Christian Slater's Job is to Save Ellis Island


While it might be callous to say Christian Slater has nothing better to do than appear in...oh...we're just going to say it: the once great Christian Slater has nothing better to do than appear in a save Ellis Island campaign - along with other celebrities - called We Are Ellis Island. The campaign goal is to build support for saving the island and its crumbling architecture.

Callousness aside, the campaign is a nice effort at calling attention to a place through which millions of soon-to-be Americans passed and the legacy it left for the decedents of those who did pass through. Sponsored by Arrow and featuring Katharine McPhee, Joe Montana, Kristin Cavallari, Christian Slater, Richard Belzer, Elliot Gould, cast members of The Sopranos and others, two commercials, a print campaign and individual videos bring Ellis Island stories to life.

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by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Celebrity, Commercials, Good, Magazine, Television

When Acting Can't Cut It, Go Back to Language 101


Some drunk guy at a party recently quipped that 80 percent of language happens outside of conversation. We don't know about all that, considering these CLL language ads via 2wenty 4our seem to say otherwise. There's nothing more awkward than a dude aping your culture in an attempt to get himself understood. Then again, homoerotic Hammer-time might take the cake.

Check out a variation hither. The spots were put together by Duval Guillaume, Brussels, according to Balendu.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Good, Poster

Beef Curtains Served With Man Sandwich and Cream Pie


Well since there's apparent surprise we haven't yet seen this cheeky New Zealand spot for Sky Television's Fresh TV, an adult channel, we're happy to oblige anyone who's confuzzled as to why we, contrary to popular belief, don't have spies in every agency in every country around the world. So here it is. During it's 1:10 length, it contains more metaphors and sexual innuendo than we'd dare say you'd find on Adrants in a year. Or maybe a month., OK, a week but still. We particularly like "beef curtains."

Give it a watch. It comes courtesy of DDB New Zealand. See how many metaphors you can spot. There's an accompanying website but it seems it's too filthy and there's only a "Be Back Soon" image.

by Steve Hall    Aug-20-07    
Topic: Good, Racy, Strange, Video

PPL: Electronic Bill-Zapping Makes You a Hero of Fern Gully Caliber


Remember when Fern Gully came out and you were like, "Holy shit, trees ooze blood!" Well, now you can redeem every instance in which you carved your initials into one.

In a manner most harmonious, PPL Electric encourages customers to go paperless in this pretty piece by production company MassMarket, in tangent with agency McCaffery Gottlieb Lane.

The crunchy noise of trees coming back to life is deliciously satisfying, like going slightly out of your way to step on a leaf. And the ad's whimsical animation style brings a fairy tale quality to an otherwise mundane message.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-19-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Television

Al Gore and Cameron Diaz Want You to Save the Earth


Anything to get people to care about Current TV. Al Gore has hooked up with Cameron Diaz to introduce its ":60 Seconds to Save the Earth" contest which calls for people to submit :15, :30 or :60 PSAs urging people to care about the climate. The winning spots will air on Current TV and on MySpace's Impact channel. So if you're feeling green and have the CGM itch, this is your chance to get something on the air as opposed to having it trashed by the client.

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-07    
Topic: Cable, Celebrity, Consumer Created, Good

Happiness Factory + OutPost Gerbil = Guinness Music Machine


A little bit Happiness Factory and a little bit OutPost Gerbil Cannon, this new commercial for Guinness created by BBDO in Ireland and edited by Cut + Run celebrates what's inside its beer by shooting futuristic-looking Speed Racer-like guys out of what looks like musical instruments onto a set of drums. The result is an orchestral masterpiece of sorts

And, yes, we get it. The guys are beer. Though we are a bit irked by that first shot which is supposed to be the reflection of beer in one of the guy's helmets but, rather, looks a bit like a melting brain. But that's just us. Similar as it might, in theory, be to the aforementioned spots, it does get points for a certain originality we find hard to describe.

The four day shoot used real stunt men shot out of real air cannons onto real, eight-foot drums specially made for the shoot. Now that's a shoot we wouldn't mind attending.

by Steve Hall    Aug-17-07    
Topic: Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good

So You Want to Work in Advertising? Read This First


For those of you just getting into the ad biz, Advergirl has some important tips for you. You might already know this but, despite what you may have been told, you ain't getting any training. You've been hired to put out and avoid fires for your boss. And, contrary to what you might think, you've also been hired to take the heat when your boss screws up. Just avoid all that crap by reading Advergirl's list and you'll avoid most of the ad jungle animals' tricks.

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-07    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Tools

Window Blinds Save Suburban Cocktail Party


Who said suburban cocktail parties had to be boring? Or kids always jump on their parents' beds in the morning? Or your candlelit bath isn't as relaxing as it could be. Not Levelor who with four new spots created by Woodbine says their shades can make any situation simply by closing or raising their blinds. Check out one of the spots here.

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Heineken Takes Svedka Vodka Robots to Dance Floor


For pure amusement it seems, Heineken has released DraughtKeg, a site on which you can upload your face to a futuristic robot who will then appear on the dance floor grooving to pseudo-futuristic dance music. It's all very a futuristic sort of way. And it's to promote their new, uber-cool keg that's, apparently, really, really better than your standard keg.

Let's imagine ourselves sitting in on the Publicis Modem Berlin Cameron (sorry, our PR rep mis-spoke. The campaign was created by Berlin Cameron. Modem handled online work and subcontracted out the creation of this website to Brothers by Choice) concepting session for this piece of work.

AE: "So you all saw the thing. It is pretty advanced for just a keg of beer, right?
AD: "Futuristic, even."
COPY: "The thing looks like some sort of mini-robot."
AD: "I got it! Robots. Beer. The future. A party. A robot dance party!"
AE: "Um, what about Svedka's robots?"
COPY: "Who gives a shit. Ours will be way better got it...we'll let people upload their heads to the robots! All that social media shit, you know."
AE: "Uh, Trailer Crashers did that."
AD: "Dude. It's ALL been done before. It's not like you expected an original idea, right?"
AE: "Uh, I guess. Hey, just make it look cool OK? Like the music and shit. And make sure you show the fucking product!"
COPY: "Dude, we aren't idiots."
AE: "OK. I know. You rock. I need it next Thursday."
AE/AD/Copy: Three way fist-bump

by Steve Hall    Aug-16-07    
Topic: Creative Commentary, Good, Online

Yeah, Another Candystand Game. Who Works on Thursdays Anyway?


Here's a distraction that's sure to derail your workday. In the interest of going simpler, Candystand gives us Jetboost, a game where all you have to do is make the little jetpack-wearing man jump as high as he can.

Each level lasts just a few seconds, which strangely makes you want to do a bunch. Oh, the marketing magic of bite-size.

Addictive. But then again, shiny objects usually are when you have something more important to do.

Keep the volume down if you're in your cubby hole -- er, cubicle. To note, we've long since stopped noticing what candy is advertised - but, foreseeing this, Candystand since began forcing users to sit through a short ad while the game loads. Those clever candy peddling rogues.

by Angela Natividad    Aug-16-07    
Topic: Brands, Games, Good, Online