets of your choice, a $3,000 shopping spree, four UpStage phones and a camcorder. Sweet deal, huh? Come on, Gary, we know you can do it. We know you're dying to get back to the top of the viral charts. Admit it.

So give us some of that "Mi ya hi, mi ya ho, mi ya ha" goodness. Samsung will love you and so will we. Of course the song Samsung chose sucks compared to that catchy Numa Numa tune.

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Brands, Good, Promotions, Video

Pop Culture Still Tells the Best Stories


This isn't an ad; it's a music video for D.A.N.C.E. by Justice. And it's amazery!

We just think it does a spiffy job of mashing up retro pop images, subculture slogans, familiar ad themes, and corporate fonts to demonstrate how these messages embed themselves into our everyday interactions. We adopt and drop them with the ease of a casual shrug.

Witty little manifestos make up a patchwork retelling of our shared media experiences. We really like the moment when "Internet killed the video stars" is swallowed by a spinning cross, which is then overtaken by a pyramid.

And can you catch the moment when the Disney font is used?

Your T-shirt does indeed say a lot about you.

by Angela Natividad    May-21-07    
Topic: Good, Radio, Television, Video

Heinz Two Minute Soups Celebrate Man's Staying Power


In yet another stab at the unfortunate fact whomever created mankind was distracted the day time-to-orgasm was programmed for men and women, this commercial for Heinz Microwaveable Soups celebrates what can be accomplished within two minutes. The work was created by an all-male creative team from Leo Burnett London. Come on guys, Verizon's already diminished men to clueless idiots. The least you could have done was give us back our manliness. Not every one of us carries a two minute warning sign on or head.

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Racy

Giant Uses Renault to Lure Humans For Breakfast


Now here's a commercial you'll likely never see in America because we'd somehow find an allegory to 9/11 claiming giants tossing lures into the city to catch and cook people is simply too reminiscent of planes crashing into building and killing people. A stretch? Hardly. If you've lived in America long enough, you know there's a cause group out there for everything and we're sure there's one out there that's offended by mythic giants casting a Renault into the city to lure people for breakfast.

Casting aside that bit of American lunacy aside for a minute, we have a beautiful Publicis Paris-created, Psyop-produced, MassMarket effected car company commercial which is pleasantly devoid of winding, mountaintop roads, violent crashes, celebrity endorsement, ride-pimping and price/item boredom. [Ed. No actual human beings were harmed in the creation of this commercial]

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Schweppes Fruit Carbs Sophisticates Texas Cowboy


Now this is just weird. But leave it to an American to change things up while at a formal equestrian event. Created by one of our favorite agencies, Duval Guillaume Antwerp, this Schweppes Fruit Carbs commercial praises the "slightly more sophisticated cowboy."

by Steve Hall    May-21-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Belgian Senate Candidate Offers 40,000 Blowjobs


Belgian NEE party senate candidate, Tania Derveaux, in an effort to thwart the efforts of candidates who were making what she claims to be ridiculous job opportunity promises, launched a campaign in which she posed nude and promised she'd create 400,000 new jobs. Men, being who men are, immediately responded to the campaign by emailing Tania to ask her for a blowjob. (Hey, it's got the word "job" in it after all.)

Ever the one to capitalize on the chance at more publicity for her cause, Tania plans to oblige her supporter's wishes and has promised to offer 40,000 actual blowjobs to those who sign up. Humorously, she's offering the shy and married ones a virtual blowjob in Second Life. All one has to do is sign up and agree to the terms of service.

more »

by Steve Hall    May-20-07    
Topic: Cause, Good, Racy, Strange

Kia Plays Musical Cars


This Kia commercial has been out for a few weeks now but it's worth sharing for its pure fun and nod to the childhood game musical chairs. In the commercial, cars slowly drive in a circle around parking spots and when the music stops, well. you know what happens next. If this were an actual game and not a car commercial, you can be sure there'd be a whole lot more carnage than the beautifully choreographed ballet-style motion that makes this spot fun to watch.

by Steve Hall    May-18-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Bud Light Hangs With Beach Blanket Bimb...Uh...Beauty


No sooner to we take beer marketers to task for foisting idiotically staged and sexually charged commercials, do we stumble upon these Cannonball Agency-created, Cutters-edited ads for Bud Light's Have Soome Fun With It Campaign. Oh sure, some might say these are just as idiotic and sexually charged as every other beer marketer's work but we'd disagree. There's just something intriguingly different about these ads that different enough to maintain interest. Feel free to disagree because we know some well. But you all know we love a good debate.

by Steve Hall    May-18-07    
Topic: Brands, Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Racy