Web.com Helps Loonies Start Web Businesses


Here's a couple (1, 2) of new commercial from recently re-branded ISP Web.com. The two spots take a quirky look at how an ISP can help grow an individuals business whether you're a homeless guy unsatisfied with terrestrial handouts or a psycho girl friend who can't seem to get enough satisfaction terrorizing her own boyfriend.

by Steve Hall    Mar-20-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Good, Strange

Women Caged In Glass Demonstrate Adidas-Wear


Who know what the right term for this stuff is anymore: ambient, experiential, transient, guerrilla, whatever. Anyway, flickr user cdfio snapped this shot of a bunch of women each encased in their own glass cube doing stretching exercises while wearinf Adidas-wear.

by Steve Hall    Mar-19-06    
Topic: Good, Guerilla

Got Milk Campaign Travels to Brittelactica


Adding a change up to the American Dairy Association's Got Milk? campaign, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners has created a new campaign focusing on a race of aliens from Brittlelactica who suffer from a "series of horrible health ailments" until they visit earth and discover a special elixer called Da Iry. A TV ad points to a content-rich website that riffs on the supposed problems a diet without milk can cause. Brittelactica is broken into four regions, Insomniastan, PMStonia, Papua Hairthinny and Cavitopi, each suffering from ailments caused from the lack of milk. Each region contains a history and a message from the region's chancellor. each of whom suffers from his region's ailment.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-17-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Commercials, Creative Commentary, Good, Online, Television

Comcast Ad Says DSL Is Good For Turtles


Created by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners San Francisco, produced by RSA, puppeteered by Stan Winston and digitally tweaked by Brickyard VFX, Comcast has launched another of its DSL attack spots. This one, however, reverses the argument and say DSL is just perfect for the Slowskys, a turtle couple featured in the spot. The points to TheSlowskys.com, a character blog on which everything slow is celebrated with glee. Whether planned or not, the blog is slower that a Flash site trying to cram itself through a 56K modem. See the ad here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-17-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Weblogs

'Lost' Promoted in Brazil With Missing Persons Poster

11872 Publicis.jpg

Advertising for Peanuts points out a campaign in Brazil created by Publicis Sao Paulo to promote the ABC series "Lost." The campaign features missing persons posters with the images of the show's characters.

by Steve Hall    Mar-17-06    
Topic: Good, Poster, Television

Hispanic VW GTI Mk V Commercials Star Speedy Gonzales


CreativeOndemanD, Volkswagen's Hispanic agency has created three commercial for the new GTI Mk V which feature Warner Brothers' Speedy Gonzales. The three spots feature the speedy dude in three different scenarios blending original footage with animation. You can view the three spots here, here and here.

The spots are airing on Univision, Telemundo, Telefutura, Azteca America, Galavision, Mun2, Fox Sports en Espanol, American Latino, SiTV, ESPN Deportes, CNN en Espanol, GolTV, and MTV en Espanol. The campaign also includes outdoor in Miami, Los Angeles and New York.

by Steve Hall    Mar-17-06    
Topic: Brands, Commercials, Good

Xtra-Pine Cures Women's Sexual Fantasies


You'd have to agree the whole sex-in-advertising thing leans heavily in favor of men with most sex-based ads containing hot, untouchable women conjured from the fantasies of male art directors. It's very rare, in fact, to find an ad that turns the drool-inducing strategy on its head and caters to women. Perhaps it's because the industry adheres to the stereotype that only men are the horny ones, easily swayed by the lure of sex. Maybe it's because women are superior to men and don't let their lives revolve around the need for sex. Or maybe it's some weird Darwinian thing where, due to the forces of human procreation, men just have to have it more than woman.

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by Steve Hall    Mar-17-06    
Topic: Commercials, Good, Online, Trends and Culture

Ads Say Wake Up And Stop Wasting Your Life


By making people feel like they waste too much time sleeping by presenting them with long lists of books they've likely never read (but should have) or places they've likely never traveled to (but should have), Leo Burnett Lisbon, for its client Heredia coffee, tags these ads with, "You lose 1/3 of your life sleeping. time to wake up." See the other ad here.

by Steve Hall    Mar-16-06    
Topic: Good, Newspaper

Aloha Airlines Deals With Luggage, Not Baggage


Now here's an ad with some moxie if that's the right word. In this ad for Aloha Airlines, we have this couple sitting together accompanied by the copy, "We'll deal with your luggage. You deal with your baggage." Whether that sentiment eludes to the husband's bulging mid-sectional baggage or the personal baggage he burdens his wife with with his apparent smugness, the ad certainly extends well behind the save haven of most ridiculously sachrin airline advertising. The work comes from Hawaiian agency Milici Valenti Ng Pack.

by Steve Hall    Mar-15-06    
Topic: Campaigns, Good, Magazine

Radio Station Launches T & A College Ball Tournament


Indianapolis radio station WFBQ has launched its own version of the NCAA tournament. Sponsored by Hardee's, Finlandia Vodka, Southern Comfort and Jack Daniels, WFBQ's version of the tournament throws basketball teams out and replaces them with hot models. Now, rather than tracking your team, you can track hotties.

Each division gets it's own set of models to select from. For someone who really doesn't give a crap about college basketball, this contest is way more fun.

by Steve Hall    Mar-15-06    
Topic: Good, Online, Promotions, Radio