Woman Beaten on Chatroulette Look-A-Like


Latching on to the popularity of Chatroulette, Publicis France created a look-a-like video chat service, Do You Chat, that, for a few minutes, looks very much like the actual Chatroulette. That is until a wife beater-wearing dickhead walks in and begins to beat the crap out of a girl on camera. The work was done for Neither Whores Nor Submissives.

Following the beating, the chat window fills with:

> In this case, you can't help her.
> But if it happens to your sister, your neighbor or a friend, there is something you can do.
> Contact your local organization.
> Ni putes ni soumises, french organization against domestic violence.

It's a powerful message and it's delivered in a unique manner.

by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Good, Online, Video

Apartheid Recalled in 2010 FIFA World Cup Commercial


Unless one was there, one can't really imagine what life was like in South Africa during Apartheid. But Wieden + Kennedy hopes to bring one fact to light. During 30 years of imprisonment, political prisoners, including Nelson Mandela, on Robben Island formed a soccer league. And that fact became the genesis of a commercial for the 2010 FIFA World Cup on ESPN.

ESPN Marketing Director Seth Ader explains the campaign saying, "Our goal with this spot is to educate people about the historical significance of the World Cup being played in South Africa."

The initial spot will be followed by four other which will roll out prior to the start of the World Cup on June 11.

Kind of powerful when you take it all in.

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by Steve Hall    Apr- 7-10    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Attention Agencies: You Might be the Last on Earth


OK. OK. Everyone else is writing about it. We will too. The Last Agency on Earth. OK. No doubt you've seen it already. It's pretty funny and very insightful. The basic message" Adapt of die. Not a new message. One that's been delivered over and over and over again throughout time. The problem? No one listens to the message. No one looks back in time, analyzes others' mistakes and makes definitive course corrections to insure the same mistakes don't happen...well...over and over and over again. Take heed.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-24-10    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Video

Puppets Re-Enact Zappos Customer Service Call


You know those OnStar commercial that are based on actual customer calls? Boring right? Aside from a few really famous customer service calls where the callers freak out, most calls are just plain boring. So if a brand is going to highlight them in a campaign, they kinda need a little help to maintain interest.

This new Zappos commercial from Mullen accomplishes this with a simple customer service call re-enacted by puppets.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 9-10    
Topic: Agencies, Brands, Commercials, Good

Foursquare Has Swagger Like Us


PleaseRobMe aside, we all love Foursquare, right? Come on admit it. You know you do. You obsess over telling everyone where you are. You invent places just to get points. You covet badges. Admit it. It's a disease. But it's nothing new. It's just an extension of the Twitter disease which made us all think people actually give a shit what we're doing every single second of the day.

Enter Badges Like Us, a fairly lame rap rendition of the location-based game. Check it. Catch the lyrics on the video's YouTube page.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 1-10    
Topic: Bad, Good, Social, Spoofs, Video

Glass Harp Player Bring Musical Prowess to Skoda


While this looks totally unreal, this guy can, apparently, turn water-filled glasses into a full orchestral masterpiece. For automaker Skoda, Hamburg-based Leagas Delany tapped glass harp guy Peter Spatina to squeak out the musical background for a new commercial touting Skoda's new SUV.

by Steve Hall    Mar- 1-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Friskies Makes Cats Hallucinate


Damn. If only our dinner could take us on a trip like the cat in this Avrett Free Ginsberg-created Friskies commercial embarks upon. Alice in Wonderland for felines? It sure seems so. Who knew cat food could be so amazingly enchanted. We just might have to open a can and have some for lunch.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange

Mullen Creative Director Tricked by Doorway


At one time or another, we've all been in a hurry to make a flight to an important new business presentation. We've fought traffic. We've nerve-rackingly stood over the printer waiting for the last copy of the proposal to print out. We've berated colleagues for not grabbing the right equipment. We've grabbed the wrong brief case. We've insulted the interns.

But not many of us have done what Mullen Creative Director Tim Vaccarino did this morning on his way into the office before heading to Logan to catch his flight.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Agencies, Good, Video

You Never Know What Life on a Farm Will Deliver


Well wow. This commercial take a long time to make its point. But it does so interestingly and, like a Lost episode, in a way you least expect. From Israeli agency Shalmor Avnon Amichay comes this work for internet service provider Orange.

by Steve Hall    Feb-25-10    
Topic: Commercials, Good

Gretchen Bleilor Outshines Lamar Odom in Conceptually Similar Ads


There's graceful. And then there's crass. Graceful is sending Gretchen Bleiler into space to the tune of Lou Reed' Perfect Day. Crass is sending Lamar Odom into space as if he were in an episode of flash Gordon.

Grace is illustrating an athlete's desire to continuously reach new heights. Crass is minimizing those desires to the notion a candy bar is the sole reason an athlete can reach new heights.

Grace is creating a commercial that is uplifting and beautiful. Crass is creating a commercial that is silly and stupid.

by Steve Hall    Feb-23-10    
Topic: Bad, Celebrity, Creative Commentary, Good, Opinion