There's always that queezy feeling when you reach for the bar of soap in the shower and it's got hair on it that isn't yours. Wieden + Kennedy has exploited that fear in a new commercial or Old Spice which offers up an alternative to hairy soap. See it here.
They say music is the universal language. It moves us similarly no matter what language we speak. It breaks down cultural barriers caused by language and political differences. This family, enjoying a nice car ride, has been infected by a catchy tune on the radio that's appealing to both mom and dad as well as the kids. Give it a listen. But, catchy as the tune is, you would be well advised to listen with headphones on or the volume down.
In preparation for its debut in the vicinity of Wall Street, Tiffany's erected this big ad across its future storefront that reads, "Close the Deal." Love and business apparently share a few things in common: a hunt, a chase, a courting period and an expensive deal-maker.
As a sidenote, we noticed that the L in "Deal" is peeling off. Come on, Tiffany. We didn't take you for quite so shabby a girl.
There's something a tiny bit depressing about seeing Cuba Gooding Jr. in a TV commercial. After all, the guy went from Oscar winner to...underwear spokesman? That's gotta hurt. However, these new Martin Agency-created, Lost Planet-edited Hanes commercials featuring Gooding Jr. and Michael Jordan are quite good. Gooding, perhaps channeling a bit of his Jerry McGuire-esque charm, gets a bit Oscar spastic-like when he meets Jordan who's wearing a Hanes t-shirt.
In a second spot, he thanks Jordan for gifting him a pair Hanes Comfort Soft Waistband boxers. It doesn't go so well. But Gooding makes it work so well we like watching him as much as we like watching Jennifer Love Hewitt in her Hanes commercials. OK, that didn't come out so well.
We're behind on this a bit but New York's Night Agency has put together a 21st century version of a 1960's flower power, cross country tour for Lucky Brand Jeans complete with tricked out 1949 Flxble bus. The bus, which recently made its way across the country from LA, is now in New York City and will be parked in front of the Lucky Brands store at Broadway between Prince and Spring around 4PM where The Hysterics will perform if you want to check it out.
The bus will then set out to traverse the country again making stops at events such as Lollapalooza, Voodoo Music, 10,000 Lakes, Austin City limits and others throughout the summer and fall.
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Here's something that looks mildly useful., trade charity NABS and LIZ H have decided to take the ad world's talent disparity into their own hands with a wee guidebook called "Goodbye Uni ... Hello Job."
The book is packed with ditties from UK creatives like Ben Priest of RKCR/Y&R and Kim Papworth of Wieden+Kennedy. Some is really good, like the section on assessing a potential creative partner (don't pick one you "fancy") - and some advice is just iffy, like "Be one half of a dream team," which just sounds like it belongs on a poster with a backdrop of the clouds or something. There are also good tips on building a book, which we think is pretty critical.
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Here at Adrants, we sometimes receive things that are so beyond weird, we can't help but utter, "what the fuck?" Usually this utterance leads to a quick toss off of the work courtesy of the delete button or , conversely, it motivates us to craft a little story about it because, well, we like weird, WTF stuff. Now, it seems, someone has turned our "what the fuckness" into an actual campaign. Yes, Bos Toronto has created a new campaign aptly called WTF? for Canadian retailer Mac's Convenience.
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We've just spent the last hour having way too much fun with Pet Moustache, built in-house by the facial hair-loving folk at Crispin Porter + Bogusky.
The site is an interactive extension of the Burger King Western Whopper campaign, and it's almost too entertaining, particularly in the wee hours of the morning.
You upload a picture, grow your own mustache and then trim, wax and shape it. The demo made this process look really easy but the hair is unwieldy and the image at left was the best we could do.
If we could get this grooming thing down, we think we'd look kind of awesome.
"It's horrific," a nearby passerby said.
Yeah. If by "horrific" you mean, "THE SEX."
Sounding very much like Morgan Freeman, the Tom Kane-intoned voice over in these new Shine Advertising-created spots (one, two) for the Madison Wisconsin Mallards baseball team (yes, we'd never heard of them either) conveys the purity of America's favorite passtime (at least the way it should be) to...opera and stamp collecting. Yes, we know. It sounds very strange but, on some odd level, it works.
The hegemony-prodders at TRUF have produced an addition to their running TRUF/Lies campaign with the help of Agent Jackson, NYC and Adam Longlands from The Matrix.
This prospective viral, dubbed Joystick, weaves war games into traditional video game imagery. As the graphics of both improve with time, you're ultimately faced with the question: is the evolution from doe-eyed gamer to soldier the equivalent emotional exchange of one joystick for another?
The video had the twin effect of embedding mushroom clouds behind our eyelids and leaving us with one of those headaches earned only after 6 hours of Atari.
The TRUF/Lies campaign is part of a bigger effort to question conventional wisdoms and enliven the sustainability discourse through an art in action contest, conducted by TRUF, MemeLabs and your very own Angela. All that happens in the fall, so be sure to brace yourselves for impending awesome.