Stoli Comes In From Cold, Opens Stoli Hotel in LA


In an effort to put all those overpriced, hipsteresque pussy vodkas back in their place, the grand daddy of vodka, Stolichnaya, constructed a 10,000 square foot traveling hotel and gave it a celebu-gasmic opening in LA May 2. With everyone from Bai Ling to Apple Guy Justin Long to ER's Shane West to Andy Dick to Devon Aoki to Bijou Phillips to James Blunt and even Paris Hilton who looked bored out of her mind, Stoli did the pop up store thing in high style. What, you expect more? There's only so much you can say about celebrities and LA.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Celebrity, Good, Guerilla

Gay/Hetro Video Mashup Sells...Hose Crank? Yes, It's True


You learn something new every day. For all these years we've been hand cranking our garden hose reel when we could have been lazily watching it neatly crank itself had we purchased a No-Crank Hose Reel. Thanks to the beauty of online video via YouTube, we now know we can be even lazier than we already are.

Now about the actual video that informed us of this wondrous contraption: it's weird. But, we'd expect nothing less from our friends over at Keta Keta who brought us the famed Make Love, Not Terror; Make Love, Not War; Vegas Red; the Israeli Holy Virals; the gay Holy Viral; the Koolanoo pool babe; the James Bond version of the Koolanoo babe; Network2's kinky voyeurism and the Propecia flying pool babe.

This particular video gives us a man who takes gardener out for a very gay day that's supposed to, perhaps, weird us out so much, we'll agree completely with the tagline, "There's a better way to make your gardener happy," and go run out and buy a No-Crank Hose Reel.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Strange, Video, Viral

3-Legged Rabbits Get New Lease on Life


This new spot for Traveler's Insurance lauds the surgical reattachment of rabbit feet to their hosts following a growing public realization that luck means little when you've got good insurance.

Fallon, Minneapolis did the spot. The PR girl was quick to note the rabbits' paws were dyed with a vegetable base and that the American Humane Association was on set along with the frolicking little extras. Well, we're sure PETA is too busy with other things to decry the loss of a potential pro-bunny crusade.

We smiled a bit and reflexively clutched at the string of hoodoo chicken legs around our necks. Hands off, Fallon.

by Angela Natividad    May- 8-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Television

Marvel Battles DC Apple Vs. PC-Style


Here's a fun nod to Marvel's continued success over DC when it comes to transforming its comics into movies. Following Spiderman 3's $150 million opening weekend, Superman and Spiderman dish about who's got more comic movie muscle Apple vs. PC commercial-style.

by Steve Hall    May- 8-07    
Topic: Good, Spoofs

Cheerleaders Aren't the Only Ones Who Need Saving


We love expansive thinking and chain-of-event style dramas such as NBC's Heroes so it is without surprise we think this newish campaign, Save the Monkeys, for Swedish carbohydrate supplement Gainomax is one of the wittiest we've seen in a long time. Borrowing Heroes' famed premise, "save the cheerleader, save the world," Gainomax, in a hilarious logic-taken-to-the-extreme video called Bananageddon, asks us to "save the monkys, save the world" by drinking Gainomax after exercise instead of eating a banana.

In the Bananageddon, a world without bananas becomes a world without moneys which, in turn, leads to a world full of lice and world leaders who can do nothing expect perpetuate the extinction of all human life...all because we eat bananas. Yes, it sounds very twisted so just watch the video and it will all make perfect sense. Well, sort of.

more »

by Steve Hall    May- 7-07    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Strange, Video

M&Ms Darky Goodness Gets Addam's Family Treatment


Aside from the fact M&Ms is soon going to run out of new colors and flavors lest they start naming the little guys cyan, magenta and beige, Masterfoods, with help from BBDO and HSI Productions, has enlisted the Addam's Family to introduce their new dark chocolate product. View the finger-lickin', finger snappin' goodness here. We must admit we like.

by Steve Hall    May- 6-07    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

One Time...At Brand Camp, I Copied Apple's Commercials


Does anyone really have time to go to yet another ad industry conference? Apparently, Brand Manage Camp thinks so and they've decided to convince people why their conference is so special by using Apple commercial-style videos. Unfortunately, it's pitch sounds the same as every other industry conference; "If you only attend one conference this year - this should be the one! The best and brightest minds in branding will deliver the actionable insights and tools you need to do more with less, find your brand's next big idea, enhance the customer experience, and tap your brand's true potential." Yup, that sounds radically different.

by Steve Hall    May- 6-07    
Topic: Good, Industry Events, Video

Massive Manhood All That Matters to


Well there you have it. Yet another superficial approach to promoting a dating service. For any man who doesn't have a 13 inch plus piece of erect manhood,, and the women who use it, don't think you're worthy of consideration. This is one angle has taken in a recent three spot animated television campaign. It's as if the creative team popped LSD (see, we got the drug reference right this time) before concepting this very very different approach to dating service advertising. We're guessing since has the extreme cleavage angle claimed, had to go in a different but equally extreme direction.

by Steve Hall    May- 4-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good

Old Jingles Make Comeback in Nostalgic Ad Quiz


If you've ever harbored questions about the quality of your ad indoctrination, ease (or aggravate) those concerns with the TV Jingles Quiz from Mental Floss. We nailed 11/16 and lament the absence of the Whatchamacallit song, which was our favourite.

There's something deliciously twisted about feeling childhood fondness for a sales gimmick. Then again, what music isn't trying to sell you something? Even the Beatles are pushing shopping carts these days.

by Angela Natividad    May- 4-07    
Topic: Games, Good, Online

Axe and Tag Are for Boys, Not Men, Says RGX


A clever little campaign dubbed RGX Life touts RGX as a mature brand that's easier on the senses than flashy jockstraps like Axe and Tag. In a compelling series of ads, actress Rachel Specter challenges the camera eye's manhood with a few well-written insecurity jabs.

Bravo, RGX. Shame is a time-honoured and totally legit tactic. Consider how long Listerine's been doing it.

If you're curious about how RGX is holding up against the competition, Advertising Age has practically written a novel about it.

by Angela Natividad    May- 4-07    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Online, Television